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616 - The number of the beast!

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  • 616 - The number of the beast!

    Read an interesting article today in the local paper. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


    Bad omen: Mark of the beast is wrong, expert says

    Jenni Lee Campbell
    The Ottawa Citizen; with files from Citizen News Services

    May 3, 2005

    Few numbers strike more fear into the hearts of believers than 666.

    Thirtieth birthdays and income tax deadlines aside, the "mark of the beast" has traditionally given more people the creeps above all other numerical configurations -- and metalheads, satanists, and televan-gelists alike have milked it for all its worth.

    One man is crusading to change all that.

    Professor David Parker of the University of Birmingham in England claims that a newly discovered piece of the oldest surviving copy of the New Testament proves that the number from the Book of Revelation is actually one digit off -- he says the original is 616.

    The papyrus fragment, dating from the late third century is written in archaic Greek and was part of a collection of documents salvaged from a "historic garbage dump" in Egypt.

    A new technique called multi-spectral imaging has allowed a team of expert classicists to get a clearer look at the original text, and they discovered, much to their surprise, the number 616 where they were expecting 666.

    Mr. Parker appeared last Sunday on the BBC2 series Bible Mysteries for their episode titled "Revelation: The End of the World?" where he further expounded on his theory.

    Mr. Parker believes the new number does not represent the devil, but rather the mad Roman emperor Caligula.

    "Early Christians would use numbers to hide the identity of people who they were attacking," Mr. Parker told the Guardian yesterday.

    "This is an example of gematria, where numbers are based on the numerical values of letters in people's names."

    Traditionally attributed to the disciple John, the Book of Revelation's prophecies about the Antichrist, and in particular the number 666, have often been used by fundamentalist Christians as warnings about the coming Apocalypse.

    In the King James version of the Bible, Revelation 13:18 reads:

    "Here is wisdom: let him who hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred three score and six."

    Fear of the number actually has a name: Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, and it is surprisingly widespread:

    Last year, Highway 666 in New Mexico, known as "the devil's highway," was renamed Highway 491. The governor of New Mexico lobbied for the name change because of its "negative connotations."

    In 2001, thousands of Russian Orthodox believers raised a stink over the government's attempt to give every taxpayer an ID number, claiming the bar code on the application forms contained the number 666.

    Even Harry Potter has been accused of having affections for the Antichrist, when parents cried foul over a 666-year-old old man in one of J.K. Rowling's bestsellers. More recently, Dan Brown's inflammatory DaVinci Code pointed to an ominous 666 panes of glass composing the pyramid in the Louvre.

    In the past, this phobia has worked in favour of those who use it to provoke fear. Peter Gilmore, high priest of the Church of Satan, based in New York, told the Guardian: "By using 666 we're using something that the Christians fear. Mind you, if they do switch to 616 being the number of the beast, then we'll start using that."

    If Mr. Parker's theory is accepted, a lot of people are going to look a bit silly, says Courtney Cannon, who works at Ottawa's Planet Ink tattoo shop. Ms. Cannon says she would normally try to discourage someone from getting a 666 tattoo, but one of her co-workers remembered selling one.

    "He's going to feel kind of stupid now, isn't he?" she said.
    © The Ottawa Citizen 2005


    Interesting. Very weird also considering I JUST started reading the New Testament last night before going to sleep. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

    From a symbolic standpoint the Number six hundred sixty six makes more sense thant 616 but I think the # of the beast is 5150
    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
    So that none of its lies can affect me


    • #3
      Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

      "Woe to you oh Earth and sea, for the devil sends the beast with wrath because he knows the time is short. Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the beast, for it is a human number, its number is six-hundred and sixteen."

      No, I'm afraid that's just not going to do at all.
      Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


      • #4
        Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

        Also, Bill's username as "horns616" would not suffice either. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

          Little known fact about my daughter... she was conceived in a room numbered 666 (we were vacationing at a ski resort), and born on a Sunday.
          She is a little devil, that is for sure! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

          The 616 thing... well... its just not the same. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

            Well Caligula was one mad fucker, and not short of pure evil!
            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


            • #7
              Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

              I was just about to hit 666 posts... kinda anti-climatic now.


