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The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

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  • #16
    Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

    [ QUOTE ]
    no stukes, all that matters now is 20 year old box.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pictures Please [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Wait I am serious [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

      I'm not sure I undertand how anyone could "hate" New England. It's not like we win every year for a decade (see Steelers of the 70s and 49ers and Redskins in the 80s), have aton of attitude (Cowboys of the 90s). They don't brag, they don't taunt (much). They are a great TEAM without a lot of superstars. So, I don't get how someone could "hate" them.


      • #18
        Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

        Don't even get me started on how much I HATE the Patriots.

        For me, it stems from the officials overlooking all the rules that are in place for every other team. I compare them to the Detroit Pistons "Bad Boy" era, where they were allowed to drag the talent of better teams (ie. Celtics) down to their level by breaking the rules and somehow getting away with it.

        1 - Any fair, intelligent person knows that Brady fumbled against the Raiders, plain and simple. To even try and say that was an attempted pass insults my intelligence.

        2 - Against the Rams in '02 and the Colts last year, they get to MUG the recievers, but it's ok, it's the Patriots.

        3 - They're so boring, overrated, and i'm f*n sick of hearing about them. To compare Brady to the likes of Montana etc is a joke...

        Argh... I can't continue


        • #19
          Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

          [ QUOTE ]
          Don't even get me started on how much I HATE the Patriots.

          For me, it stems from the officials overlooking all the rules that are in place for every other team. I compare them to the Detroit Pistons "Bad Boy" era, where they were allowed to drag the talent of better teams (ie. Celtics) down to their level by breaking the rules and somehow getting away with it.

          1 - Any fair, intelligent person knows that Brady fumbled against the Raiders, plain and simple. To even try and say that was an attempted pass insults my intelligence.

          2 - Against the Rams in '02 and the Colts last year, they get to MUG the recievers, but it's ok, it's the Patriots.

          3 - They're so boring, overrated, and i'm f*n sick of hearing about them. To compare Brady to the likes of Montana etc is a joke...

          Argh... I can't continue

          [/ QUOTE ]

          I can't disagree with one single statement there! Well said Ralph! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]



          • #20
            Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

            Forward motion gentlemen. It doesn't matter if he intended to pass or not. The fact is his arm was moving forward at the time that he lost the ball. Rules suck ha? I can't believe people are still whining about that.
            We must!
            We must!
            We must increase the bust!
            The bigger the better!
            The tighter the sweater!
            The boys are counting on us!


            • #21
              Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

              Actually his arm was not moving forward any more when he got hit.

              In any event, they lost that game and should not have even been in that Superbowl to begin with.

              And if "rules suck", how come they don't come into play when the Patriots play defense?


              • #22
                Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!


                I hear ya Ralph, that was a bad call, one of the worst in NFL history, no way the Pats should have won that game! It was a fumble, Soloist, how can you honestly say that? Really... Forward motion? Sure, but he didn't have the ball at the time...

                I agree with favoritism in the NFL, it's too bad actually as there are several teams that consistently get the calls and whoever they're playing get the shaft, it's a know fact. I realize people are sort of blind to the fact, but it's true.

                One of the last few games of the season for the Rams, Holt went up to a ref and said hey man, they're holding me, why no calls? Ref replied, "apparently, they're not holding you enough" [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] Sure it's funny, but wtf are the rules in place for? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]



                • #23
                  Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  no stukes, all that matters now is 20 year old box.

                  [/ QUOTE ] So true Tommy! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                  Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                    We're still waiting for pics bro, bust out Tommy! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]



                    • #25
                      Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                      I think the worst sport going is the NBA. I have played basketball for 30 years, and used to love watching the NBA. I still do in the regular season, but once the playoffs start, it is unbearable to watch. You basically feel like a dumb-ass sheep sitting there for 2 1/2 hours, and then the refs take over.

                      I noticed it getting bad during the Jordan years (and I liked the Bulls, but it was a bit much). And then the Laker years when they wanted to make Kobe "the man" (before his fall from grace).

                      There were games against Sacramento where they called a foul every single trip down the floor for the whole 4th quarter to keep the Lakers in the game.

                      Why bother watching a predetermined outcome? I'd rather watch NCAA ball now, since those guys actually play hard and the ref's aren't nearly as bad as the NBA.


                      • #26
                        Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                        I never said that I personally didn't think it should have or shouldn't have been a fumble. According to the rules, forward motion is all that matters. To me forward motion in a pump fake doesn't cut it. If it was an intentional pass fine. But I didn't make the rules. I've seen it called in other games that way also. You guys are making it seem like the Patriots are the only ones that have bad calls ruled in their favor though. That would be like me saying the Yankees always get calls in their favor. I think we know niether is the case. The Patriots certainly did capitalize on calls the ref's made that were questionable.
                        We must!
                        We must!
                        We must increase the bust!
                        The bigger the better!
                        The tighter the sweater!
                        The boys are counting on us!


                        • #27
                          Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          You guys are making it seem like the Patriots are the only ones that have bad calls ruled in their favor though

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Not me man, not intentionally anyway, I've said it all year, "anyone" that plays the Rams get a tilt. I'm only commenting on the games I've seen or that are most memorable, SB's included, but there are certainly other teams that get the calls, each and every week, it's saddening. Look at the teams with the great running games, you can't possibly rush for that many yards without "some" no call holds on the line, and a lot of them are so blatant, it's pathetic.

                          Eh, whatcha gonna do, all we can do is b!tch about it cause it will never change.

                          And sorry Ralph, I can't comment on B-ball, never been a fan and msot likely never will...



                          • #28
                            Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                            I've seen tons of horrible calls. Blatant holds that get unnoticed or ignored. Unfortunately the ref's mistakes or bias are as much of the game as the plays the players make. Both baseball and football have been getting worse in my opinion. Luckily for the ref's the union covers their asses. There are plenty of guy's out there that ref and ump that could do ten times the job some of these jokers can.
                            We must!
                            We must!
                            We must increase the bust!
                            The bigger the better!
                            The tighter the sweater!
                            The boys are counting on us!


                            • #29
                              Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                              It's very frustrating, cause it takes the fun out of watching a game when they don't call it fairly.

                              And I definately think there is favoritism at times, case and point...

                              The Packers were playing the Texans on a sunday nite this year, and Brett Favre completed a pass at the end of the game to set up a winning field goal. Here's the catch tho, the reciever never got out of bounds and Favre didn't realise it to call a timeout and was casually walking up to the line. Time was running out (there was like 5 seconds left and counting). The ref comes over and let's him know the clock is running so he can call a timeout. He does, and Green Bay wins after kicking the field goal.

                              Even the guys on ESPN were like, would they have done that for David Carr or Brian Griese, etc?


                              • #30
                                Re: The Super Bowl XXXIX Champions!

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                Don't even get me started on how much I HATE the Patriots.

                                For me, it stems from the officials overlooking all the rules that are in place for every other team. I compare them to the Detroit Pistons "Bad Boy" era, where they were allowed to drag the talent of better teams (ie. Celtics) down to their level by breaking the rules and somehow getting away with it.

                                1 - Any fair, intelligent person knows that Brady fumbled against the Raiders, plain and simple. To even try and say that was an attempted pass insults my intelligence.

                                2 - Against the Rams in '02 and the Colts last year, they get to MUG the recievers, but it's ok, it's the Patriots.

                                3 - They're so boring, overrated, and i'm f*n sick of hearing about them. To compare Brady to the likes of Montana etc is a joke...

                                Argh... I can't continue

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                Ummm...ok. No other teams get calls, only the Patriots. It's a global conspiracy for NE to win. [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img]

