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Should have stayed home... bad karma story

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  • Should have stayed home... bad karma story

    So, one of my neighbors needed help getting his wireless internet connection working. He's a buddy of mine, so I was more than happy to offer him a hand in getting that set up for him. As I'm backing out of the driveway this morning to head over to his house, I hear a sickening crunch and I realize I have backed into a Chevy Trailblazer that was parked across the street from me. The front bumper will need to be replaced. I haven't gotten the estimate back yet from the guy, but I'm sure it's not going to be pretty.

    Now, financially, this isn't going to break me. I'll pay cash or I'll go through my insurance is it's really outrageous, and it won't keep my kids from eating. It's not like I'm rich, though, and I certainly would have rather used the money for other things around the house.

    I guess the most frustrating part of it is knowing that the only reason I was leaving the house was to help a friend, and ultimately, I would have been better off if I would have stayed home.

    Things could certainly be worse, but sometimes it feels like you just can't get ahead.

    Thanks for listening.

    - E.
    Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!

  • #2
    Re: Should have stayed home... bad karma story

    <font color="yellow">Life happens could have been much worse (little kid riding by on a bicycle or something).

    It all of us at one point or another.

    It can be fixed, no permanent damage was done, and nobody was hurt.

    That's what's important.



    • #3
      Re: Should have stayed home... bad karma story

      Thats how i look on the bad things in life, it could be worse. Things will work out in the end [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
      93 USA Soloist EDS
      USA HT6 Juggernaut
      Charvel DK24FR


      • #4
        Re: Should have stayed home... bad karma story

        It always best to help friends. What happened could not be bad karma. Now, it you were on your way to slice your ex girlfriends or bosses tire, then yes, bad karma. You just had some bad luck.

        Then again, maybe he was going to be in an accident around the time you put his truck in the shop, and you just saved his life!

        Things are as they are bro... I like speaking of good karma, but, bad shit happens to good people all the time. So, you can;t always figure good or bad karma. Mostly, things just are. Live your life positive and do good things no matter what crap YOU are handed in life. It eventually pays off, if at least in just feeling good about yourself.


        • #5
          Re: Should have stayed home... bad karma story

          Thanks, guys. Yah, I know things could have been worse. And I had the same thought about the guy across the street being saved from some other bad situation because I made him go to the auto body shop.

          It sure helps to hear these things from other people though. Thanks. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

          - E.
          Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


          • #6
            Re: Should have stayed home... bad karma story

            Everyone chip in 50 cents for Alex's poor luck and get this taken care of..... Easy. There was a bumper sticker back in the 80's that summed this sort of stuff up pretty well.
            "Shit Happens" [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

