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Sick of it All...

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  • #61
    Re: Sick of it All...

    [ QUOTE ]
    I wonder how many guys are posting on other forums "I'm sick of my wife and 3 rotten kids. I never should have married the rotten witch. I hate my job and I should be out on the road playing guitar" [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    You know it's happening as we post...

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I don't have any kids, but I never should have married my ex-wife! Divorce actually allowed me to have a savings account and buy more gear! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


    • #62
      Re: Sick of it All...

      First off, I just wanna say that I have a tremendous amount of respect for you Chuck and Sully, and to all of you who posted your hearts out in this thread and play the cards you've been dealt. You have all been through hardships a lot worse than I have (yet) and still come out kickin'.
      I have not been a member of this board for more than a year, but I have learned a lot in that time about guitars, and some things about life itself too.

      You might wonder how I fit into this thread, well I can say for sure that I definitely relate to it...
      I'll try to make it brief:
      I'm 23 years old, been playing since I started out at around 10...first 6 years I practiced hard...then fell into a little on/off period...and now for the past couple of years I've been playing more since I got a POD setup to record on my PC. Even though I haven't practiced in years I still feel I've had a good deal of progress in my playing.
      I have a low-level education in telecom. and didn't really enjoy the job, and can't even get one since the telecom. market sucks here.
      I'm unemployed right now, and am definitely at the biggest crossroads of my life thus far...I've worked different jobs but nothing that I really liked, and when I've been doing the 9-5 thing I always came home feeling that I was wasting my you feel something better is out there just waiting for you to grab it.
      When I was 16 I was planning to go into a high school which emphasized music but since it involved moving away on my own, my parents basically talked me out of it...I guess they were afraid that I would become an addict or some other overprotective BS...I assume they didn't know me well enough to give me the level of trust I needed. So that eventually lead me into the path I went with electronics and telecom.

      Since I was 17 I've had some really really bad depressions going on, basically just being throes of rejection in the beginning, then on to the usual existential problems...I'm not going to go into too much detail but suffice to say I'm only still here because of a split second decision.
      Anyway I'm not bothered with depression anymore (it definitely made me more cynical in a lot of ways), not in the way that I used to be but now I feel like I don't know where I'm going...stuck with an education I don't like, and I know I have a talent in music, everybody who ever heard me play said that I have it, hands down, I've never had someone say that I sucked or didn't know how to play and it really kills me to know that I'm not using my gift to the fullest.
      I can't find a school that offers anything I like, I can't seem to find a job that really gives me anything other than some cash, the music scene here is not happening at all.
      I'm not gonna sit here and proclaim myself to be some kind of genius but I just feel so damn different and out of place.

      At last I'm gonna say that Dime's lifestyle has influenced me to strive to have a more positive outlook and have me try harder to get up every day and just say "what can I do to have some fun today?", because life is precious no matter what our situation, and tomorrow might be a lot worse than today.
      I'm blasting Pantera's Floods as I write this....

      thanks for taking the time to read this, you rock [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

      - Rune.

      edit: re-reading my post, I just wanted to add that I didn't write it because I want your pity, I just wanted to share my story in honor to those who shared theirs...and I believe reading those somehow makes us all stronger.


      • #63
        Re: Sick of it All...

        I think this thread has touched a lot of people and helped them to open up and be dead honest about things that are bothering them. Talking about these things can be a great help. I know I feel better and closer to my friends here.

        Big respect from me for everybody who has posted here, or read through the posts and ponderd what we were saying for a minute...thank you.

        This all has made me certain that no matter what path I choose, I will always have friends here, friends that I can count on and friends that can count on me. That feels better than any decision about my life or my future.

        Speaking of my future, lets look at a little instant karma, shall we?
        My parents are very involved with their church. Both of them sing in the choir, and Dad is on the Board Of Trustees. Shorty after I moved here, they wanted to upgrade the sound system in the church, so naturally Pop volunteered me, saying "My son Chuck has been in bands for years, he knows all about sound systems, I'll get him to help..." Sure...OK. The Choir sings to recorded music on CDs that has everything but the vocals, and the old system was a home was a joke. So I got a budget and went shopping. Set them up with a 300 disc changer that holds all of thier discs and is programmable, a Mackie board, a Shure four mic wireless system with two handhelds and two laviliers, a BGW power amp, and set it all up. It works and sounds great and everybody is thrilled. They also had me go to another church close by and set up that system. They had good gear, just needed levels set right and biggie.
        One of the guys going to my parents church is a bigwig engineer at the local PBS television station. He and my Dad helped put in the new sound system, and he knows of my background in video production. He had me come to the station last week so I could see how things are run.

