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Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

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  • Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

    Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later....Mr LPC was out on the PFT course ran 3 miles, and ended up in the ER.....we still arent sure whats going on, but it looks more and more like medical retirement is in the near future....dunno.....they said it wasnt a heart attack, but they gave him nitro and asiprin and he was as blue as a smurf...whats funny is NOBODY BOTHERED TO CALL ME!!! This all happened around 11am and I get a call at work around 230ish.....I had to have the other girl in the office drive me on base....anyway...thats been my interesting day!!

    Mrs LPC

  • #2
    Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

    Hope he's ok.
    I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


    • #3
      Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

      So is Sam ok????


      • #4
        Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

        Dunno much yet..he has to go back to the flight surgeon Monday morning....I guess we will know more about it then

        Mrs LPC


        • #5
          Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

          Did he finish the PFT? He could get non-rec'ed for promotion without an up-to-date PFT score.

          In all seriousness, I hope he's alright, that's THE MOST important thing.


          • #6
            Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

            <font color="aqua">Jeezz, I'm so sorry Krista, please give him our best and you take care.... </font>
            Dave ->

            "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


            • #7
              Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

              Yeah he finished....25 min I think....and he says hes not worried about a non-rec'ed, hes a SSgt...whatever that means...

              Mrs LPC


              • #8
                Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                I hope your are ok Sam...and I hope you don't smoke...


                • #9
                  Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                  They didn't call you until this afternoon?!!!!!!!


                  God, Krista. I hope Sam is okay. That is really scary. Please let him know we're all thinking of him, and hope y'all find some answers soon.



                  • #10
                    Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                    He seems fine now, hes in the kitchen usual...LOL....I know, I couldnt believe they didnt call me until after 2. I guess they thought somebody at MAG 14 called, and MAG 14 thought the hopital nobody called....Im just glad they didnt put him SIQ or whatever it is....we have a Christmas party to go to tomorrow night and I didnt want us to miss that....Im sure he will be around here sometime tonight...



                    • #11
                      Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                      I hope everything is OK. Please keep us all posted on things here. We will be thinking about you both for sure. Tell Sam to hang in there and get well soon and get his ass back here on the JCF where he belongs. Best wishes!!
                      "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                      • #12
                        Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                        Krista, I am sorry to hear this. I sure hope Sam is feeling better.
                        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                        • #13
                          Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                          Wow....Hope things go good! Take care...


                          • #14
                            Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                            SSgt is a Staff Sergeant, that's his rank. Pretty respectable.

                            SIQ is Sick In Quarters, that means you are pretty much supposed to stay in your room/house. But since you guys are in base housing, I assume, the base MP's aren't going to stand outside your bedroom door with a dog and make sure you don't go anywhere. God damn I'm glad I'm out. If someone told me I had to stay in my room I'd punch them in the gut so hard that they wouldn't even like it or anything like that even.


                            • #15
                              Re: Home from the ER...FINALLY!!!

                              Hope Sam is Ok. Take it easy for a bit bro, and come and hang out with us..typing is WAY easier than running..

