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Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

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  • #31
    Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bubba - "Youse Inbox iz full...heh"

    He should get 9 years of community service and probation - not time. Cells should be for violent offenders. Make the rest work their asses off to literally 'pay their debt to society'.

    Hey - that's my new BIG idea!

    Non-violent offenders shouldn't go to jail - they should go to work...
    Still have to report to probation offer...
    Drug testing...

    Work until...
    a) Sentence is completed, in this case 9 years at a really crappy job for minimum wage.
    b) Victims have recieved full compensation, all court and law enforcement costs covered.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    The problem with that is what do you do with folks like the executives at Enron? Do you really think it's a thorough punishment for those sorts of fucks to just have to go counsel someone or sweep a cafeteria for a few hours a day and then be free to go home? I think there are plenty of non-violent crimes that deserve getting bars and ankle bracelets - I just don't think sending spam is up there. If you are thinking rationally, when serving up punishment for crimes you have to consider the real harm to society.

    For the case in question, I'm assuming that this is *just* spam. IOW, there was nothing nefarious in the message content (like a virus or spyware or something) and that there was nothing horribly objectionable about the content (faces of death images or barnyard sex or something). So then a spammer that sends out millions of emails is certainly a dickhead. But, who has he harmed? Mail servers is about all I can think of. So how does sending this douchebag to jail help the ISPs recoup there losses? It doesn't. Make him pay. If he pays to send spam then he is just like the credit card companies and the gutter installation companies that send me crap in my mailbox. Now go after them all at once and I'll be happy.
    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

    - Newc


    • #32
      Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

      [ QUOTE ]
      Get rid of REAL junk mail (you know, the kind you get in the physical mailbox). I have to take action on that stuff. I can no longer tell my useful mail apart from my junk mail. I have to open darn near everything so that I don't inadvertently throw away a real bill, Best Buy Rebate, or my winning Reader's Digest Sweepstakes entry form. I guarantee you that physical junk mail consumes dramatically more resources and time than junk email.

      [/ QUOTE ]


      Make it a federal crime to send snail-mail spam [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

      I hate junk mail as well, I go about as paperless as I can, I get electroinc bills for whatever I can but yet I still get tons of tree-killing junk mail.


      • #33
        Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

        But does 9 years in jail fit the crime? Take the guys computer away. It is possible to live in this world with out a PC - difficult but possible. The jails are truly too crowed. People are being paroled - but a criminal doesn't get parole because of a lack of evidence. They get paroled because of "good behavior", lack of room, etc. We have serial rapists, murders, etc walking the streets because of so many things including getting parole when they really shouldn't, but the legal community decides they need more room. Yes these spammers are causing monetary damage and frustration, but the rapist and murders are causing physical and life long mental problem - believe me I know.


        • #34
          Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

          [ QUOTE ]
          So how does sending this douchebag to jail help the ISPs recoup there losses? It doesn't. Make him pay. If he pays to send spam then he is just like the credit card companies and the gutter installation companies that send me crap in my mailbox. Now go after them all at once and I'll be happy.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          These criminals have long learned how to shelter their money so that fines and restitutions are meaningless. Andrew Fastow (the ex-CFO and fraud mastermind of Enron) built a 10 million dollar home in FL and it's protected by state law from any kind of judgement. They've probably gifted a significant portion of their assets to a son/daughter, and they will be able to declare bankruptcy and that's the end of that. This spammer was estimated to have made $750K/month and any fine would simply be responded to with a declaration of bankrupcy while he was living high on the hog in his son/daughter's house drinking a pina colada by the pool.

          Besides, spam does cause harm. My Dad is a devout Catholic...very religious...and it's disturbing to him to see spam depicting bestiality, golden showers, etc. And this also can get into your kids' inboxes as well.

          Minimum security prisons for white collar criminals are not in danger of overcrowding like the ones for hardcore criminals. Much less infrastructure involved/required. To solve the overcrowding/parole issues for violent criminals, we should reinstitute public flogging. It was good enough for our founding fathers when they drafted the consitution.


          • #35
            Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

            I have re-read Drip's statement and I must apologize.

            sentence - words strung together to make a complete thought ended with a period.
            sentence - period of incarceration.

            I had a few Guinness last night and things have been somewhat stressful around the home. So needless to say, I wasn't very quick on my head-foot. I again offer my apologies.
            Occupy JCF


            • #36
              Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

              [ QUOTE ]
              [ QUOTE ]
              So how does sending this douchebag to jail help the ISPs recoup there losses? It doesn't. Make him pay. If he pays to send spam then he is just like the credit card companies and the gutter installation companies that send me crap in my mailbox. Now go after them all at once and I'll be happy.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              These criminals have long learned how to shelter their money so that fines and restitutions are meaningless. Andrew Fastow (the ex-CFO and fraud mastermind of Enron) built a 10 million dollar home in FL and it's protected by state law from any kind of judgement. They've probably gifted a significant portion of their assets to a son/daughter, and they will be able to declare bankruptcy and that's the end of that. This spammer was estimated to have made $750K/month and any fine would simply be responded to with a declaration of bankrupcy while he was living high on the hog in his son/daughter's house drinking a pina colada by the pool.

              Besides, spam does cause harm. My Dad is a devout Catholic...very religious...and it's disturbing to him to see spam depicting bestiality, golden showers, etc. And this also can get into your kids' inboxes as well.

