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It look like I've made to a new decision.

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  • #16
    Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

    you can make a hell of a lot more money teaching man , making money as a recording engineer is almost like starting out in realestate selling houses on commision lol 2000 grand one month no money for 3 months ect ect . depending where you are teachings the shit . but you got to have a real good ear be able to tab stuff out fast know tonns of other types of music know your theroy and scales all the fun stuff . good luck ! and yes playing metal sucks for cash lol //Steve


    • #17
      Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

      not me cleve gimme more lol [my head is about to explode I think I almost wipe my ass now with ernie balltab paper] //Steve


      • #18
        Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

        Hey Bud, I was facing the same decision as you about six months ago. I came very close to leaving college and heading off to MI or Berklee. I'm still tempted, but at least at this moment, I feel a degree is more important.

        I have an uncle who is a musician and has ended up doing studio work his whole life without ever pursuing a college degree. Now, he is 40 something, taking night classes, and stuck in a job that isn't going anywhere.

        There is good and bad in college though, depending on what school you go to, and what your plans for the future are, there isn't a great deal of room for the metal head. I'm dreading the day I have to get a haircut, and can no longer just be a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. Sorry I'm not sure where I am going with that, but in the end, I think you made the right choice.

        It really does seem to be impossible to make money, in black metal especially, unless you want to be the next Dimmu. But you don't have to let that limit you at all.


        • #19
          Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

          [ QUOTE ]
          There is good and bad in college though, depending on what school you go to, and what your plans for the future are, there isn't a great deal of room for the metal head. I'm dreading the day I have to get a haircut, and can no longer just be a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. Sorry I'm not sure where I am going with that, but in the end, I think you made the right choice.

          [/ QUOTE ]
          Exactly. Plan is basically to get a job I'm good at and like, but hate having to go do every single day. Hate wearing the specified clothes, hate the boss, hate most of the co-workers, hate the customers, and hate having to do all that just to make money. That way, when I go home to write and record some metal, it won't be lifeless, tired metal, but grim, ass kicking black death hate rage metal! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          Who knows, maybe my crappy quality, ultra-rare cult CDs will mysteriously grab some record companies attention and they'll offer me a deal. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] They better offer a f*ck-load of money if they want the rights to my music!

          I'm off to research careers!


          • #20
            Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

            I am in the music business because I can't do anything else. My heart won't let me.


            • #21
              Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

              [ QUOTE ]
              I am in the music business because I can't do anything else. My heart won't let me.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              That is the best way to be. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: It look like I\'ve made to a new decision.

                Which is also kickass. I hope to hear something by your band soon.

                To me, you seem like someone who will make it in the music biz somehow. I can tell you have the proper work ethic to make things happen. I, unfortunetely, don't have the proper work ethic. I'm too stubborn, and too particular. I hope you get where you want to be in the music biz, cause you probably deserve it a whole lot more than I do.

                I agree with what you said about happiness. It does come from within, and only from within.

