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Major Attitude problem!

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  • #31
    Re: Major Attitude problem!

    Oh believe me, we hyave gotten into it quite a few times. He is NOT in charge any more than I am.



    • #32
      Re: Major Attitude problem!

      That's exactly how our other bassist (former guitarist-turned-bassist) was - whatever he wrote could not be changed - not even the drums - but whatever covers we did or songs we wrote were open to his own interpretation, and we had to follow his lead or we wouldn't play the songs.
      He wanted his "stage name" to be "Uno Star" - Number One Star [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]
      That went over like a bomb at a synagogue, I can tell you that right now.

      If I go audition for another band at some time, you can bet I'll be looking for a vehicle for *my* ideas more than I would be looking for another "job", unless that band is well established in their local scene. If it's a Garage Band that has the talent but no direction, you can bet I'll give them the direction I need them to go in for my benefit. A Democracy doesn't work without rules or a leader, and Chaos never works for any measurable length of time.

      I don't think he came across as a prick - if his assessment of their ability was accurate, then the facts are the facts - ignoring them doesn't change the facts.

      Here's a few handy tips:
      -If you want to play covers, it has to sound like what the audience is used to, because they are also fans of the song. If you don't play (enter famous/well known song name here) the way that (enter original/famous artist/band name here) played it on the album, the audience will decree that you suck and you won't get another gig in that area with that name, because word-of-mouth reviews travel at the speed of cellphone.
      -If you suck, admit to yourself that you suck. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to overcoming that problem.
      -If you lay it out for all to see, expect some criticism, but learn what is spitefull critique and what is constructive criticism, and be open to both.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #33
        Re: Major Attitude problem!

        There's nothing wrong with wanting to play with musicians at your own level, and there's nothing wrong with a band having a leader either. But walking into an audition and telling the band how it's gonna be is pretty rude. If they aren't up to your ability, politely decline. Music is very personal. Bands are supposed to be fun.


        • #34
          Re: Major Attitude problem!

          Ok guys,

          I am admitting that I sounded like an Arrogant overconfident so and so, But I have to make a few things clear here.

          First, the singer was 41, so my age had nothing to do with any of this.

          Second, I was asked by the singer during one of out many LONG conversations before I came over, to check out the other guitar player and give my opinions.

          First it isn't right if you are haveing auditions to have the guy before you sit there and watch you, but the singer knew that I was in my last band for over a year, and from seeing my clips etc, he knew that I had experience doing this.

          So as I said I WAS ASKED to give my opinions on the new guy, and never mind the fact hat they only knew him for a half an hour longer than me, yes he was cool, but he could have turned out to be a total ass in week or so.

          I was asked right on the spot if I could work with him and I answered honestly and said it would take a few weeks for me to tell, being that they only practiced once a week.


          Do you remember when I was going through the audition forthe last band, dealing with the Crazy Train solo? If so, you know that I am the last guy who is over confident in my abilities, and I didn't SAY to them that I was a better Rytym player than these guys who can shred, I was just making a statement about the lack of talent in my area.


          I didn't tell anyone that they sucked, as a matter of fact when asked privatly about the other gutarist, I told them he didn't suck or anything, just he had no experience playing with a band, and that it was really noticable and add to that the lack of vocals and it may have been a waste of time.

          I told the other guys that they were way better than my last band, and for the most part that was true. In hindsight , if it hadn't been for the fact that the bass plwyer playe one piece so horribly out of key , I may not ahve said anything about the fact that I know when things aren't right with the other instruments.

          Any of you guys familiar with the song Shimmer, by Fuel, well if so, it was the middle break down part where you hit the D and then the bass plass a few notes, VERY SIMPLE and I was mentally thinkging if he couldn't do that, then maybe their may have been a lot more of this down the road.

          Again, I admit I probabaly came off looking arrogant, but beleive me , I'm the last person to think of myself as a super highly proficient lead guitarist. And Like I said I was asked if the other guy could stick wround during my audition, so I could see whether he was anygood or not.

