If a teenager clad in leather with long hair screams, god hates us all, along some searing guitars, many people just waves with their hands and think: he's going to come to his senses sooner or later. But, what if he's serious and stays true to himself? The members of the legendary group Slayer, who in the 80's expanded the borders of heavy metal are grown up, mature, guys with families, but even in their 40's they are screaming "God hates us all" along their unchanged raw music. And they are still held as metal icons. We called Slayer's guitarist Kerry King, prior to their attendance on the Metal Camp festival on the 24th of June in Tolmin, Slovenia.
The album God hates us all, was released on 11th september 2001, on the day of the terrorist attack on the WTC. Was that circumstantial evidence that god really hates everybody?
That was evidence that coincidences really exist. Really ironic .. I remember, that we made jokes about that in interviews: if that aint enough evidence that god hates us all, what does need to happen then (laughs)
What makes you think so? Dont you think that god likes some WAY more than others?
There's too much chaos in this world, to believe that there is a higher being, that loves us.
On a forum i read: "Slayer don't even believe in god - why is it then the subject of almost every song?"
We don't believe in Satan either and we sing about him also. I'm a big fan of horror movies and that's just a perspective from which i'm writing.
Dave Lombardo has returned after 12 years of absense. What happened?
We had some diferent views on things. But there were some technical dificulties ...
What kind?
Years ago, out producer Rick Rubin told him, that he cant be seen on concerts, because he's hidden behind his drums and he should sit higher. He did raise his stool, but that ruined his technique and he started to play worse. Nobody knew what the problem was. It sounds rather simple - now he's lowered it again and he's amazing! We just didnt realise it before. If we knew it earlier, everything would be diferent.
You're still singing about the same themes than 20 years ago - war, death, church, buried alive, etc .. Are you trying to tell us nothing has changed?
We're writing in general - it's in the human nature, that there will always be a war. If not in our society, then somewhere else.
Many metal legends became softer in the beginning of the 90's, yet you never changed. What did you think about Metallica's Black album? Your vocalist said that was the end of Metallica for him.
Black never bothered me really, cos it was still heavy for me, it's got a couple of great songs, but when they released those "Fuel" "Refuel" screwups, they lost me forever.
Why didn't Slayer ever become softer?
Cos we would have sucked doing it! (laughs) We're best at what we do and we dont want to be just a 'summer hit'! We want to be Slayer! Many bands, including Metallica, became something diferent after the first 3 albums, which were some of the best on the planet. And then they say: That's US! I ask myself who were the guys that released the 1st three albums?
Some say that once you get into your 40's brutal metal isn't apropriate anymore. You have to grow up, think diferently, settle down.
Well, i don't! (laughs) I dont even think about being in my forties. I dont feel that way and i dont live that way. That doesnt mean that i'm still a kid. I'm simply enjoying myself, i'm like that and my fans like me that way.
They say change shows creativity.
Just look at AC/DC. (laughs) I adored Judas Priest and i remember being dissapointed when they released Point of Eternity. They made a couple of bad decisions, they tried being glam. I thought: guys, you're so far from glam it's horrible! You're JUDAS PRIEST! Harley Davidson on stage ... I think they drifted from their path. Then they released Ram it Down, which was a step into the right direction. I'm glad we never had such a hit n' miss
Do you see Numetal as a Slayer legacy? what do you think of Limp Bizkit for example?
I never was a fan of theirs. They released an album not long ago that didnt even get in the Top40! It's over already (laughs). I find bands like Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, good .. Metal has it's good moments again. Some bands credit us as their influence, but they have a broad range of influences in general and our legacy is part of what they do.
Your music is very heavy and takes a lot of physical energy. How do you maintain it?
I dont drink alcohol ... till the gig's over (laughs) That's my rule. If someone spends their hard earned money for a ticket, i think it's inapropriate for me if i hit the stage drunk as hell.
And after the concert?
I relax, have a couple of drinks.
Beer? Wine?
No beer, no wine.
But other things till you drop, huh?
Well, yea. Not always.
Do you do sports?
Used to, now i aint doing anything for the last 7 years. You know, playing in Slayer for an hour and a half five days in a row IS a sport! (laughs)
Do you picture yourself, playing Angel of Death 20 years from now?
I hope not. I dont think we can be like Black Sabbath. They never were a physical band, except Ozzy. Iommy is practicaly standing still for the last 35 years. (laughs)
Maybe you'll be playing Angel of Death in an acoustic version
(laughs) You never know.
You all have children now. Do you let them listen to Slayer or do you find it better that they dont listen to records with the 'Parental Advisory' label on them?
For me, music is music. If i got something to say, i'll say it as my opinion, but i wont force it into anyone.
Years ago, they accused you that your lyrics were the cause of the suicide of one of your fans. It's clearn that you cant blame the text writer, but if we know that a song can cheer someone up, it's logical that it can depress people.
It's really a matter of fact that music can make you feel better or worse. It all comes down to taking responcibility of your own actions.
Was the song Silent Scream from the album South of Heaven against abortion?
No idea. It's interesting that we're planing to play that song on the coming tour. Usually we dont ask the author about what he ment with the song.
So, are Slayer for, or against abortion?WTF kind of a question is this anyway??
I'm for the rule that a woman has the right to choose what to do with her body.
How do you remember colaborating with the Beastie Boys in the No Sleep till Brooklin song?
A funny coincidence really. We were in the same studio and Rick Rubin asked me if i'd like to record a solo. I thought, why not? After i heard the backing i said: ah, you obviously want a cheesy stereotypical metal solo! (laughs)
I still hate that solo today! It was a parody, that's all. If i knew it would turn out to be such a hit, i'd asked more for it. (laughs)
For the end, what can we expect from the next Slayer album?
Well, like you said previously: War, death, Jesus, religion.. the usual bullshit. (laughs)
i think it's pretty sweet! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]