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Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

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  • Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

    <font color="orange">I avoid watching awards shows. What is it about them? Take for instance the Grammy Awards. I call them "Vanity Awards". Behind the scenes a hand-full of 40-50 big money music moguls decide who is going to get what and how many.. congratulating each other.. "you vote for me in this category and that catagory and I'll give you this one and that one.." etc.

    Then they sell the show to the networks who in turn sell advertising for commercials.

    We end up seeing a circus variety of "employee/talent" who strut out on this "red carpet" with white veneer teeth, flash dress and gold jewelry. They perform their stuff, which is forced out on the market weather it is good or not.

    The handful of power players who control the music business cook this dope, draw in the big-media hype needle and stick it right in our eyes all the way into our brains.

    Meanwhile the employee/talent dance in the lights, sing and play in the bands, get interviewed and photographed.

    The majority of these people are under tight, play for pay, non-disclosure contracts. They act like they love each other when they would love to eliminate their competition with a knife in the back or a bullet in the brain. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    The depth of their individual wealth is very shallow and the only reason they are where they are is either because of a combination of being in the right place at the right time and being seen by the right people, combined with who they know and who they blow, or they have someone, a rich family member or friend who they know who paid for them to play, produced them, to get them in the door.

    They either have to Play for Pay or they Paid to Play. Combined with who they know and who they blow. Few exceptions.</font> [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

    Wow, your rant turned out a LOT different than I expected it to! I would have thought that you wanted to rant about how insignificant any of these stupid awards are since there are so frickin' many... ESPECIALLY those meaningless MTV Video/Music/Movie/whatever awards, and Teen Choice awards... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    But hey, it's exposure, and it's a business, and I don't always agree with it, but hell, it works if I start raking in the bucks!


    • #3
      Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

      I don't know if any of you guys happened to see this, but there was some kinda lame awards show, that was broadcast way back in the (very) early 90's. It was full of all the usual self-congratulatory, smug bullshit. If I remember correctly, the awards were called "Elvises". Anyhoo, one of the bands they had playing was Living Colour, who were evidently pissed-off, and just blew the roof off of the place. It was freakin' awesome! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

        [ QUOTE ]
        If I remember correctly, the awards were called "Elvises". Anyhoo, one of the bands they had playing was Living Colour, who were evidently pissed-off, and just blew the roof off of the place. It was freakin' awesome! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

        [/ QUOTE ]

        I wanna know more about this! Did they really blow the roof off as in "KABOOM" or were they unbearably loud? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        Man... if they actually blew up the awards thingy that would indeed be freakin' AWESOME!!

        These awards thingys are just an extension of school awards.. who has the best attendance, best grades, who will be most successful... bleh bleh bleh. I honestly don't get it.

        You know who I really admire? Tool. That band not only is talented in my opinion, but they take their music so seriously that they don't even like their faces to be associated with it.
        At least... that's what I read somewheres.
        That is pretty damn cool. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

          [ QUOTE ]
          the only reason they are where they are is either because of a combination of being in the right place at the right time and being seen by the right people

          [/ QUOTE ]

          I have a friend who works at Sterling Sound in NY as an audio engineer, he said the exact same thing. He said if you want to get noticed your best chance is NY or LA. I hear Montreal is becoming a hotbed too.


          • #6
            Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

            I just see it as pat on the back shows-You make someone some money you get a pat on the back-


            • #7
              Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

              The awards shows are a friggen joke and I think most people know that.

              I think the people watching them are bored, curious or very young.

              I totally agree with your asessment RockPro.

              We may get the lastlaugh though because the ratings of these shows are down bigtime.
              PLAY TILL U DIE !!!


              • #8
                Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

                On the scroll across the bottom on CNN this morning, it said the Grammys had the 2nd-lowest ratings ever and were way down for viewers 18-49. The only awards show I usually watch is the Oscars, &amp; even that is pretty much a joke too. I was watching something a week or so ago where some "expert" was saying how one actress was no longer a favorite for the Oscar because she gave a boring acceptance speech at the Golden Globes. [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] Like she's running for office. I guess she should have done some one-arm pushups or flashed her tits or something. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

                  I don't watch award shows.


                  • #10
                    Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

                    I watch them if they happen to be on when I am catatonic in my chair and the tube is on. Let's just not forget that these awards are part of the music BUSINESS...meaning money talks and BS walks. ANyone notice something missing from the Grrammies? like...the actual awards? There were about ten awards presented during the show, and the rest were put on a ticker at the bottom of the screen.

                    I understand that the Grammies are, by nature, the archenemy of metal music. The bands that many of us listen to will probably never even be nominated, much less appear on the show. THat is because these bands have a limited audience, which in turn means if band "X" is playing and the millions of people watching have never heard of them, they will most likely go tot he kitchen to make some snacks, or go take a crap, potentially missing commercials, which means the advertisers are not getting the exposure they pay for. That is why you will always see people like Maroon 5, Green Day, TIm McGraw, Kanye West, Gwen Stefani, and other "pop" acts. You will most likely never see Cradle of Filth, COB, etc. becuasre the people who listen to them are probably not buying brand new Chevy trucks, applying for mortgages, or taking Viagara. Ok, I'm done now....


                    • #11
                      Re: Awards Shows! My Mini-Rant!

                      Anyone remember in the early '90s when Faith No More won something? I can't remember if it was the Grammys or not, but some awards show... they came out and thanked Satan. That was awesome! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                      Other than that, awards shows always suck ass!
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.

