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question (involves fitness)

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  • question (involves fitness)

    hey guys. Over the past couple of months i've been really into my health. I've joined the gym. Eating less junk food, weight training, drinking water instead of fizzy drinks, eating only when i need to and eating more healthy food.

    For a while i was feeling pretty ill, so i didn't go to the gym for a couple of months. Now i'm feeling alot better and need some advise.

    I bought a food supplement powder called Fat Blitz which speeds up your metabolism and helps with weight loss. I'm not fat, but i'm not comfortable with the way i am. So i've been taking this seriously.

    Do these supplements actually work or are they just crap in powder form? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
    93 USA Soloist EDS
    USA HT6 Juggernaut
    Charvel DK24FR

  • #2
    Re: question (involves fitness)

    Some of that stuff I would say is fairly advertised, others are to be very leary of. Are you asking of that particular product or of supplimemts in general??


    • #3
      Re: question (involves fitness)

      just in general really.
      93 USA Soloist EDS
      USA HT6 Juggernaut
      Charvel DK24FR


      • #4
        Re: question (involves fitness)

        In general, a lot of the fat loss supplements "work" by increasing your heart rate, thus increasing your body temperature, thus increasing your metabolism. They are really only effective while doing cardiovaxcular exercise. So you can't just sit on your ass all day and pop those pills and lose weight. Some use or used to use caffeine, effedrine or herbal forms of the two. In my opinion, you'll do just fine without any fat loss supplements. As long as you eat right and exercise properly, you'll drop the weight slowly and safely. Plus you'll actually keep it off. A lot of the fat loss supplements are actually not very good for you in the long run.


        • #5
          Re: question (involves fitness)

          When I was in the USMC I sobered up for 6 months and I hit the gym HARD. Planned everything I did around my workout schedule. I was taking Ripped Fuel and Ultimate Orange before working out. I would get a high off those that would make my heart work overtime, delivering loads of blood to my muscles and letting me lift heavier and longer. They really helped me push myself to the limit, and I gained strength and muscle mass at a impressive rate. However, I didn't take supplements every day, and I started off as a very healthy(besides being alcoholic) 20-year-old Marine.

          Bottom line, from my experience, supplemnts can help you achieve your goals if used wisely, but don't overdo it. If you are improving your diet and excersizing, your metabolism will increase on it's own. I would start with something relatively mellow, like taking a healthy dose of Vitamin B before workouts.


          • #6
            Re: question (involves fitness)

            most weight loss supplements are BS, the only ones that really work are the ones with ephedra which are banned now. Most of the gains you get from supplements are mental and not from the product itself. The only supplement I use is protein for weight gain... otherwise just watch your diet and excercise properly, that's all you need.


            • #7
              Re: question (involves fitness)

              If it has Ephedrine in it will speed things up, but mostly its caffeine and willow bark (Aspirin) that is in those products.

              I started cutting up three weeks ago by changing my diet and this is how it's going.

              First off I'm 5-8 and I was at 175 lbs 11% body fat.

              I have had the same Body fat and waist measurements for the passed year and I work out at least 5 days a week consistently so I upped the anti.

              I get up and eat a big ass bowl of Vector (1% MF milk)
              I have my black coffee and then a grapefruit.

              Important side note: There is a chemical in grapefruit that will inhibit your bodies’ enzymes from breaking down certain medications making them very potent, so if you are taking anything you should find out about that. This holds true with caffeine (Making it more potent) so you will feel very energetic when you have a grapefruit and coffee. Grapefruit also suppresses hunger.

              The next thing I eat is a plain garden salad with NO DRESSING! And let me tell you...raw veggies will NOT fill you up! I will sometimes have a different veggie instead.

              My lunch is a can of tune in broth (Not so dry) with a couple green onions chopped up.

              I have more salad and another piece of fruit.

              I go to the gym and have a protein bar right after. (Don't wait too long cuz your body need to be fed)

              I then go home and make a protein shake with fat free frozen yogurt, frozen fruit and a scope of protein powder. I try to eat two hours before bed.


              In three weeks I have lost...
              -2% body fat.
              -7 lbs.
              -2 1/2 inches around my waist and gut.
              I actually had to go buy new pants and shorts...I fit into a 29" waist!

