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How Healthy are You People (seriously)

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  • #31
    Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)


    Well, it is hard enough for herbal/alternative healers to get any respect as it is. Granted, there are many many bogus and faddish supplements and vitamin cures and things saying they are natural when they are in fact not. Uneducated people are easily caught up in this and that is why there is a market.
    Especially those herbal weight-loss gimmicks, that's a crock. So, really it is the fault of faddish people like that looking to make a buck.
    But the Quack guy lumps us all together and says things like this:

    "6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with cure. Alternative healers often have forceful, charismatic personalities. To the extent that patients are swept up by the messianic aspects of 'alternative medicine', psychological uplift may ensue."

    And he makes claims that alternative therapies such as acupuncture and naturopathy are not based on any scientific studies and that I KNOW to be a load of crap. I busted my ass off reading all those studies for the past two years.
    Western medicine today is based on plant medicine that has evolved into synthetics and chemically engineered medicines. Some helpful, many harmful.

    Though I agree wholeheartedly to be wary of any healer and their therapies, including MDs.



    • #32
      Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

      I'm so fuckin' healthy I walk on fuckin' water. So there.


      • #33
        Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

        I'm 36. I work out 3-4 times per week because I don't want to get fat. I'm tall and thin but I do have a bit of a roll around the waist that's been with me for years. I eat like shit (candy, pop, burgers, pizza). Don't smoke or do drugs but I love beer and an occasional hit of Jack Daniels.

        Honestly I'd trade a couple years off the end of my life in order to keep drinking beer. But really I think beer will help me live a longer and more fulfilling life. I actually feel sorry for those of you who have given up beer.

        I generally only have a couple beers a week except when we gig. And then I drink it by the pitcher, I don't even bother with a glass at our gigs, just give me the friggin pitcher. Of course free beer is half the reason I'm still in a band. Seeing 22 year old chicks flash their titties at an old guy like me is the other reason.

        And oh yeah, and I've playing guitar for 20+ years and needed an outlet for my music so the gigs are handy for that too.

        Moral of the story...good things happen to people who drink beer.


        • #34
          Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

          Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. --Benjamin Franklin (yes that Benjamin Franklin).
          Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


          • #35
            Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

            First and foremost, I must say a huge "THANK YOU"!!!!! to Ace for his service to our country. It can't be said enough.
            Now, I am 27, 5'8", and weigh 160lbs. I am not a health freak at all and I believe that true happiness and having a sense of accomplishment and pride in oneself is the way to a truly fulfilling and healthy life. I really don't think that I want to live to 100 just so that I can have someone wheel me around while I piss and shit myself. That bieng said, I eat a strict Mediteranian diet. Not so much by choice but, by heritage. I smoked cigs for 10 yrs but, quit 2 yrs ago. I will have a smoke every few months or so but, I have VERY strong willpower and have no problem doing this. I don't do any drugs at all, although I smoked weed for 10 yrs but, quit that about 3 months ago. As far as drinking goes, I will have a beer now and then and I drink wine with my fish and pasta usually. I am currently trying to stay away from food that have alot of preservatives in it and I drink about 1-2 gallons of water a day...of course I still have some bad habits like everyone else.


            • #36
              Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

              Well, an equally huge YOUR WELCOME to you my friend!! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


              • #37
                Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                Hmm I dunno exactly how healthy I am. I'm 19 years old and 5'10" 140lbs. I haven't really exercised or worked out in a few years, I basically am lazy as hell. But the weird part is my metabolism kicks major ass so I eat tons of junk food every day and never gain any weight at all, and I can still run a mile in just over 6 minutes so I have no motivation to exercise. I have Acid Reflux disease which is pretty annoying, I can't really drink pop or anything carbonated. So I eat horribly, but my drinking is very healthy (pretty much only water, tea, juice, gatorade). I've never smoked or done any kind of drugs and don't intend to in the future. I've tried alcohol but I just cannot stand the taste of it, so I don't drink it at all (also because I don't think being drunk is a good feeling, I get really frustrated when I can't focus or think quickly and clearly). So yeah, that pretty much sums me up. I guess I'm decently healthy, but have plenty of room for improvement.

                Oh and as far as detox stuff goes, I have never tried anything like that. I figure if I'm not putting a bunch of toxins in my body, then I don't need to do anything to remove what isn't there..


                • #38
                  Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                  I'm 36, James is 59,we joined a gym about a month ago. I quit smoking 2 years ago, and wish James would, but that's his thing, I don't nag or gripe. We have been working out 3 times a week for about an hour a day. I am a very LOW carb eater, it's done wonders for James' sugar levels and cholesterol (sp?). Anyhow, we are trying to live a healthier lifestyle, and are excited about it. I still drink like a fish (I like my beer) and don't plan to give it up.


                  • #39
                    Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                    Fair enough. There really is no "aternative medicine anyway... It either works or it doesn't. The only way to know is with properly controlled, double blind studies. Most "alternative" medicine practitioners never take that step

                    Taking items x (either pill or plant) and feeling Y doesn't mean taking x caused it. It only shows one happened after the other. This type of evidence is anecdotal and shows nothing about the actual effectiveness of x.

                    It would be one thing if the potential didn't exist for people to seriously hurt themselves with perceived "safe" natural therapies. Not that western medicine is without potential harm, but at least your doctor should communicate to you what the known risks are and the likelyhood of developing those side effect.

