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When is the US gonna stop...........

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  • #31
    Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

    Plain and simple the North wanted the Southern land - the farms, plantations, unlimited access to the Mississippi River and the ports at the Gulf and the Atlantic along Florida and Georgia's coastlines.
    If the canneries and such in the North owned the land and the crops, they could put slave labor to work the fields AND factories and rake in all the money.
    Sounds like b.s.? Look around today;
    -How much does one can of Green Giant Whole Kernel Corn cost?
    -How much does a bushel of corn go for?
    -How many cans can be made from one bushel?
    -How many corn farmers do you see driving an Escalade or Lexus?
    -How many canned-vegetable-company Execs do you see in a Lexus or Escalade?
    -How much does an average cannery worker make a year?
    -How much does an average farmhand make a year?
    -How much does it cost to produce one can of Green Giant Whole Kernel corn?

    The North invaded the South to steal the land which could not be bought, AND to avoid having to buy the land altogether.
    Where were the various Federal Departments seated? A Northern territory. Who is always the last to have adequate funding from said Departments, but the first to receive criticism about not implementing the recommendations and policies of said Department? The South. Why? Slaves. They wanted then, and still want today, everyone below the original 13 Colonies to have the very barest of everything so that we will have no choice but to beg for scraps from their tables.

    The Confederates were not traitors, as there was no allegiance to the Union to betray. The Southern/Confederate States were a Nation unto themselves - a sovereign territory much like the Baltic Republics and the like were before the rise of the U.S.S.R.
    Russia itself had no major physical barriers between it and the other former Soviet Republics, just as there were no major physical barriers between the Union and Confederate States.

    Don't believe the hype, folks. The War Of Northern Aggression was an atrocity funded by the Olde Monies with strong ties to England and the same greedy lust for dominance.
    Tell me, is the "General Consensus" among the folks in the Northern States (Maine to New York to Massachusettes to Vermont to New England to Iowa and Illinois to Philly to Gnu Jersey to Michigan to Ohio) regarding the Southern Folk STILL a conglomeration of The Beverly Hillbillies, Green Acres, Mayberry, and Deliverance?
    I'd be willing to bet it is.

    In keeping with the current times, "I demand a re-count". We won, the North lost, I smell a rat.

    And the General Lee without the Flag is kinda f'n stupid. Who do they think the General Lee is named after, General Tsung Lee of The People's Republic of China?
    Lemme guess, Bo and Luke are going to be White, but Uncle Jesse is going to be Aunt Jessie, and she's Black. Daisy, the sister/cousin, is going to be Hispanic, and Cooter's going to be from New York and be the smartest one in the bunch [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]
    How are they gonna do Boss Hog? Ooh I know - whatsisface that played Kingpin in Daredevil, right? [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]

    I'll bet Roscoe P. Coltrane is gonna have some sort of PC/anti-Southern twist as well.

    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #32
      Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

      [ QUOTE ]
      Anyone watch the Dave Chapell (sp?) show? One of his first episodes was on the other night. In it, he did a skit about a famous white supremicist book writer. He would go around speaking at all the KKK rallies, dunce hood on and all. Only the guy was actually a blind black man, raised his entire life to think he was white. Oh man, that was some funny non-PC s**t. That dude's show is a riot. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      [/ QUOTE ] yeah, I saw that, that was a funny skit. The reaction when he took his hood off as they sat in the pews after agreeing with what he said, and some had shook his hand was great.


      • #33
        Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

        Dukes movie cast list
        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


        • #34
          Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

          [ QUOTE ]
          yeah, I saw that, that was a funny skit. The reaction when he took his hood off as they sat in the pews after agreeing with what he said, and some had shook his hand was great.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Yeah, that one redneck's head blew up from the shock, spurting blood on the wall. Oh man, that was classic. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          The best was his own reaction about himself, after learning that he was actually black. And why he divorced his wife. Oh man, I was rolling. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          That dude is funny as s**t.


          • #35
            Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

            Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke. +1 on the boycott - this movie doesn't stand a chance of even sucking shit.
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #36
              Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

              I'm surprised the National Association of Carpet-Munchers (NOW) hasn't protested using the name Cooter in the show. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
              My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


              • #37
                Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                Wonder if any of those actors whose roles are unnamed is Cooter, or if there is no Cooter?
                No flag on the General Lee is ridiculously PC.

                Morbid, you have the right to your feelings, and freedom ofexpression - just as I do, and those who see the Old South as more than about slavery. Why do you think your rights are MORE important than mine?

