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Sober JCF'ers

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  • #16
    Re: Sober JCF\'ers

    As an RN in the emergency department, the nastiest, sickest patients that I see (including trauma) are the ones who are detoxing from alcohol. Heroin, meth -- those drugs are pretty simple to detox from physically. Alcohol is the most dangerous. I have had to intubate patients and put them on a ventilator, and send them to the ICU to get them through it. It's enough to make me not drink at all. That and 90 percent of our trauma patients are drunk. Take care of your self, physically and mentally. Good luck to you.



    • #17
      Re: Sober JCF\'ers

      You're tripping. While no ventillator neccesary (in any case I have been thru, seen, or heard..)...

      Heroin, and meth... to a bonafied addict are physically very hard to quit. The withdrawls can kill you, or make youe kill yourself. You sort of offended me..seemingly making it sound physically easy to drop these. Try it yourself...or do more research.

      I was having mini seizures and all kinds of shit.
      My body was dead. I hurt for days and days... I could not walk, talk, eat, see or breathe. I almost checked in, but have a very caring g/f. She pulled me out of a lot of sleep seizures (where I am in a coma liek state and I stop breathing, and have to BATTLE to get out of it and breathe and not hyperventilate).

      Alcholics do not need a ventillator to get thru a week of detox. In your situation, in the ER...alchol makes the body respond horribly to trauma, as you know. You're not going to see an alcoholic in that severe of withdrawl, without any underlying issues..ever.

      Thier arms don't get hungry either.

      I won't even mention the pshycoloigical part of the addictions.


      • #18
        Re: Sober JCF\'ers

        I quit a couple years ago and life sucks.
        Everyone is having fun at the bar and all I can do is drink a sprite and watch.
        My frinds have taken to calling me Captain BuzzKill.
        I had to stop though.
        I was downing 18-24 buds a day after getting home from work around 5:00. I had to wake up at 4:30 AM.
        I'd get a couple hours of sllep and then wake up drunk and drive an hour and a half to work. No good.
        I think I broke my stomach.
        Anyway, I used to have3 fun and all on the weekends and now all I do is work on the house and watch TV/Surf the net.[img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
        Shoot me now. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


        • #19
          Re: Sober JCF\'ers

          [ QUOTE ]
          You're tripping. While no ventillator neccesary (in any case I have been thru, seen, or heard..)...

          Heroin, and meth... to a bonafied addict are physically very hard to quit. The withdrawls can kill you, or make youe kill yourself. You sort of offended me..seemingly making it sound physically easy to drop these. Try it yourself...or do more research.

          I was having mini seizures and all kinds of shit.
          My body was dead. I hurt for days and days... I could not walk, talk, eat, see or breathe. I almost checked in, but have a very caring g/f. She pulled me out of a lot of sleep seizures (where I am in a coma liek state and I stop breathing, and have to BATTLE to get out of it and breathe and not hyperventilate).

          Alcholics do not need a ventillator to get thru a week of detox. In your situation, in the ER...alchol makes the body respond horribly to trauma, as you know. You're not going to see an alcoholic in that severe of withdrawl, without any underlying issues..ever.

          Thier arms don't get hungry either.

          I won't even mention the pshycoloigical part of the addictions.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Tell that to the 28 year old female we just tubed because her body shut down during detox. Most alcoholics don't need this type of treatment, but I have treated some who are that bad. That was my point. It's easier from an ER treatment standpoint to detox someone from those drugs than from alcohol. Read my statement, don't read into it. If you're offended, hey get in line. I offend lots of people. Glad you are okay, though.



          • #20
            Re: Sober JCF\'ers

            Most drug addicts of the hardcore don't require that either...

            But, some do as well.

            The bottom line being the body natrually rejects alcohol. It is a poison. This is why it takes a long time to form a physical dependencey to it. Pshycologically, you can be dependant on cheeseburgers from the second bite.

            Heroin is PERFECTLY compatible with your body. Your body takes it in as a part of its chemistry much like Iron, or any vital nutrient that your body will have cravings and symptoms from the lack thereof.

            So, your body says "yes, normal"...gets ya hooked hard and deep, rather quickly. a 6 month heroin user will need severe treatment to come off.

            A 6 month drinker..2-5 days of DTS...if that.

            "Read my statement, don't read into it. If you're offended, hey get in line."

            I read your statement it is as follows..
            "Heroin, meth -- those drugs are pretty simple to detox from physically."

            Thats bullshit(as I'vre said both can be pretty bad..but there are too many variables to say drugs are easy, alcohol is generally easier!). So, if you're going to cop an attitude for me taking offense to that (because indirectly you are belittling a problem that many have had)... take it elsewhere. Get in line for the door. I was just informing of something relevant.

            And maybe its the addict mindset that is making me extremley defneisve... I don't know...if it is, my apologies (But you're still wrong!...hehe)

            Thanks for the kinda words at the end.


