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School Questions to Americans

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  • #31
    Re: School Questions to Americans

    School in the US is what you make of it. It's more laid back and relaxed; courses are easier, you don't have as many either. You can probably get a better education in engineering if you went to college in Germany or India. However, you have the opportunity to network with a lot of successful people and companies here. There are also plenty of resources that you can work with. For example, here at Berklee we have access to almost every CD and DVD released, we get seminars with Pat Metheney, Steve Vai, CEO's of record companies, extremely well known managers and producers, etc. However, if you just go to class and don't take advantage of those resources, you're not getting nearly as much out of the school. Could I get that anywhere else? Nope. If I went to MIT, the situation would be similar but instead of music related resources it would all be information technology or whatever program you're in... you'd be hard pressed to find those kind of resources anywhere else in the world. They do exist obviously, they just seem more plentiful here.


    • #32
      Re: School Questions to Americans

      Lev, I don't think anyone would argue too much about the quality of our post-secondary institutions. I think the big problem here is with elementary and high schools. Its almost as if the first 12 years of schooling are a complete waste and you only really start learning anything when you hit college. Which some might agree with and embrace, but frankly I think academically speaking, it is mostly a waste of 12 years.


      • #33
        Re: School Questions to Americans

        Jeff, I'll tell ya... I learned WAY more in college than I ever did in elementary and high schools. Sure, the foundation was set, but I can see your point most definitely.



        • #34
          Re: School Questions to Americans

          Jeff, I don't think you personally displayed a snobby attitude. It's just your one statement that touched on one of my exposed nerves, which is, as I stated, that "holier-than-thou" attitude that's all too prevalant in our society. I'm a realist and know that it will always exist no matter what. But when it seems to rear it's ugly head, I tend to jump on my soap box. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

          As far as our school systems, it's just as everyone else has already stated - the quality varies way too much to dump it all in one bucket and label it substandard. We live in the greatest country on Earth and are THE economic superpower. So, we must be doing something right.

          Em is right. Our kids these days are held to much higher standards scholastically than we were as kids; I can attest to that based on helping my son with his schoolwork. I had the advantage of attending private school my first few years so I had a head start when I finally started public school. For most, it's the luck of the draw as far as where you live and your financial standing. It's just the nature of the beast.
          My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!

