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Terrible disaster in Asia

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  • #46
    Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

    On Saturday evening i was watching Day after tomorrow. When I woke up on sunday morning this has happened, scary.

    It's a terrible thing to occure


    • #47
      Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

      1/3 to 1/2 the victims are thought to be children... [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

      msnbc article

      apparently, a lot of heavy wave action before the actual tidal wave brought out the children and elderly to collect the fish that were being washed ashore. They had no chance when the actual tidal wave hit. Some of the pictures are unreal. Predominantly grieving parents. Reminds me of the Beslan massacre in terms of the type of heartbreak that is happening.


      • #48
        Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

        [ QUOTE ]
        I have a feeling the death toll is much higher than any of us will ever know, but the official count will go much higher. These are some densely populated coastal areas as far as both cities and lagre numbers of small villagesgo. It's those in the villages we may never get an accurate count of.God rest the dead, and God help the survivors. They're dealing with the loss of everyone they loved and everything they had, and resources to help them are probably stretched pretty thin.This happened a year to the day from the earthquake in Bam, Iran that killed smething like 25,000 people. The Kobe, Japan earthquake of 1995 that killed 5,000 in a well-prepared naion like Japan, was one year to the day from the Northridge quake of Jan. 17, 1994, which only killed about 60 people, that only because it was 4:31AM.If it had happened 2-3 hours later, thousands may have died on or under collapsed freeway overpasses and in subsequent traffic accidents. It's interesting how these dates align; I wonder if they're coincidence or if a pattern will one day be seen? I'd like to think one day we'll be able to give a couple hours' notice of these quakes and tsunamis so people can run for the hills or for an open field where nothing can fall on them.

        [/ QUOTE ]

        I don't think the death toll in the Northridge quake would have been much higher had it happened later in the day. We didn't loose a lot of freeways, and only one building collapsed. However, they say that if the glass goes in the skyscrapers downtown that the street will be six feet deep with debris. THAT will do the most damage.


        • #49
          Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

          Here's the video. Scroll down until you see the "Free Video" link. You must view it in Internet Explorer:

          Truly horrific. [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img]


          • #50
            Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

            Ace, we're lucky we didn't find out, but there was the 10 Freeway near what, Fairfax, that went down. You'd have people crushed underneath and those who'd go down with the overpass, and those who'd drive right off the collapsed overpass not realizing. Ame would've happened with the 14 overpass to Antelope Valley, pretty busy with people commuting into LA from 6:30 to 10:00 AM. Then
            too, I lived in Santa onica at the time ad more than one building collapsed in Santa Monica. I had numerous customers whose apartment buildings partly or fully collapsed, and one whose building burned down because the
            gas line ruptured in the water heater room and the electronic ignition of the water heater set the place on fire.

            Okay, thousands is probably an overstatement,
            but many hundreds up TO a thousand is not at all out of possibility. We were very lucky it happened when everyone was off the roads.

            I shudder to think about being downtown and having all that glass coming down. They say the difference between that 6.8 and the Big One of 8+ will be that the shaking won't be much stronger, but it'll last about 1-1/2 to 2 minutes instead of 10-15 seconds as in Northridge. Man it FELT like a minute or 2, not 10 or 15 seconds, though. That extra time shaking is what'll bring everything down, they say.

            Then I wonder if the shockwaves will bounce off of the Channel Islands and bring a quick tsunami onto the LA coast? The water's pretty deep there rght offshore, so probably not for the 8.0 Cali quake. The Hawaii falling into the Pacific quake will probably turn the whole Coachella Valley into an enlarged Salton Sea though. A 2-mile high tsunami would flow right through the pass going to Palm Springs. No more L.A. or Palm Springs, ad Phoenix would be close to our new Mediterranean Sea.

            That would be horrible in the extreme, but can't help be curious; would there be any sign at all left that there ever HAD been a Los Angeles? I mean, that kind of wave would make what we just saw look like the ripple from a rock thrown into a pond. Seems like it might leave no trace.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #51
              Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

              [ QUOTE ]
              1/3 to 1/2 the victims are thought to be children... [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

              msnbc article

              apparently, a lot of heavy wave action before the actual tidal wave brought out the children and elderly to collect the fish that were being washed ashore. They had no chance when the actual tidal wave hit. Some of the pictures are unreal. Predominantly grieving parents. Reminds me of the Beslan massacre in terms of the type of heartbreak that is happening.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              That is common, I've seen that in other documentaries where the water receeds, people run out to pick up the fish then *wham*, the wave is rolling on top of them and they cannot escape.

              This will be a huge catastrophe. Just the after effects of the current situation is enough to create conditions for disease and famine that will effect and kill hundreds if not thousands more.
              Add to that the strong possibility that there will be more aftershocks of significant magnitudes occurring for up to a year or more effecting relief operations and cleanup/care.

              I heard on the radio an expert saying the predicted death toll could double to 50k during the coming weeks and months.


              • #52
                Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                Similar to a Volcano, after a few days the ash stops then people return and then the posion gas comes out and kills twice as many and it keeps getting worse!


                • #53
                  Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                  Man this sucks. Just heard in the news that the death count went up to over 55000 people.
                  The father of a good friend of mine went on holidays on the maldives (sp?) and was supposed to get back on monday. My friend hasn't heard any news since then. I just hope everything turns out ok.


                  Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                  • #54
                    Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                    It is indeed sickening... the death toll just continues to rise... 60000 was the last I heard.

                    It's hard to comprehend a number like that...

                    Flo: I know you like Nasum, did you hear that Mieszko is missing? It feels like shit... he's a really nice guy. It's equally terrible to everyone affected of course!



                    • #55
                      Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                      Death toll is pushing 60 thousand now. I hope your friend wasn't anywhere near the water when this happened, but unfortunately it looks like it was a beautiful day in most parts affected until this happened. Terrible, almost unfathomable, the scale of destruction.
                      I cannot help wondering if there were any cruise ships in the region.


                      • #56
                        Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                        A cruise ship would probably be okay if it were some miles out into the ocean; it might only feel a swell of a few feet. The tsunami is raging at the bottom of the ocean and doesn't rear up as a wall until it nears shore where the water's shallow.

                        60,000 gone, and they say disease will probably kill as many or more than the tsunami
                        itself. The main effort now is to try and prevent that, there probably won't be that many rescues of those who are unaccounted for.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #57
                          Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                          Anders, yeah i just heard about it in the news section of my favourite metal site. This really sucks. Hope he's ok and gets found.


                          Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


                          • #58
                            Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                            THis is so very terrible. I cant even imagine being there. all the horror and sadness. My heart goes out to all the people dealing with the loss of loved ones.

                            Ya know, I cant begin to imagine the physics involved with a wave like that. Does anyone have any statistics on the speed of the wave or anything like that? I looked on and and i couldnt find anything. I would be curious to know what the magnitude of that was.
                            "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                            • #59
                              Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                              80000 deaths.. and I found out a friend of mine is missing too [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] this sucks
                              "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


                              • #60
                                Re: Terrible disaster in Asia

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                THis is so very terrible. I cant even imagine being there. all the horror and sadness. My heart goes out to all the people dealing with the loss of loved ones.

                                Ya know, I cant begin to imagine the physics involved with a wave like that. Does anyone have any statistics on the speed of the wave or anything like that? I looked on and and i couldnt find anything. I would be curious to know what the magnitude of that was.

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                I've seen/heard various reports on the speed of the waves - the range is between 300 and 500 miles per hour - freakin' unbelievable.
                                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                                - Newc

