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Friday Question

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  • #16
    Re: Friday Question

    Thanks guys. I really appreciate it..

    hey...wait a second.


    • #17
      Re: Friday Question

      Thanks NOTP!! I salute Dave for not bugging me for several days about getting my PayPal email address so he can send me a few bucks I told him I'd cover. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


      • #18
        Re: Friday Question

        I have to salute all the guys that were at NAMM this year - you guys took me in and made me feel welcome. I had an absolute blast! I so look forward to meeting more of you and seeing those that I have met much more often!


        • #19
          Re: Friday Question

          I need to follow up my little GC rant with ppl I salute here...didn't mean to bring the thread down.

          I salute the Admins first and foremost...
          even though I don't agree with ever single rule they dish out, they still do an awesome job here. And they do manage to weed out the riff-raff quite effectively. I tip my hat to ya's.

          Budman....what else can I say? just reek of coolness in every way! Even your WIFE sportin' some Luth-Skillz!! I need to hook up with you sometime, and put our heads together on some shop-stuff!

          Also...everyone I've done a deal with on know who you are, and quite a few to mention. You guys rock, and helped me financially when I really needed it. Hope some, if not all of you guys are still enjoying what you've bought off me!

          Cheers to that!