            • #21
              Re: Sober JCF\'ers

              [ QUOTE ]
              I quit a couple years ago and life sucks.
              Everyone is having fun at the bar and all I can do is drink a sprite and watch.
              My frinds have taken to calling me Captain BuzzKill.
              I had to stop though.
              I was downing 18-24 buds a day after getting home from work around 5:00. I had to wake up at 4:30 AM.
              I'd get a couple hours of sllep and then wake up drunk and drive an hour and a half to work. No good.
              I think I broke my stomach.
              Anyway, I used to have3 fun and all on the weekends and now all I do is work on the house and watch TV/Surf the net.[img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
              Shoot me now. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

              [/ QUOTE ]

              You will have the last laugh on all of your buddies who are still pounding down the drinks.
              It takes a while to become the life of the party once again while sober but it can be done. Another thing to remember is that as others get trashed they don't realize you aren't trashed unless you are acting like a sad sack. I don't drink and many a morning I would get a call from one of my buds who was trashed the night before telling me what a wildman or maniac I was the night before. It is also nice to be sober if you happen upon a hot girl who is feeling no pain. Talk about having the cards in your favor then!!!


              • #22
                Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                [ QUOTE ]
                You're not going to see an alcoholic in that severe of withdrawl, without any underlying issues..ever.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                You could not be more mistaken if you tried.
                The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



                • #23
                  Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                  You can tell how hot a topic this is by the vehement responses! Anyways, Casey, congrats on your decision. There will be ups and downs obviously. Life will suck at times. It's supposed to. But I think it was Abraham Lincoln that said something to the effect of -- a man's true character is shown only in the face of adversity.



                  • #24
                    Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    [ QUOTE ]
                    You're not going to see an alcoholic in that severe of withdrawl, without any underlying issues..ever.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    You could not be more mistaken if you tried.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    I was not reffering to general situations. I was reffering to alcoholics in the ER, Keith. In reguards to thier response to trauma.

                    That last one was a very noble thing to say.

                    We're all with ya man... better to be a buzzkill and find your true friends, than be a buzzbomb that fucks elemements of your life.


                    • #25
                      Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                      Since the death of my Father last March, I've noticed that my alcohol intake has increased. Depression is a mother-fer to deal with. I notice that I have the shakes in the morning now....I think that I need to make a change myself..
                      But, today is my b-day and I'm gonna BBQ and and pound a few. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] I will try sobriety on Monday.....

                      All hail the 'King'
                      R.I.P~ RLC


                      • #26
                        Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                        Happy B-Day bro!!!

                        Sobriety? Hmmmm...... yeh, been there, done that and for the most part, I'm pretty sober. What used to be pound em till you drop is now pound em, in moderation, maybe 3-4 max... if that makes any sense. [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

                        Good luck man, sobriety is not easy in the least bit, some rough road ahead bro.

                        [EDIT] I know, you're either sober or not, there's no in between, but............



                        • #27
                          Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                          Man being sober and at a party is the best.... You get the best live entertainment that way

                          As far as Alcohol Detox man that is some ugly stuff

                          The problem with any addiction is they are all crutches... Really one is not worse than the next IMO it is just worse in each case... They all present different problems to tackle ie... Smoking is a pain to kick simply because it doesn't effect motor skills and is legal. Blah Blah Blah

                          you just have to be strong enough to not need a crutch anymore. Now I disagree with Bill W's philosophy because I really don't think he treated the problem he just switches one crutch for a less harmful one which is a positive but I digress. My sister is a horrible alcoholic who has ruined her life she hasn't been sober in about 35 years... That being said I have a guy who works for me who has been sober 3 years and the 12 steps have done him right
                          I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                          So that none of its lies can affect me


                          • #28
                            Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                            Sorry to hear about all you guys who have substance problems. My only "bad habit" is drinking some beer. But for me it's like maybe 6-12 cans per week so it's obviously not a problem. I can't imagine drinking 12-18 a day like some of you!!!

                            I also have stayed very active though doing stuff like racing mountain bikes which obviously helps. Plus I'd hate to let my kids down by turning into an alcoholic so that's motivation to keep my shit together.

                            Now drugs I never really had an interest in so I can't relate. Smoked weed a few times but woopty doo. I've seen first hand what meth and cocaine can do to someone, my brother's entire life has gone to complete shit thanks to that crap....and he was the "smart one" when we were kids.


                            • #29
                              Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                              Congrats to you! I have been clean and sober for 20 years and every day is still a challenge. Ijust keep reminding myself about all the thing that matter most to me in life like God my family and all my cool toys and I see all my old friend still doing the same old party scene and it brings a smile to my face.


                              • #30
                                Re: Sober JCF\'ers

                                I don't drink much. I had one beer last week, the first in maybe six months, and that was just being social. I wish I drank more, but most alcohol tastes and smells like shit. Some of the "girly" drinks are okay, but it takes too much volume to get drunk. Drinking those, it's like I have to take a dozen piss breaks before I even feel a buzz coming on.

                                But I just can't find the inclination to drink, really. Like smoking, I tried it but couldn't find the time to do it. I'd light a cigarette and then it'd be burnt out before I'd remember to smoke it.

                                I just not very good with substance dependancy, apparently.
                                please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking

