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The job market...

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  • The job market...

    I have officially been laid off for one week now, and the job market is pitiful. I don't mean to complain, but living in south central PA has got to be the worst decision I ever made in my life. I have a bachelor's degree in Sociology and was working for a major juvenile corrections company as a mental health counselor for the better part of the past 6 years. Now that I have to go through the whole resume/interview/wait/re-interview/wait/never get called process, I realize how sh!tty it really is. Anybody going throught he same thing? Any idea of where to get a good job?

  • #2
    Re: The job market...

    Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately I don't know anything about your field. If you were a software engineer I could have an interview scheduled for you no problem. Good luck.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #3
      Re: The job market...

      After working for the same company for about 5 years i was laid off 1/04. I work in the IT business and it is not the greatest right now. I finally found a job in 11/04 and was fortunate enough to find a really great job. I did the whole resume thing, interviews, and no call backs. It totally blows and makes you feel like you have no skills. Even though i know i do. I ended up signing up for after about 6 months of being out of work. It ended up getting me the job i have now. You will get a good gig man. You sound like you have some great qualifications. As my old man told me, make looking for a job a full time job. Immerse yourself in it and go for it. I am a firm believer in destiny, my new job is greater than my old one and i got about a 20% increase in what i was making. Good luck man !!
      Look Up...Get Up...And Never EVER Give Up...


      • #4
        Re: The job market...

        thanks for the pep talk. I wish I was closer to a "real" city, but the closest one is Harrisburg (PA) and that is an hour or more drive for me. I have been looking into becoming a college admissions rep (lots of travel!), but unfortunately there are not many colleges in this area either.v I'm sure something will come up. If worse comes to worse I can go full time at the pet store!


        • #5
          Re: The job market...

          Hey bro, I'm in the same boat now. I had 3 possible things come up and all of em fell through. All I can really tell ya is figure out what you wanna do (I don't know if you have a wife n kids, might not be possible to do the next part), relocate if the possibilities are not there and keep trying. That college admissions thing sounds cool, but if it means constant traveling, moving wouldn't be a huge issue (with me that is, dunno bout you). Either way, good luck. I'm going back to school to be a music teacher. Figure all the crap I thought I wanted to do just wouldn't work and in the long run this will make me happier. That's the important part, be happy with what you do. Your gonna be doing it for a long time.

          - Irfaan -


          • #6
            Re: The job market...

            I hear ya Etaeniura, I basically wanna forget 2004 from my memory. I was working at a Videogame company in Canada for 4 years then they just up and decided to screw me out of my job.
            So I had to move back to the states and leave my girlfriend and friends behind. So I'm in the whole resume sending out phase just waiting to see if I get a response. Hope things pick up for you.