        Today I found out that he is going to need a production guy, and two editers, and wants me to have the production manager position. I haven't spoke with him about it yet, but I will this week when I help the church with sound for their outdoor Christmas program. It's up to him to hire the personall. I've seen the's state of the art. And a lot of it is familiar, betacam SP decks and Digital tape. DVC Pro, etc.

        I've just had a potential new career drop in my lap from out of the blue! How friggen wild is that? And I won't have to cut my hair or nuttin! This is friggen amazing... [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


        • #64
          Re: Sick of it All...

          Too cool Chuck! That is awesome dude. It sounds like thats a career you can sink your teeth into. But hey...Sorry... I don't believe in "Karma" though. I believe things happen for a reason....I'm happy for ya!


          • #65
            Re: Sick of it All...

            Congrats buddy! I guess that means you won't be moving closer anytime soon. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] Your still coming out for the show on the 8th right? (Weather permitting of course) My wife will cook us something killer and send you off with a fat breakfast the next morning!


            • #66
              Re: Sick of it All...

              WOW Chuck!
              That is great to hear from you!
              No matter how things turn out, keep your positive mind!
              And good luck with you for all!



              • #67
                Re: Sick of it All...

                Chuck, thats great! Best of luck with that man!! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                This has turned out to be a great thread. Best one in a while for me. Im glad it did, I really thought I Fukked up early on by asking about it and starting the train a rollin. But your guys made it turn into a good thing. I think we are all taking something positive from it. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
                "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                • #68
                  Re: Sick of it All...

                  Chuck, that is awesome! Congratulations!
                  Hail yesterday


                  • #69
                    Re: Sick of it All...

                    Right, I knows I'm just a lowly lurker but....

                    Chuck, dude, that sounds ace man!
                    Sorry to hear you were going through some hard times but what is happening for you now sounds great, hope you enjoy it...I give my full English luck onto you [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                    Sully, I have amazing respect for you. My Mum had me at 27 and went through all sorts of shit to get me into the position I am in today. She worked her arse off 24/7 and put herself into tremendous debt to send me to the best school in a rough area, I'm so grateful. My Dad wasn't even around (much) to help....Sully I commend you, uber respect coming your way.

                    As for me, I put myself into depression (16 year old angst etc, yeah I know, stupid isn't it?). I have an inferiority complex, I think I suck at EVERYTHING! No matter how many people tell me how much of a good friend I am/good guitarist/good looking/good kisser (just random pathetic things like that), I blow it off, tell them that I suck and make myself believe that I suck, by telling myself that they are only saying it to keep me happy (Paranoia, yeh, that's me [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]). At the end of the day it's no where near as bad as some of the shit you guys have gone through but it is something I needed to get off of my chest...

                    Keep Rockin'


                    • #70
                      Re: Sick of it All...

                      Wow Chuck, I hope something come out of that job possibility!! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] THAT is awesome. If anyone deserves that chance, YOU do.


                      • #71
                        Re: Sick of it All...

                        Thank you, friends. It's a little heady, cause I haven't worked since 2002!
                        I'm kinda, what a roller coaster ride the last 24 hours have been!!


                        • #72
                          Re: Sick of it All...

                          Wow...quite a read. Is it this time of year that opens everyone up like this???

                          Chuck, hope all works out on the job front. I know I don't post much here but I look forward to your comments on things. Thanks!

                          Sully...always a good read! Quite the writer! Hang in there man. Hope you are feeling better each day. Interesting that my initial contact with you was when I first signed up for this forum and wanted to have my guitar as GOTM...funny looking back now. Thanks for not "nut noosing" right out of the gates!

                 I need a drink (or a toast) to all of you!!! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                          • #73
                            Re: Sick of it All...

                            Congratulations Chuck.....


                            • #74
                              Re: Sick of it All...

                              <font color="yellow">Very cool thread, thanks to Chuck and Sully for being so honest and "real" in their words, and also to everybody else who has shared their thoughts/stories.

