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What's wrong with older kids nowadays?

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  • What's wrong with older kids nowadays?

    I bought a hockey net and some sticks to play street hockey with my kids. We usually go to the school parking lot within walking distance of my house. We play, have fun and I teach my kids hockey at the same time. There is a playground right next to where we play, so the last time I was there, my daughter and her friend wanted to play on the playground instead, so it left me, my son and his friend to play hockey. At the playground were these 3 older white trash looking girls just sitting there. Anyway after about 10 minutes, my daughter says that the older girls are bothering them. I know my daughter is very sensitive and can sometimes blow things out of proportion, she's 9 years old but a very good kid. So I say to her, go to the other side of the playground and ignore the other girls. Again, after about 10 minutes, she comes to me again and says the same thing. So this time I angle the hockey net to where I can see the playground clearly and tell the boys I'm going to be the goalie again, but I'm not going to try and stop any shots, I'm going to watch the playground. Just keep playing normally.

    Again, I tell my daughter, go back to the other side of the playground away from the older girls and I'm going to watch you. Wouldn't you know, the older girls again go and harrass my daughter and her friend, so I go over and tell them to leave the kids alone, one of them starts insults, wrong move, I grew up in South Providence where insulting one another was a way of life, so I unleash a good tirade of some hardcore cracks, I think one of them started crying, then the other one is like "I'm gonna call the cops and get you arrested". I start laughing, I said go ahead, I didn't do anything wrong and they leave.

    After they leave, I'm pissed because these stupid bitches just ruined my whole afternoon. We play about 10 more minutes but then I start thinking what if they did call the police. I know I didn't do anything wrong, definately didn't break any laws and I have witnesses, but it was a matter if they show up, it would be a my word against their's type thing and they may or may not give me a hard time for playing hockey on city property (school). Not worth the hassle, so I decide to just pack up and leave.

    What the hell is wrong with people nowadays anyway? Back in my day if an adult told you to leave someone alone, you would respect it. You knew your fuckin' up and got caught, no big deal. Today everything is cops this, lawyers that.

  • #2
    Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

    That's what is wrong wth the majority of teenagers, no f*cking respect for anyone. I blame the parents and schools for not showing some proper authority. Some of the laws are pathetic too which prevents some proper authority.
    93 USA Soloist EDS
    USA HT6 Juggernaut
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    • #3
      Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

      Lately something is very wrong with young people. Everyone are depressed and taking pills, no respect for other folks etc. I dunno what's happenin'.

      A few years ago my grandfather (RIP) was walking on a park and saw two girls (about 11 years old) smoking. My grandfather told them in a calm voice that "Why are you girls smoking, it isn't good for you, find something better to do". One of the girls told my grandfather "It isn't your buisness old-timer, a hair is starting to grow on my pussy before you get a boner".
      I mean WTF??? [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img]
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #4
        Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

        It's the Electronic Babysitters, man. Fukkin TV fillin their heads with shit all day. I'd bitchslap anyone for messing with my kids - from the Pope to the President to Mother Theresa, and lay a family-sized smack on the first cop or lawyer that gave me shit about it.

        Of course you really coulda made the little cunts piss their pants by calling the cops, videotaping it and showing it to Child Welfare, or telling them that every year hundreds of little girls are snatched off the street and raped and killed by total strangers, and that they're well on their way to earning a place as a government statistic.
        If they still didn't get the hint, tell 'em to stop bothering your daughter or you'll give her the ok to unleash the fookin fury.

        Put your kids in a Tae Kwon Do class this week, and let them learn the important things like breaking fingers, removing teeth, and general ass-stomping. Then teach them the difference between HAVING power and ABUSING power, so that next time, they stomp the living shit outta those bitches after being told to stop bothering them the first time.

        A lot of dumbfuck worthless assholes think that sorta thing is "kids being kids" but no child has been granted the right to dominate another child for any reason. One thing I can't stand to see is someone teaching their kids to start shit with other kids for the sake of starting shit, or "establishing their authority" [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

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        • #5
          Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

          What's wrong with older kids nowadays?

          Their parents, 'nuff said.


          • #6
            Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

            Parents dont give a shit these days and dont know or care what there kids get up too.A bloke i work with is a fucking disgrace of a father to his children.His eldest son who is now 16 was thrown out of school since 13!Another of his sons has held a knife to his sisters throat and when you ask him what he will do about it..he says there is nothing he can do!!!lol..His son not going to school is the SCHOOLS fault and his other sons Knife fixation is no problem for him to worry about!the trouble is there are LOADS of useless fathers and mothers out there who dont care about there children,there just there as they breed like rats


            • #7
              Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

              This whole country is goin to hell in a handbasket!
              I'll tell ya, nothing has been the same since Donny and Marie split up!