          So was I wrong in stating what I did about him, after being asked?

          I think what I am going to start doing and maybe it is wrong, but this is how it's gonna have to be, is if someone calls me and wants me to come check them out, I 'm gonna ask for some clips, as well as send them mine. If they are already established , then it shoudn't be a problem to get me a few clips of a few songs and if they aren't , well then I really don't want to fool around putting something together from scratch.
          Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


          • #35
            Re: Major Attitude problem!

            Well, all due respect, but I think you'll be taking yourself right out of the local market doing that, Rick. Word will get around in your small musical clique that you are "difficult" and those people talking will omit the parts that exonerate you. You're the guy that walks in expecting to take over, that will be your rep on the streets - fair or not.

            You need to lighten up and, even if asked your opinions, be diplomatic until you've made friends with the people you're playing with.
            You can say things mildly, and briefly, and I agree, leave your other band's history out of it. Just say it didn't work out, and if someone knows the story, or part of it, don't rise to the bait. Coment briefly and don't hose the old band, because the new guys will envision you hosing them in a year.

            If you were an established local star, you might be able to dictate more terms. You are known as a good guitarist who's difficult to work with, form the flip side of what you're saying, so you're not in position to dictate, again unless it's your practice place, PA, and gigs, you can't be that picky in a slim pickings environment.

            You'd be better off deciding not to play in a band, than trying to dictate terms to a band you're looking to join. That's just foolish,
            no offense but no other way to say it.
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #36
              Re: Major Attitude problem!

              I am considered one of those "difficult" guitarists. I always have been and always will be. Sometimes it is a real negative being so frikkin fantastic at every instrument and having relative pitch that is most of the time perfect. Check this out[img]/images/graemlins/baby.gif[/img] I can tune a guitar to E or Eb by ear with no reference tones at all and most of the time I am dead nutz accurate. What a useless goof of a gift. Keep looking bro. You'll find a band.


              • #37
                Re: Major Attitude problem!

                I think my problem may come to a head here pretty frekin soon. My songs have been referd to as boring by my other guitarist. I try to have a mix with my writing style. Some are a tad involved, some are just a simple "groovy" little diddly or whatever that everything just comes together on and sounds good. My other guitarist has actually sat on his amp and refused to play one of them. He didn't even give it a shot. If everyone came up to me and told me my stuff was weak, I would drop it and move on, and it has happened before and I dropped the song. Everyone can come up with a stinker here and there, but the ONLY person who has ever done this to most of my songs is my other guitarist.



                • #38
                  Re: Major Attitude problem!

                  prime example Matt as to why there really is only a need for one guitar in a band [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                  • #39
                    Re: Major Attitude problem!

                    Damn straight, or atleast not with an ego prick like that. I have been in plenty of 2 guitar bands and never even came close to what I am hearing in this one.



                    • #40
                      Re: Major Attitude problem!

                      Huh. Possible guitarist opening in Syracuse, eh? *chin scratch*


                      • #41
                        Re: Major Attitude problem!

                        i love playin in two guitar bands, i like being able to fill out songs, and come up with multi guitar parts. layering rules. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

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                        • #42
                          Re: Major Attitude problem!

                          Rick: Of course you know more about what happened that day than I do. I am speaking more of a hypothetical situation than yours in particular. That's just sort of what I read into your first post.

                          Matt: When someone calls your playing boring, maybe you need to try the zipcode thing!


                          • #43
                            Re: Major Attitude problem!

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            I am considered one of those "difficult" guitarists. I always have been and always will be. Sometimes it is a real negative being so frikkin fantastic at every instrument and having relative pitch that is most of the time perfect. Check this out: I can tune a guitar to E or Eb by ear with no reference tones at all and most of the time I am dead nutz accurate. What a useless goof of a gift. Keep looking bro. You'll find a band.

