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Your style? What defines you?

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  • #31
    Re: Your style? What defines you?

    EVH, Jeff Beck, Satriani, Yngwie, Greg Howe, Vai,Steeley Dan, I borrow heavily from all of them , yet try not to sound like any of them. I understand modes fairly well so when I used to actually write music I would look at the modes for the song sections and listen to how other people play in those modes and take it from there. But nobody has ever told me you sound just like so and so, so I don't know who I would compare my style to. I guess a little of all of them (Hopefully not sounding like Sh!t)
    If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


    • #32
      Re: Your style? What defines you?

      I am 90% self-taught, and I don't usually have the patience to learn other people's whole songs, usually just a riff here and there. Over the 13 years I've been playing, I've really developed what I would consider a unique style. I can't just picku up with a band or strangers and cover Beatles tunes, but I can convey just about any emotion I have on my guitar in my own way. I only know a handful of scales, and I have a basic understanding of note relation, but I associate notes more with their sound than their name or place in a scale or chord. I am pretty good at getting music in my head out on the fretboard, and when it comes to laying down the law and playing fast and hard, I have to say that I am at least decent. To put a label on what I play I'd have to call it:

      Psycho Stoner Death Grind

      I can rip it up in the Pentatonic pretty well too.


      • #33
        Re: Your style? What defines you?

        A cross of Rock/Metal/Fusion. A lot of Legato type phrasing and tapping with a bit of bar work.
        "What defines me?" My Tone.


        • #34
          Re: Your style? What defines you?

          No doubt about I have no style. I have many influences but no style... I sound kinda like I have two broken hands and severed tendons in my arms.. Not pretty. I have a noticable sound not in a good way. I like playing though so you can't stop me

          so I say my style is

          Defiant Cripple Retard
          I keep the bible in a pool of blood
          So that none of its lies can affect me


          • #35
            Re: Your style? What defines you?

            Wow, a lot of you guys sure hold your playing in low esteem. You guys can't ALL be as bad as you say you are, or you wouldn't dedicate so much time to discussing guitars.


            • #36
              Re: Your style? What defines you?

              We are all our own worste critics. but it also helps keep us humble in a sense. I can play like a mad man hopped up on crank and caffine when im just wanking and kinda make sense of it. However when it comes to playing over a song or soloing with a song i get lost. I need a better feel for modes and scale work within a song. Ive been self taught for 23 of the 25 yrs of been playing. However when regular customers hear me play at work they say im a really good player and have a lot of feeling behind it. But I just say Nah i suck. it helps keep me humble and honest.


              • #37
                Re: Your style? What defines you?

                I know that I'm decent, but I also know that I have A LOT to learn. As for style, well my favorite guitar album is probably Yngwie's Concerto For Electric Guitar And Orchestra. I like a lot of shred guitar and a lot of classical music. My goal is to write small stuff like duets, trios, quartets including myself on the Soloist and my girlfriend on cello. (Unfortunately she can't play much now because she got carpal tunnel syndrome, but hopefully she'll be good to go again soon)


                • #38
                  Re: Your style? What defines you?

                  Nothing really. When I'm just noodling around, I just play through a few modes or a song of some creation... my own, or the band I'm in. I'm a part time hack that is good enough to play rather technical original tunes, my improv sucks, and I don't practice much at all. One of my most respected local friends/talents once called me a great musician early in my musical career. I was honored, but I'm nothing special. I do show up to rehearsal on time, pay my dues and learn the material I have to and play it relatively well when it counts the most, at gigs. He said all of that was a special talent in itself. Seeing many other musicians in my time playing in bands, I've come to agree with that to some extent. Style though? I don't think I'm very unique. I just happen to find myself in unique bands.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                  • #39
                    Re: Your style? What defines you?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I love playing Neoclassical stuff, and shreddery and whatnot. But in the end it's the BLUES that I fall back on.

                    Nothing tops Blues in my mind! [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]How about you?

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    I couldn't agree more. Only difference is that i can't play neoclassical [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
                    If i see someone play really fast, i'm impressed, but i've never been so much impressed as when i first saw SRV on DVD. I mean, that's tallent right there. You just KNOW it's unreachable.
                    As for my own playing, i don't think i have a distinctive style, well i've only been playing for a year too, so i guess it's normal