              • #8
                Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                My kids seem to be turning out alright. I've never been one to "spare the rod" though. But, the system can try and tie your hands. When my daughter(now 21) was in trouble and trying to run with the wrong crowd, I was told by the judge (a female no less) that I would be thrown in jail if I so much as yelled at her. The judge referred to the punks at boot camp as "her children". I was the only parent who would show up for every meeting and court appearance. I even turned her in to the police twice trying to get her to straighten up, yet I was called a horrible father by that judge bitch. Well, in the end, my daughter turned out fine. No thanks to the system. [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]
                The Buzzard does not fear
                The man in riot gear
                Harvest a skull of stone
                The Buzzard grows his own...


                • #9
                  Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                  You folks with parents...I gotta tell ya, you have my ut-most respect. I'm serious here.


                  • #10
                    Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                    Yeah... I JUST sent my 8 year old daughter to her room for back talking to her father and I.
                    We respect our kids- their interests and their privacy, and we expect the same in return.
                    Then I open this thread!

                    The behavior of those punk girls is completely unacceptable. I would guess they don't have a parental figure in their lives that gives a damn about them. That is sad.

                    I agree with what has already been said... IMO its the video games, the instant messaging, the utter lack of any parental involvement anymore.
                    When I was a kid we used to go as a FAMILY to friend's houses for BBQs and fun stuff... all the kids would play great, the parents would visit. Parents were friends with the parents of their kid's friends. I don't think that happens much anymore. Parents do their own thing, the kids wander off.
                    I get so many kids knocking on my door to play with my kids and I have no idea who their parents are... and when I go to meet them the parents couldn't give a flying fuck. [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                      I blame MTV


                      • #12
                        Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                        I still consider myself as an older kid.

                        But many people younger than me, or sometimes even in the same age category are indeed mannerless and have a 'holier than thou' attitude. Granted I like to stir up some trouble as well, I'd do it with friends, for fun, I would go fucking over other people.

                        I blame it on all this angsty Nu-Metal and HipHop shit you hear on TV and radio nowadays! Back to the friggin' 70's and 80's where you just had fun as a kid, got drunk and rocked out as a teenager/twentier and were able to cruise around and chill as an old-timer!
                        You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                        • #13
                          Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                          MTV is the most evil creation ever concocted in the history of sentient beings throughout the multiverse. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] Kids see their favortie celebs on MTV saying and doing whatever they want, however they want, to whomever they want at all times without thinking. Teenagers have no respect for anyone (or themselves for that matter). They feel they are invincible and can do whatever they want. There are no rules or regulations. My little brother is 16. (I am 21) I am getting married, buying a house, just got a full time job that is the beginning of a wonderful career. He is, as of right now in fact, doing community service for a minor he got on New Years. He knows more about beer than I do and he thinks it is cool. He is disrespectful to my parents and my little sister which REALLY pisses me off. I am all about having a good time and such, but when it is legal and moderated. He had a party a while back at our house when my parents were gone that I had to grab a kid by his shirt, lift him up, and tell him to leave my house. He told me "not to handle him that way". I responded by saying I will handle you any way I want to in my house.. now leave or you are going to get hurt.

                          Kids these days have no boundaries. The sad thing is, unless one of them gets raped, pregnant, murdered, killed, put in jail, or something to that effect, they will not learn a damn thing. I pray my brother will pull his head out of his rectum and see that there is more to life than beering and partying and doing whatever you want.
                          Light intervened, annihliating darkness.
                          The path of salvation made clear for the prodigal human race


                          • #14
                            Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                            Its a tough but a rewarding job raising the little monsters but, mine are doing fine. I have two teenage boys, 17 and 15 and a 4 year old daughter. We watch every move they make. 9:00 is bedtime, I dont care what time your friends go to bed. Nope, your not getting a cell phone until you have a job to pay for it. I dont care if your friends have one or not. Using the car and need a cell? Oh, heres your moms, she'll be home all day and you can reach me on mine if a problem does develop. You want your own car? Hardees is hiring and you should have enough money saved by the end of the summer. Dont forget, insurance and gas cause I AINT paying for it. Oh yeah, its your week to do the dishes. Dont forget to clean your room. the video games and get your asses outside, what?! I said NOW!! They dont give me much lip though they do try their mom................moms are usually softer. All this without even touching them...........


                            • #15
                              Re: What\'s wrong with older kids nowadays?

                              My step daughter is one of the rudest,self centered people that I have ever met.I blame TV,her friends,and myself.I always tried to be supportive(I have raised her since she was 3,she will be 18 next week)but she is a drama queen and not very fun to be around.Most of her decent friends ask us what her problem is.She is never happy with anything unless there is something in it for her.She is terribly jealous of her little brother and is tough on him.I keep her on a short leash and hope it will get better,but I doubt it.My whole household stays in a uproar because of this child and her own mother (my wife) can't stand her half the time.All she wants to do is talk on the phone and stay on the computer.Bitches about doing chores,and basically lives in a dream world.I am sick to death of hearing that it is a phase she is going thru,what a crock!I personally think the child is just a ass and is just going to have to learn the hardway about life.Sorry about the rant,I guess I needed to get it off my chest............................
                              Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........