              Minimum security prisons for white collar criminals are not in danger of overcrowding like the ones for hardcore criminals. Much less infrastructure involved/required. To solve the overcrowding/parole issues for violent criminals, we should reinstitute public flogging. It was good enough for our founding fathers when they drafted the consitution.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Nice.... [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

              I was going to let this go and take it's course, but I'll say a couple of more things...

              A: What about "ILLEGAL SPAM" advertising an anarchist cookbook or something along those lines? What if some kid gets a hold of it, yeh yeh, i know they already know about it, but what if they followed through with a bomb and blew up their school, church or other?

              B: If you don't think these "non-violent" crimes warrant jail time, why even have the laws? If people weigh the punishment with the crime and decide screw it, I can afford a couple of grand, who cares? Then what?



              • #37
                Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                The major roadblock in all of this is that the internet is an international phenomena and the laws are a national decree. Laws regarding the internet should should be international. I will admit, it is more of a pipe dream, but it is one of the only ways to combat these type of crimes.
                Occupy JCF


                • #38
                  Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                  I say go for putting him in jail - hopefully it teaches him a lesson - but some of the monetary hiding ways will not save them - and backruptcy will not always get you out of fines for these things - there are exceptions to what can be wiped clean.

                  As for location - a number of non-violent criminals are housed in the same places some violent criminals are. Those white-collar country club "prisons" have very limited availability.

                  My biggest issue I guess is that we are willing to put a spammer in prison for 9 years, but there are rapist and child molesters that get less that that. That just seems seriously wrong to me.


                  • #39
                    Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                    I should clarify my idea a bit.

                    I'm not talking about a 'few hours' of community service a day. I'm talking 40 hours a week - full time. And if any other work is done during this time, 30% (pre-tax) goes into the 'debt to society'.

                    This might also provide incentive for the Ken Lay's to pony up the cash they have stashed offshore to shorten their 'time'.
                    750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                    Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                    Why do I still want MORE?


                    • #40
                      Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                      I certainly want to keep violent felons in jail than a spammer. That is a more of a problem for the judicial system and penitentiary systems.

                      A lot of people are in prison for drug related offense that are non-violent yet they still there. Not to start legalization of drugs debate but IMHO some of these folks (not all, some) really don't need to be in prison. They could be under house arrest and pay the fines. If overcrowding is an issue and people are getting paroled because of over crowding then it is a major problem. That little girl in Florida was kidnapped from home, abused and killed from someone who shouldn't have been let out, or as part of his parole conditions, castrated. The system failed in that instance as it has in many others.

                      As far as the spammer, he's is just being used as an example as what can happen if you get caught spamming. He'll win appeal but it will be a PITA for him.


                      • #41
                        Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                        Cookies are a good thing when used as intended. Who wants to have to log back into the JCF every time you come here? I do think, however, that people who write browser highjackers, spyware, and malware need some serious jail time.
                        Member - National Sarcasm Society

                        "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                        • #42
                          Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                          9 years???? that seems to mee a s sick, but well, european, what do you guess...



                          • #43
                            Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            As far as the spammer, he's is just being used as an example as what can happen if you get caught spamming. He'll win appeal but it will be a PITA for him.

                            [/ QUOTE ]
                            As I said before...I don't want to be misunderstood, something should be done, but its not going to this time around.
                            Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                            "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                            I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                            Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                            • #44
                              Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              [ QUOTE ]
                              [ QUOTE ]
                              I agree with the prosecution, but the incarceration part I have a problem with. Shouldn't we just seize their property or fine them massively? Wouldn't that cell space be better served with someone who perpetrated a violent crime?

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              [img]/images/graemlins/stupid.gif[/img] that sentence is ridiculous.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Not as ridiculous as you using an "I'm with stupid" emoticon and then contradicting that with your written statment. I'll give you another chance...

                              So, care to expound on your statement?? Your objection carries little weight unless you put some actual thought behind it. I'll give you a little help by expanding mine.

                              I personally made the statement because this is part of some of the arguments I have heard not only from the general public, but from a person close to me who is a victim of a violent crime. Personally, I'd rather see a murderer or a rapist behind bars than someone who just sent me a few (hundred) pieces of email advertising sex, viagra, or cialis. Call me crazy, but I think the murderer or rapist is a bigger threat to society.

                              [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img] Your turn...

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              sorry I didn't make sense. I was agreeing with you.


                              • #45
                                Re: Spammer gets sentenced to 9 Years!!!

                                Maybe it would help if jails weren't so "fancy" and confortable for the prisnoers. A criminal in jail is treated better than a mental patient in a psychiatric hospital - at least in Canada.

                                and yes, mass spammers are criminals, and should be punished accordingly. Just because the harm they do is "distributed" to millions of individuals doesn't mean it should be ignored.

                                Each junk e-mail you receive is "postage due" marketing, it's like a telemarketer calling you collect. Deleting junk mails in your inbox certainly won't solve the problem, and spam blockers/filters are a clunky, ineffective work-around to ignore the problem, not to fix it.

                                And part of the problem is simply the SMTP protocol not being designed for the widespread use it has today. It was originally designed to relay e-mails between a few TRUSTED computers on a TRUSTED tcp/ip network. So no wonder it's so easy to abuse.

                                If most mail servers ran a tarpit, junk e-mail would probably be reduced to a small fraction of its magnitude.
                                "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                                The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."

