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Insomnia or what?

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  • Insomnia or what?

    Ok fellas, need a little help here.

    I don't know much about insomniacs, but do they sleep at all or just an hour or two or what? I can't seem to sleep AT ALL for about 2 months and I'm wondering if this might be it. I go to bed at 7am (that's when I get tired, I fall asleep at 8) and wake up at 12pm (4 hrs a night, not bad I think). Basically...Not Good. I start back school in the fall and am in the middle of looking for a job again and I can't afford to keep this up. I've tried going to bed earlier, staying awake the full day and going to sleep at night the next day, but I always end up on the same sleeping pattern. I just wanna sleep, lol, someone gimme an idea or something. Good news is I've been playing guitar like there's no tomorrow and I'm actually gettin pretty good. Now I just gotta figure out a way to record myself.

    On a totally different note, I've actually been playing a certain tune I've been messin with. Wanted to record it and put it here in tribute to our guys on the board who are going through their hard times (I don't know ya'll personally, but when I rant your there to listen and I appreciate that more than you know), but dunno where to start. Gonna go check out NewC's recording guide seeing how I can't sleep.

    - Sleepless Irf -

  • #2
    Re: Insomnia or what?

    depression? Anxiety? Sleep disorder? Taking any medications?

    Alot of things affect your sleeping habits. FIrst off-going to bed at 7am is a bad idea unless you are working overnight shifts. It is very unnatural to sleep during the day like that. Anyone who works those shifts will tell you it takes a very long time to get used to it, and they still never usually get as much rest as they should.

    One thing you must focus on is consistency-if you get into a routine of going to bed at a cetain time and waking up at a certain time, your body's biological rhythms will adjust to your schedule. In any case, I would see a doctor just in case.


    • #3
      Re: Insomnia or what?

      Try sports.. I couldn't sleep much either, but once I started working out and going for runs I'd be tired enough for a good nights sleep.


      • #4
        Re: Insomnia or what?

        I wish I could help but what you could try is to quit drinking/eating things caffeine i.e. soda, coffee, chocolate etc. Try to get a routine down to where you go to bed about the same time, read and relax before you try to sleep. Have a beer, a glass of wine or something to relax you. Don't work out or exercise anywhere around the time you plan to sleep.

        I average about 5-6 hours a night which isn't nearly enough but is my choice. I work regular hours (8am-5pm) and have weekends off. I just can't sleep very well if the sun is up [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] I stay up later at night because most of the time that's the only time I have to myself (have wife and 2 kids). Most people say healthy sleep is 8-9 hours a night, I wish I could do that but I'd have to go to bed at 9pm during the week...that will never happen.


        • #5
          Re: Insomnia or what?

          Well, see the thing is I don't eat candy or cholocate or anything and don't drink soda, so the sugar rush can't be the problem. I also drink maybe once a week, so don't think that is it either. I normally get 5 hours of sleep and wake up refreashed, more than that and I get tired easily. Guess it varies from person to person. I'm actually considering maybe it's a mental thing like etaeniura suggested. The night I heard Dime was shot I stayed up all night and all day reading news on it, and that was the start of the sleeping pattern problem. I don't think that's it, but it might be. Either way, I still try and relax when it comes time to sleep at a normal hour, but I get this rush of energy at that time. Gonna try working out a few hrs before I sleep and see if that helps. If not I think I'll just try NyQuill to knock me out and see if I can sleep that way. Thanks for the advice fellas. Hell any help at this point would great.

          - Irfaan -


          • #6
            Re: Insomnia or what?

            Working out should help espicailly if you are not doing anything physical in your daily routine.


            • #7
              Re: Insomnia or what?

              i worked shifts for a while when i left school, days nights afternoons. one week i would work 7.00am till 3.00pm then
              11.00pm till 7.00am and 3.00pm till 11.00pm totally fucks
              a regular sleeping pattern [img]/images/graemlins/sleep.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: Insomnia or what?

                I haven't slept more than ~3 hours at a time for weeks and I feel great. Sure it's not "normal" or "healthy" but I feel fine, that's all that matters right?

                I also haven't slept for more than 4-5 hours on a regular basis in like 5 years. Hell, I don't WANT to sleep more than I do. I'd be even worse on the guitar than I already am.