              I still have retained my strength, but don't plan on making any real muscle gains if you are cutting up.

              Once I finally get rid of this friggin last bit of fat around my waist Ill add more "good" calories to my diet, but let me tell you how good I feel! It gets easier day by day to forget the junk food and if I so much as eat a chocolate bar I feel like shit. Don't cheat! Not even a little. I was very surprised at how many times I would catch my self going for a piece of junk on a daily basis.

              I feel damn good too! Lots of energy, buy you have to give your body time to adjust and try not to let yourself get too hungry or (If you’re like me) you might binge on something bad.

              Of course this is just me and you may be quite different, but if I can do it anyone can because I predisposition to gain fat and I love starchy, fatty, sugary food.

              Also...I found 20 min of cadio on the bike much better for me too.

              Good luck!


              • #8
                Re: question (involves fitness)

                Well. I used to be a huge motherfucker! But I was sick of that crap so I went on a diet. I lost close to 90 pounds in total in my diet. And let me tell ya it went fast! And since I'm still really young and vital, my skin's almost completely back to normal again, you wouldn't be able to tell I used to be really really obese.

                Here's what I did:


                A bit of Special K with some normal Milk.

                10 o clock: 4 dry crackers or a piece of fruit (or several pieces of fruit, you can eat as much as you want, only be wary of super-high sugary fruits like Banana, peach, try to limit those to 2 or so)

                lunch (about 12 / 12.30): a WHOLESOME (I don't know the correct English term) what I mean is brown or black bread, not that white fluffy shit you guys call bread [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]. And put a piece of meat, such as bolony or so in there. (IMPORTANT! it's important to your diet that you eat meats as well!)

                4 o clock: same as 10 o clock, but sometimes you can eat a cookie or something nice, to keep the hook off.

                6 o clock (dinner time):

                I got a big-ass plate: full of every vegetable I could find, preparation will take about 30 minutes. I had (still have!) about 20 different vegetables and shit on there! Also two slices of ham and some pickles will really add to the taste! (+ you need the meat). Now I put some REAL dressing on there and some mayonaise to further smooth it up, I was not at all cheap on the dressing and mayo: you can't be either! You need FAT in your diet, and this is the perfect way to get it in there! Eat this with 4 slices of WHOLESOME bread again. You'll be stuffed full when finished!

                Evening: you can keep stuffed on fruit, carrots (don't eat too much crackers in the evening).

                Another tip is SOUP! I boil up a big kettle of the stuff every two days, like 4 liters or something, good soup with shitloads of vegetables! You can DRINK and EAT as much soup as you want! Just don't make it cream soup. This is THE way to keep filled up and not hungry!!!


                The key is to keep absolutely full of food and never feel hungry. You'll be bursting with energy and be very very healthy (because of all the vitamines and shit and the balanced diet) By keeping full your metabolism will be burning 24/7 and you'll keep losing wait, because your calory intake is very small.

                You can keep this diet up easily! I've quit dieting, and I still only eat what you could consider 'regular lunch and dinner' every other day or so, just because I've grown to love the Vegetables and shit! So I'm still healthy!

                + you'll be able to maintain the wait, no fucking yoyo effect to worry about!

                + keep full with water, cola light (aspartame will fuck you up, like it did me, but I don't care [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]), or whatever doesn't contain calories.


                Once I was down like 40 pounds, I started exercizing, running, weightlifting, fitnessing and shit. It started to rebuild my muscles and get me back to a good level of fitness.


                I'm firmly against any of that medicinal shit or whatever. if it isn't coming from YOU it's effort lost, in my book. You have to make the switch/click in your head or the cause is lost before you've even begun!

                Wheeeew that was a big post! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                • #9
                  Re: question (involves fitness)

                  lol, thanks for the advise guys. I read your comments earlier and i literally went straight to the gym and damn i'm tired now [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] but i feel good. I really pushed myself this time and really worked up a sweat. Can't wait to go again when i get some free time. Thanks for all the advise [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
                  93 USA Soloist EDS
                  USA HT6 Juggernaut
                  Charvel DK24FR


                  • #10
                    Re: question (involves fitness)

                    Suppliments provide minimal help and most of that is placebo but if it works for you take it... just realize that most of the benefits are placebo
                    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                    So that none of its lies can affect me

