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Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

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  • #16
    Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

    The funniest tax return I ever did came out with the guy owing almost $600,000. The scary part was where that money was going to end up.............


    • #17
      Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

      We could have had free health care...

      Taxes piss me off, I did my feds, and cleaned house, but the states and locals I didn't do yet. Going to suck.


      • #18
        Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

        A couple of years ago, Tennessee did the same thing Texas did when I lived there: they were threatened with a state income tax, so they went to a lottery, instead. I rarely buy a lottery ticket, but at least I have a CHOICE as to whether to buy it or not. I would much rather have that than, "...okay, let's see, now, you made $xxx.xx this week, so we'll take $xx.xx out of it and there's not a damned thing you can do about it."

        Taxes SUCK.
        Member - National Sarcasm Society

        "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


        • #19
          Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

          [ QUOTE ]
          We could have had free health care...

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Where, USA ?? Nothing is FREE !!!!!!


          • #20
            Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

            I've been saying it for years - Americans are not free! We are modern day slaves to the rich!

            I think I paid close to 30% of my gross income to taxes - thats BS! Thats like working for almost 4 months just for the government!

            Did you know 1% of americans own almost 50% of our country's wealth? Oh well - better get back to work so my master can sip a drink or two ...


            • #21
              Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

              You post makes no sense. The rich do not collect your taxes, the government does. Most of the tax dollars collected go to things like military, social programs, public transit, public parks, hospitals, etc. If anything the poor are taking all your money because they use all the services but dont pay as much taxes as the rich. If anyone has the right to bitch about taxes, its the rich, becuase they pay for private services as much as they can, while the poor leach off the system and dont contribute to it................


              • #22
                Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey.....

                I couldn't agree with Accept2 more, that's the way it is.

                [ QUOTE ]
                We could have had free health care...

                [/ QUOTE ]
                [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] and you think we're getting raped now?? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] John Kerry bitched that we couldn't afford Bush's tax cuts. Then what did he want to do, recsind the tax cuts and use the money for "government run" healthcare. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Empty promises dude...

                [ QUOTE ]
                I've been saying it for years - Americans are not free! We are modern day slaves to the rich!

                [/ QUOTE ]

                So try to become one of the rich.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                In reality the rich pay most of our taxes, if you don't believe me then ask someone who makes over $150,000 a year and see what percentage they have to send to Uncle Sam. The less you make the less you pay, percentage wise. The more you make, the more the percentage is. It's called a progressive tax system. I live in VT, a very "progressive" state and we pay out our asses, The thing that really gets me are all the people around here that bitch about the high taxes but have never gone to the voting booth to do something about it.


                • #23
                  Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                  Just to put things in perspective:

                  Numbers are not totally correct, but good enough to give an accurate description.

                  Assume that I make about $1700 a month, before taxes.

                  I then have to pay state tax, which is about 34% here in Sweden. I now have about $1100 left.

                  Before the money was handed to me, my employer had to pay something called "employers duty" (that goes to my future pension, unions and other things that no one has been able to figure out yet). This duty tax is 32%. So, my original payment before taxes was really ~$2300, but I only see $1700.

                  Next, I go to the store to buy things for my money. Almost every article I buy will have 25% of VAT (value added tax) added toit, which mean that in reality I have another 20% less money to actually by stuff with. This leaves me with $890 left. My "real" initial payment was $2300, and all I have left in the end is $890. If I decide to buy gas or alcohol, where the VAT is a couple of 100 % instead of 25 %, I virtually have NOTHING left.

                  So, out of my $2300 I have paid more than 60 % in taxes.

                  Socialism rules, if you are poor. They say that we pay "only" 34% in taxes, but if you add up all the hidden duties and vague taxes it is way more than that.

                  Sure, I get free healthcare, education, 5 weeks of paid vacation every year and alot of other stuff, but I still sometimes think it would be better if I atleast would be given the chance to take care of those things myself.


                  • #24
                    Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                    your money is better spent by you and not by a wasteful government. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                    • #25
                      Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                      Yeah. As long as you are on the "give more than you receive" side, socialism sucks. If you are on the other side, socialism might be a good idea [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                      The only thing wrong with our system here, I think, is that it does not encourage people enough to actually do something to get to "the other side", i.e. paying more than they receive back. Such a system, as ours, is self destructive in the long run.


                      • #26
                        Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        ...but it was the IRS's fault that I didn't pay

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                        - Newc


                        • #27
                          Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                          They're the ones that lost my Money order, It's my fault for losing the money order stub. The only proof I had was the
                          $480 withdrawl from my account the day I bought the money order
                          I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


                          • #28
                            Re: Taxes blow infected puss oozing green donkey..

                            Madness, I'd quote you, but I'm going to refrain from anything of a political nature on the board. If you wish to discuss politics, PM me. There's more to the scenario, and I don't wish to get into it in this thread, or any other thread, so as not to tread on anyones feet.

                            As relating to taxes, they are a pain in the ass.

                            A few things to think about taxes,
                            1; you really don't have a say in what programs they go into, even if a president wants something, there's the system of checks and balances. Money is divided into different budgets, that really have no need. The PA terro budget. We get an absurd amount of money, to buy RV's cars, cell phones, and then some not so absurd things such as bomb detecting equipment, training, and things that we can't know about for "public security purposes". In essense, I'm paying money to feel safer, but, I don't know how I'm safer [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

                            2; Income tax is only temporary (sarcasm) it was supposed to be lifted years ago.......ago...echo.echo...echo.

                            3; You have to pay taxes no matter what. Regardless of what system you have, regardless of what political power is in office, taxes are needed. I always used to laugh at the anarchists in school, I always thought, who will pay for the roads, military, and anything that has to do with public service...oh wait, there won't be one, there will be a big mosh pit with people going oi oi oi oi ANARCHY!!! Made absolutely no sense to me. These people would bitch about this place, when in reality, it was because they were in America, with this government, that they can bitch. The only way to not pay taxes, would be have some sort of socialist goverment. In reality, when you look at things from the perspective in sociology, the reason our goverment works, is because there is little difference between the political parties, save for the radicals on the FAR left and FAR right. You didn't used to vote because you were a republican or democrat, you voted for a better man, and if you look closely, it's usually one or 2 major things that draw the line of a party, but for the most part they are the same (illustrating my point, things work because there is little choice in the matter, even though we have choice.)

                            5; As much as taxes suck, we could be like those people paying duty taxes and the like and the VAT on things. If certain people have their way, income tax may be dropped, and a tax on everything will be instituted. It will seem like you have more, but when you have more to spend, it just means more to be taxed.

                            Something to think about, it doesn't matter WHO the governing official is, once they have our money, they don't want to give it back, and any sort of tax reassignment may look good, it's more than likely going to benifit them. I read an article, I believe it was in this months Maxim, or FHM, or maybe Playboy, I don't know where, but it mentioned taxes, and what it would take to get rid of income what the biggest crock of shit it was, from a financial stand point, taxes (ESPECIALLY) income tax, are a needed evil.

                            If not, expect rates of upwards 20-39 percent on EVERY good, not just non essentials.