                              If I may, let me tell my story (NO! violins tho [img]/images/graemlins/refuse.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] J/k know that [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]).

                              I, like Sully, picked up guitar very young, around 7ish seeing my dads Guild D-4 sitting in a stand in the living room. It was "his corner" where he would figure out Beatles, Cream, and other stuff that caught his ear and I'd watch amazed for hours.

                              He worked as a carpenter, and was gone a lot, so when I got out of school, I'd pick it up and start noodlling around, and then he caught me and taught me some chords, the notes, and how to "listen" to a tape and find it on guitar. I started to tear apart Mel Bay (good ol' Mel [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]) and after a couple of years of physically growing and learning stuff, I was able to play along with some Beatles stuff (not great, but OK for like a 10 year old).

                              I progressed from there, Dad bought me a 76' Peavey T-60 (laugh, but damn I miss that guitar [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]) and I entered the world of electric with my trusty Sundown 2X12 amp, and raided my sisters room (she is 7 years older) and kidnapped her Kiss Alive albums, Ted Nugent, Peter Frampton and whatever else she had and started to learn those licks. For Christmas of that year, I got my Les Paul Custom that I've had ever since through all these years.

                              I finally got a good teacher who was into Van Halen and Rhoads, Scorpions etc. and my world opened up, learned about technique, my "friend" Mr Metronome, and 3 note-per-string scales. I had a good ear and a massive love for guitar and music in general and progressed rather quickly. By 15, I was playing in bars with cover bands with older dudes (in their 20's/30's) and learned a lot, some good, some bad....but it was all a experience.

                              Then, tragedy struck me down. I walked into the local "friendly" post office, pushed on the door handle like I was supposed to, and the handle broke for whatever reason and my hand went through the glass, in the process severing my ring finger tendon, artery, 3 nerves, and also damaging my pinky which is basically permanently disfigured. I was devastated, and had to endure a lot of physical therapy and had to totally teach myself all over to play again with a fukked up left hand. If you ever see me play, you'll notice it immediately.

                              So, I finally got to be good again and started back in the band scene, when glam and metal were picking up steam and finally hit Maine by bands such as Ratt, Dokken, Van Halen, Ozzy, and the rest of the 80's gang. I played pretty much non-stop from late 86-92 in different bands and played along the east coast (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire). The 80's were so decadent and immoral (God love em') and had a blast.

                              Well, without going through another long story, I joined the Marines in early 93' where I've been ever since. Guitar has sadly taken a back seat to my career and Mrs LPC as I simply don't have the time to devote like I used to. I still play for myself, but I'm only a shadow of what I once was. I've been disenchanted with it before and walked away, but I always come back to it. I guess I'm just happy to play along with CD's, record a bit (which I've never done before until a couple months ago, thanks Sully [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]) and have fun playing and amusing myself.

                              I still have a few guitars, I want more, and hopefully I'll continue to grow as a player and musician.

                              Now, with all the crap with my heart, my life is about to change drastically again, and maybe with any luck, I'll be able to relax a bit and get more into it if possible. Who knows [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

                              I wish everybody luck and best wishes with your musical dreams and aspirations. I've have fun gigging with different bands, have some great memories of the 80's and the whole "scene" which are safely within me, where they will stay [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                              Thanks for allowing me to ramble on, return to your scheduled JCF meanderings [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] </font>


                              • #75
                                Re: Sick of it All...

                                wow im sorry to hear that guys. right now im going thru BS with my X &amp; custody of my son. ive gone into debt more than i could ever imagine with lawyers &amp; child payments for a son im not even allowed to see which is BS. ive moved back into my parents basement &amp; its sux. the only thing i really enjoy right now is plugging in a guitar &amp; making noise as my parents call it, well most of you would probably call it noise too. i think its sad what you guys are going thru. years ago i was in a band nothing serious i thought but we got signed to an indie label made a CD. then i left problems with me &amp; chemicals they continued without me. ive yet to play in another band &amp; havent even really jammed with other people since then. but playing is still one of the few things i enjoy &amp; probably one of the few times a day im happy. besides the 2 hours i see my son. i hope its just a phase, if youve been playing this long i doubt your really going to give it up as much as you feel like you want to right now, you cant, &amp; hopefully you think about all the people at Fedex that need you Chuck....J/K