                            [/ QUOTE ]That was my title too, the difficult guy, and can tune a guitar with no reference tones either, except the one that's in my brain from 32 years of playing.The diff, John, is that you are quite well-established in your area as a player, teacher and repair tech, and have lots of professional experience in your resume. A guy can be an excellent player, but not have those pro credentials backing up his experience, and can't necessarily walk into a rehearsal and take over. You've probably been playing about as long as Rick's been alive.I am not knocking Rick at all, I just think from what he's described here and in past posts - and he's been posting on the subject for a couple of years - he's in an area where he doesn't have a pool of excellent musicians to choose from. When that's the case, you either make do with what you have, or you do without. To decide you're going to raise your standards when you can't even find anyone at the old lowered standards, well it seems a recipe for disappointment to me. To me, if your goal is to take a group of halfassed players and drill them into shape, well you need to bond with them first, so they're not threatened when you do start teaching them stuff. My 3-month experience taking basic classical lessons, my teacher was so cool. When my technique was poor, he'd always say "That's great! You'd be ale to do it even better if you..." then he'd make the correction. I never felt under the gun and absorbed the info. If he'd come in and laughed and said, "Hey numbnuts! Can't you even do freestrokes? Well your ass needs to shape up!"I would have probably quit.Subpar players are usually sensitive about the fact. You build up their confidence, you don't walk into their practice room and say "I think I can teach you lameass punks to play this stuff right if you'll pay attention."You jam with them for a couple of months, then you say,"That bass part's cool, but I think the exact part is this." Make him feel like he came close and that you just cleaned it up, even if his version was half wrong.Do it that way, Rick, and in addition to getting a band going and having more fun, word gets around and you might could build up a little business giving lessons. You might ultimately be able to "grow your own" band by recruiting your top students. Hey, Paul Gilbert did it when Racer X needed another guitarist.
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #44
                              Re: Major Attitude problem!


                              That stuff about saying that was cool, but I think it goes like this, is exactly what I tried to do for a year in Backlash and , well you know the story about the bass player, You guys remeber my imfamous Greenday clip [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                              Your totally right about my standards keeping me from getting anywhere becasue of the lack of musicians in this area, but thininkg long and hard, I'm not gonna lower them. I would rather not play then play half assed.

                              I wouldn't be able to play at the level I can now if I didn't have the standards of myself that I have and I don't need to play with guys as good as me, but I'm not playing with someone who can't keep time or plays out of key either!

                              For the most part, I agree and respect what you guys are saying, cause I did come across like an ass, but there were a few comments that were totally wrong and those are comeing from guys who don't know me or have never discussed anything with me in a thread.

                              I never said or even felt that , " I'm so good that I can do this or that", that isn't the way I feel about my skills as a guitar player, and those of you who do know me know that, You can say I came across, or sounded like an Ass, and rightly so, BUT dont tell me I AM ass or a prick .

                              I want 2 guitars as much as anyone cause I am totally into harmony leads, I I can't tell any singer that I am better than he in any way , cause I can barely sing anything.

                              I way to many words What I was asking is" was it wrong for me to give my opinions, whe I was asked for them" and a few of you have me made out to be an egotistical idiot.

                              I already admitted I was totally wrong in the way I came across instead of the way I meant to.

                              And as for some of your theorys that if I put up with it, word will get around, adn I will find better more skilled guys to play with, well it didnt' happen after a year cause the band couldn't get anyone to come see us, Wonder why that is? ,cause they sucked!

                              It sounds like Newc is one of the only guys here who feels like I do about wasting my time.
                              Madness Reigns......... In the Hall of the Mountain King!


                              • #45
                                Re: Major Attitude problem!

                                Bear in mind that it seems Newc has basically given up on the idea of having a band too. He hasn't had one in years and doesn't seem to have any plans to either. There's nothing wrong wth that, that was what I was saying: if you DON'T want to lower your expectations, then forget the band thing and become a home recordist, as Newc has.
                                Ron is the MAN!!!!

