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My kids' Christmas Season just went to crap

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  • My kids' Christmas Season just went to crap

    My wife just called, she is in New Orleans visiting her former in-laws with the kids for Christmas. Apparently her ex-father in-law dropped dead of a heart attack this morning with my step-daughters in the house, they are 13 and 14. Man, I hope this doesn't ruin Christmas for the rest of their lives. I feel so bad that I can't be there with them. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
    Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.

  • #2
    Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

    Man, Jack. I am really sorry to hear that. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
    I really am.



    • #3
      Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

      Jack, I'm really really sorry to hear that man. That is truly bummer news. That has to be a horribly hard one for the kids, I sure hope they're as ok as they can be can be considering the situation. How seriously traumatizing it has to be for them. I'm sorry....

      You're all in my thoughts bro...


      • #4
        Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

        That's terrible man, I wish you all the most strength to get through this, My thoughts go out to you all,


        • #5
          Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

          I've been horrified of tragedies on major holidays for years. I certainly hope the kids are strong bro.

          Is jumping on a plane an option for you? Something to think about anyway...

          Thoughts and prayers from this way as well...



          • #6
            Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

            I'm sorry to hear that Jack. You and yours are in my thoughts.


            • #7
              Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

              It depends on how much trauma they were exposed to. If you children are close to your wifes ex father in law. I would watch them. Could be/is traumatic to them.


              • #8
                Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                <font color="aqua">Jeeez....I'm so sorry to hear this, our thoughts are with you and your family. </font>
                Dave ->

                "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                • #9
                  Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                  Jack, I'm so sorry for your kids and the whole family. It IS very traumatic; that is what happened to me, with my dad, when I was 11 years old. Figure out what you'd say if they want to talk about it, then just tell them you're there to talk to them when and if they're ready. There can be a lot of anger, not just sadness, especially since they're new teenagers as well. You'll all be in my prayers.


                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #10
                    Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                    Thanks everybody, believe it or not these girls hate me when they are with me because I am the voice of discipline, but after it happened they called me because they wanted to hear my voice and talk to "Daddy". It really broke my heart, they lost their father when they were 4 and 3 but this happening so close to Christmas sucks. I'm sure they will be ok. I can't go there, I was on vacation last week and in the middle of a huge network overhaul here at work. My wife seems to be doing ok with them. Thanks again everybody.
                    Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                    • #11
                      Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                      Take care, I know that you'll do the best you can for them my friend.


                      • #12
                        Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                        Man that truly blows [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
                        God Bless you guys and the kids.

                        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                        My Blog:


                        • #13
                          Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                          Sorry to here the bad news [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
                          You are a good man just give them the support and love that you always have.You and the family will be in my prayers.


                          • #14
                            Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                            Damn bro, sorry to hear the news. Hope everyone will be cool. I kinda know how it feels too. One of my good friend's father also died close to christmas. He was a little tipsy at the wheel driving, so he pulled over and let his wife drive. On his way to the passanger side of the car, another car hit him at full speed because I guess he walked a little too far away from the side of the car. It'll take time and the holidays will be a reminder for awhile, but things will work out. Most important thing to stress is to keep talking to the kids about it. The more they talk the less they have bottled up inside of them.

                            - Irfaan -


                            • #15
                              Re: My kids\' Christmas Season just went to crap

                              Sorry for you and your kids man... Hope they grew up remembering the good Christmas instead that sad one. Remember that life goes on, they have you, so lift them up [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img].

                              Wanna know something? My kid's and my Christmas season went to crap too... I bought for them those crapy Chinese Lifan little motorcycles. The crapiest gift I bought for them... got broken the same day [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]. Hope my story make you smile...

