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Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soon...

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  • #16
    Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

    I feel for ya man. I am losing my job at school in May and I'm currently searching for a full time job. I've had two jobs for the last 4-5 years and I must say that finding a full time job has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to, especially being just out of college with a two year degree. Good luck though Zerb. Sounds like you have a lot to offer a potential employer. Keep on pluggin away at it and something should come up!
    Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
    The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


    • #17
      Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

      I've been out of work for three months-my department was "phased out" as well. I can still collect unemployment for 3 more months, but I am getting bored as hell sitting home. THe problem is that I live in kind of a depressed area, and unless you you are a nurse, laborer, or truck driver, your options are limited. I have a college degree and almost 7 years full time work experience and I can't even get a call back for an interview. I am going to end taking some crappy job as a telemarketer or car salesman (no offense to those of you who have those jobs...just not my cup of tea) just to get medical benefits. I did see an ad for cemetary sales yesterday and it looked interesting....i guess there are no slow times for death.


      • #18
        Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

        TEll the hr department, you may be using some of your mortician experience if you get canned.


        • #19
          Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

          I don't know what to say man. Start with something you do have qualifications for, and them move upwards on the hierarchial scale? This way it'll get challenging later. But you do have to start with something you know... Either way good luck with it all.


          • #20
            Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

            this is scaring me.... I hope when I get out of College to have a good job, but I really doubt it will happen since so many people are getting fucked over... Maybe I should just work 2 jobs to get enoiugh money and move out or something.......? School is depressing me. I always get that feeling that I'm not gonna use my degree.


            • #21
              Re: Well, looks like I´m gonna be out of a Job soo

              I'm really no one to give advice, especially where I'm at in life, but I'm gonna say it anyway. If your in a situation you don't like or don't think will get you anywhere, do everything in your power to get out. Easier said than done, I know, and some of ya have families to consider, but it'll do you good in the long run to just figure something out to make it work.

              Etaeniura, that sucks big time dude. Ever consider moving? Especially if you have a degree and 7 years work experience, do you know what that's worth to someone else maybe outside of town?

              Michael, I had the same problem. If you don't think your gonna use your degree, you should change it and do something else. I can't see paying that much for college and then not putting it to good use. Also, as much work as college is, it's suppose to be fun too. Your suppose to take courses you want, when you want, and it's suppose to make you want to learn more about it because you chose it yourself. If it's depressing ya think about if it's right. My brother dosen't wanna change his major because he's invested 2 years so far into it and taking the extra courses would be a waste of $, but people all over the world pay off student loans for years, so he's not gonna be doing something so out of this world.

              Zerb, brother, if you love building guitars, take the leap and see what it can do for you. You have a lot of cool skills that can get you another job to survive in the mean time, but keep persuing the guitar building. (Maybe for a guitar company?, if your not certified as a Master Luither it might be a good idea to do that. With that much experience in building, I don't see getting certified as a huge challenge that's unrealistic). I can't really comment on where to leap to, especially since I don't know your location and what's available to you, but let's hope someone else chimes in and might know of something.

              Hell, I don't wanna sound like I'm lecturing anyone, but lemme tell ya, when I left my last job I never felt happier and it opened up SOOOO many possibilities, and THAT'S the reason I'm telling ya'll this, to pass on a good vibe. I felt stuck in a depressing situation, but I needed the job to support my mom and 2 brothers. When I left, not only did I find something else I'm completely happy with, but the money was a tad better and I felt a genuine happiness day to day that most feel once in awhile if they're lucky. Not to say everyone's gonna be that lucky, but even if you find another job with the same money, your gonna be out of the depressing atmosphere. Money don't mean jack shit unless your happy, and my job didn't make me happy at all. I was working 6 days a week for 2 years, and yah I was making money, but I missed a lot of my friends with my schedule and it wasen't all that great. My point is, do what you love and don't be afraid to take a risk. I could've done computer programming or something like that (I've been the all around techy for everyone I know for years), but I love music and photography. I'm going for my degree to be a music teacher and also do freelance photography on the side. I KNOW that's gonna take up all my free time and the money might not be fabulous, but I'll be having fun teaching little kids about music (get a few of em shredding by 8, that's my goal [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]) and shooting local gigs for some extra $. I'd get to hang out, drink beer, watch a show, and make $ on top of it. People are afraid to change whether they realize it or not because it's not the safe road that they've been taught to take, but the high road is definatly worth taking if you wanna get ahead in a major way. Damn that's a long post!

              - Irfaan -