                Xeno, great point which I did overlook. The South as an agrarian economy rode out the depression because it could resort to barter
                and everyone still ate; the North didn't have that ability. It's interesting that most anti-South prople don't respond to or acknowledge the fact that the Union did NOT free ITS slaves during the war, even when it was organizing Southern runaway slaves into military units. It doesn't fit their secular dogma about Holy Lincoln, the Moses of the slaves.

                Newc, you have some pretty good insights there as well. The Union, like it provoked Mexico to fire first so it could take the best half of their country, provoked the South into secession so it could crush it and rule as a conqueror over lands that were once considered equal partners in the nation. They never were really equal partners though, which is why the Confederacy was formed; as a nation of like minded states with common interests and goals.
                Wow, that's why the original United States was formed!

                Freaky deaky, huh?
                Ron is the MAN!!!!


                • #38
                  Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                  Yeah, Newc had some really good points there too. It's not even funny how much of that is actualy taught these days (none).

                  The slavery issue wasn't even really an issue, but the way most people reflect on the Civil War, you'd think that was the primary reason, when in fact it had little or nothing to do with it at all.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #39
                    Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                    I just wish all the people who think slavery was the main point would just go to DC and visit the Lincoln Memorial. Downstairs theres a letter written by Lincoln during the war stating that he really doesn't care that much about the slavery, it wasnt really the issue. What he was really concerned about was the southern states staying in the union. It was about the financial state of the US at the time. I just love revisionist history.


                    • #40
                      Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                      History books have always been written by the victors. Nothing new there. Our country has a looonnng history of ripping people off, two-faced-ness and greed. Nothing has changed. By the way Newc, while I'm sure you have a point, it's sort of lost on me since I have no idea what a bushel of corn costs or how many corn farmers drive luxury cars. If your point is that people in charge of the corporations make much more than the people at the bottom, I totally understand. If that's not your point, I'm not sure what is.

                      Back to the prom dress, I think that freedom of speech is VERY important, so much so that I have the word FREEDOM tattooed across my stomach, and as a US Marines I was willing to die for mine and your freedom. That includes the freedom of teenage girls to wear sequined battle colors to their prom. I think she has the right to wear a giant swastika on her prom dress. Same as her fellow students have the right to tell her what a dork she is and ostracize her. Let each person make their own choices, right or wrong.


                      • #41
                        Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                        > Has anyone ever wanted to BURN a Confederate flag? I do,anyone want to help? I can see how some people want to squash images that "promote" racism,or remind us of it,but I can also see how some don't want to let their heritage destroyed. What I have a problem with is the redneck culture that is often associated with it,young Sling Blade types riding around in loud ass jacked up trucks yellin "git r done" and crap like that,chicks walking into gas stations barefoot,etc. Just because there are 4 million or so in Tennessee doesn't mean we ALL have to act like it,LOL. Tommy D.
                        "I'm going to try and work it out so at the end it's a pure guts race......because if it is.....I'm the only one that can win" - Steve Prefontaine


                        • #42
                          Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                          The thing is, a large number of her fellow students would probably have liked the dress, and the school's fear of disapproval by a few, maybe even one, student or parent led to her being turne away. I understand why Jews are repulsed by swastikas, but if a descendant of the ancient Maya made a costume with the Maya swastika on it, he would have every right, and as a symbol of a Native American culture, might even be encouraged to wear it. The battle flag also represents a culture that is gone but still valued, for reasons unrelated to slavery. Courtesy, chivalry, love of the land, honor towards ancestors who fought and died for the cause of Southern independence, all are symbolized by the Rebel battle flag.

                          To cast all that aside with a racist tag is unfair. You may as well be offended by the flags of the current African nations whose tribes sold the ancestoprs of today's black Americans into slavery. Those people were either black, or Muslim. Ironic when you realize how many American blacks today choose
                          to become Muslim. They embrace the religion of those who sold them as slaves from East Africa. Well if they can pray to the Allah of the slave traders, why can't a girl with Confederate forebears wear a dress with the Confederate battle flag?

                          Ace, the victors do write the history books, but fortunately enough people have approached this from all sides that you can put together
                          a good idea of how it really happened, if you care to look. Personally, I think even if the South had gained independence, it would've reunified with`the North eventually, having more commonalities than differences. It would
                          have simply established that its cultural attributes were to be respected and not erased
                          within the Union. I think that would have happened by the turn of the 20th Century.

                          Sounds like a good subject for a historical alternate timeline novel! Well, I'd read it...
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • #43
                            Re: When is the US gonna stop...........

                            then kids at the high school I taught at this last semester were allowed to wear anythign band related. Any thign was OK really barring alcohol or drug related slogans. Beer and Pot shirts basically was all that wasn't allowed.