                    I'll get down off my soapbox now

                    [/ QUOTE ]


                    [ QUOTE ]

                    Well, it is hard enough for herbal/alternative healers to get any respect as it is. Granted, there are many many bogus and faddish supplements and vitamin cures and things saying they are natural when they are in fact not. Uneducated people are easily caught up in this and that is why there is a market.
                    Especially those herbal weight-loss gimmicks, that's a crock. So, really it is the fault of faddish people like that looking to make a buck.
                    But the Quack guy lumps us all together and says things like this:

                    "6. Temporary mood improvement can be confused with cure. Alternative healers often have forceful, charismatic personalities. To the extent that patients are swept up by the messianic aspects of 'alternative medicine', psychological uplift may ensue."

                    And he makes claims that alternative therapies such as acupuncture and naturopathy are not based on any scientific studies and that I KNOW to be a load of crap. I busted my ass off reading all those studies for the past two years.
                    Western medicine today is based on plant medicine that has evolved into synthetics and chemically engineered medicines. Some helpful, many harmful.

                    Though I agree wholeheartedly to be wary of any healer and their therapies, including MDs.

                    Em [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                    "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


                    • #40
                      Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                      the only really healthy things are:
                      i don´t smoke
                      i eat at least one fruit(or a salad) per day, for the vitamins
                      i´m quite happy weightwise 5'10" 160

                      otherwise i´m quite lazy for my health
                      i love meat
                      i won´t refuse a drink
                      i genarally drink definitely less(not more than 1 litre) water than i should(3 liters)
                      i hardly do any sports (only if you count playing guitars live)
                      sitting around at the office the whole day
                      (the only thing we visit my girlfriends horse[a friesian] almost daily so i get fresh air and some movement at least)
                      i drive anything by car


                      • #41
                        Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                        Fukking technology. Radio waves removing toxins? What happened to the good old high colonic? lol
                        We must!
                        We must!
                        We must increase the bust!
                        The bigger the better!
                        The tighter the sweater!
                        The boys are counting on us!


                        • #42
                          Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                          Not as healthy as I should be. 45, 6', 210 lbs. Have always been an athlete, but lately haven't been doing much. Smoke a pack a day, drink a six every other day and sit on my ass at work in front of a computer. Doesn't take me long to get into shape, problem is consistency. Once I get where I want, I have a tendancy to become complacent.

                          What's it gonna take?.......heart attack?
                          Wish I could see that. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
                          Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


                          • #43
                            Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                            I eat plenty of veggies, but lots of other crap too. I quit smoking, so that should have an effect on my health in a positive way. I still need to lose about 30lbs. I'm 6-2" so I think 190lbs is a good weight for me.

                            I've started working out again, and using the treadmill.
                            Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                            • #44
                              Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                              Heres my deal.
                              I am 32, Non smoker, I dont drink, only a few sociable drinks now and then. NO drugs of anykind, not even prescription meds. I lost 125 lbs several years ago. I have kept it off too. I weigh 190 lbs. 6'2".

                              Heres the good stuff I do ;
                              I excercise often, usually 3 times a week. Mostly cardio stuff to stay in shape and be in good health. NO weight training or protien drinks. Just a excercise bike, soloflex, and body ball. I also push mow my lawn in the summer, and do carpentry work around my house, snow shovel in winter, etc... house work stuff.

                              I eat balanced diet. plenty of fruits, veggies. I eat good cereals. ONly wheat bread. no white bread or white rice. no butter. I drink PLENTY of water everyday. I only drink milk at dinner, and I drink fruit juices with lunch and breakfast. I do eat red meats when I feel like it, but mostly its white meat. I hate fish so i never eat it. I eat a salad everday too.

                              What I dont do:
                              I drink alcohol very rarely.
                              NO fast foods! I havent eaten fast food for over three years(excpet for my "food trial" I explain below).
                              No candy, pop, chips or junkfood. NONE!
                              No coffee at all.

                              The funny part is after I adjusted to this diet, I figured I would allow myself to have a few of those things to treat myself so I wouldnt fall off the diet. Heres the Great part, Once my body adjusted to the good foods, I no longer craved the bad foods I once lived on. I tried a few things like fast food and chips and all it did was really upset my stomach and made me feel like crap. SO taht was a big boost knowing that I truly didnt crave bad foods anymore. i actually enjoy the good foods I eat now.

                              NOW, there are a few foods that I never quit eating, but I eat them in moderation now. These foods are ones that I love. they are good pizza, home made fresh fruit pies( I go crazy for these and dont gain a pound) and an occasional steak. Even with allowing myself to have those things I dont gain any weight. I just moderate them, but still enjoy them.

                              And I am here to tell you that there is one person on this earth that defies the theory that its easier to lose weight than it is to keep it off. That does not apply to me at all! I busted my ass to lose the weight! I had to excercise 5 to 6 days a week and be on a weight reduction diet different from what I listed above. To be very honest, its a cakewalk to maintaing my weight now. No problem. so dont let people scare you with that. My advice to people seeking weight loss is you need to find a weight loss diet and a weight maintanance diet that will become your lifestyle!!! This is the key! So many people try and fail.
                              anyway I know I kinda got off the track of health and more on the weight loss thing, but you get the idea for me.
                              "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                              • #45
                                Re: How Healthy are You People (seriously)

                                43 years old and getting older by the second.
                                I am 5' 8" and I weigh anywhere between 192 and 196 pending which day of the week it is.
                                I would be considered a gym rat and go 4 times per week.
                                I bench 385 clean, I can run the 40 faster now than I ever could in my entire life. I don't smoke and except for an occasional sociable glass of wine, I don't drink. I love running on the treadmill for some unknown reason. I am really thankful that I am healthy and I count my blessings everyday.