              • #8
                Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                Isn't Steve Vai's birthday like 6/6/60? He's the devil! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #9
                  Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                  caligula made his horse senator [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                    Yup, and he sent a couple of legions into the waves to battle the sea.
                    You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                    • #11
                      Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                      That would really throw a monkey wrench into my theories about my ex-wife. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Maybe the numbers on the back of her head says 616.I didnt look long enough to be absolutely sure, and i am NOT taking one for the team to get another look. [img]/images/graemlins/nono.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                        The theory I've heard (although, it's been around so long maybe I even came up with it, I dunno) centers around the fact that the number would have originally been represented in Roman numerals, or DCLXVI. Numerically, this is the equivalent of A-B-C-D-E-F. Rather than representing the actual value of Six Hundred and Sixty-Six, it's a variable (y'know, like in Algebra). So, it's not just the number 666. It's any number "in the hand" or "on the head." Like a credit card number. [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img] Or your Social Security number... [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]
                        please don't put it into words, 'cause I fear what you're thinking


                        • #13
                          Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                          ...Phone number that you wrote on your hand and then wiped your head with that hand [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          Actually it won't be a bar code in your hand or head, it'll be about the size of a grain of rice (or smaller) and act like those "magic wand" and Exxon Speedpass thingies - wave your hand or put your face in front of the scanner.

                          At any rate, they probably found the drafts that had to be corrected. Typically the way Biblical Prophecies worked is you had the Prophet who was "online with God" in the Holy Spirit receiving the Word and speaking in Tongues, and a translator who was given the translation in "man" language, and then you'd have a Scribe writing it all down. Since it's not like a Dictaphone where it types what you say as soon as you say it, you have a guy dipping ink and being hard-pressed to keep up, so the Prophet reads over the transcription and since he's still connected to the Source, he notes corrections in the translation or transcription that have to be made.

                          And since they didn't have Parch-Out or erasers, the incorrect draft winds up as toilet paper to be found some thousands of years later by someone who thinks it's a "lost book".

                          The old writer's adage of "Publish Or Perish" is still very true, and with things like The DaVinci Code and such, there's always someone to jump on a bandwagon and bring up nonsense like this that can be very easily explained and proven wrong just to get something printed.
                          The Rush To Pressing has long killed the idea of proper research - theories and conjecture are enough to sell books on culturally important subjects, especially ones that are so wide open to individual interpretation like Religious beliefs.
                          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                          My Blog:


                          • #14
                            Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            ...Phone number that you wrote on your hand and then wiped your head with that hand [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                            Actually it won't be a bar code in your hand or head, it'll be about the size of a grain of rice (or smaller) and act like those "magic wand" and Exxon Speedpass thingies - wave your hand or put your face in front of the scanner.

                            At any rate, they probably found the drafts that had to be corrected. Typically the way Biblical Prophecies worked is you had the Prophet who was "online with God" in the Holy Spirit receiving the Word and speaking in Tongues, and a translator who was given the translation in "man" language, and then you'd have a Scribe writing it all down. Since it's not like a Dictaphone where it types what you say as soon as you say it, you have a guy dipping ink and being hard-pressed to keep up, so the Prophet reads over the transcription and since he's still connected to the Source, he notes corrections in the translation or transcription that have to be made.

                            And since they didn't have Parch-Out or erasers, the incorrect draft winds up as toilet paper to be found some thousands of years later by someone who thinks it's a "lost book".

                            The old writer's adage of "Publish Or Perish" is still very true, and with things like The DaVinci Code and such, there's always someone to jump on a bandwagon and bring up nonsense like this that can be very easily explained and proven wrong just to get something printed.
                            The Rush To Pressing has long killed the idea of proper research - theories and conjecture are enough to sell books on culturally important subjects, especially ones that are so wide open to individual interpretation like Religious beliefs.

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            Well said Professor Newcenstein! But, the Holy Spirit does 3 things: Comforts, Teaches & Convicts. All 3 are used when the author of Revelations (the apostle John) wrote the book.

                            Most of the time, guys like this researcher have a chip on their shoulder, and are just looking for a way to discredit, or change biblical truth.

                            Rev 22:18 says- " For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:

                            Rev 22:19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life...."


                            • #15
                              Re: 616 - The number of the beast!

                              Agreed, Doug [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
                              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                              My Blog:

