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Possible Terrorist Attack in London

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  • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

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    No, it's precisely the same. A better question is whether we will wait patiently for the Islamic Hitler to rise and slaughter tens of millions of Jews and Christians or whether we will require the societies that breed these vermin deal with the societal issues that produce them before we reach that point.

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    I'm all for dismantling the Saudi government (11/12 of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudi). Trouble is Bush likes to hold hands with the Saudi king.

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    Old habits die hard and it's a fact of life that we needed the Saudis and their stable energy supply badly through the Cold War. Dismantling the Saudi government would be a mistake of stunning proportions as, given the nature of the populace there, whatever took its place would be almost 100% certain to be far more radical than what is there now. But you're likely going to get your wish in the near future. If you've not been keeping score King Fahd will be dead very soon (probably on ice now while the infighting takes place) and I'll be more than a little surprised if they don't erupt into full scale civil war over there.

    It's also worth pointing out that Clinton had 8 years in which to break US ties with the Saudis but, for some odd reason, chose not to do so.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


    • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

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      same sort of stuff is in the Bible all over the place. So then the difference is that the Muslims read the Quran but Christians don't read the Bible?

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      I think the difference that matters most is that Christians aren't out there killing people in the name of God or asking for holy wars against all muslims.


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      Pete that is EXACTLY how a significant portion of the Muslim community feels about the war in Iraq.

      Look at history Pete, Christians have slaughtered countless people in the name of god.

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      Past tense. I'm more worried about what's happening right now than hundreds of years ago. YAO's Billy Graham and schoolkids blowing up a Saudi bus is a pretty good comparison.


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      That's the point dude - there are many people that view our presence in Iraq as just that. That would be present tense.

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      This is a big part of the problem IMHO: we're always expected to view things from the perspective of everyone else on the planet and understand how they feel and think but no one is ever required to consider western sensibilities or to understand how we perceive issues. or, alternatively, if one does by chance consider a western perspective it is automatically dismissed as invalid, uninformed, or otherwise flawed because it does not agree with the superior non-western perspective. Neat circle that.

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      That's right. It's a circle. We don't respect their beliefs/concerns/values/etc. and they don't respect ours. So then both sides should just blow shit up and kill people. That should help. And if it doesn't help at least both sides can say they are doing what they can and someday "you'll see".
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

        All religions and politics suck ass! Joe's staying out of this thread. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

        Oh yeah, my condolences go out to all the people affected by this tragedy in London.
        I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


        • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

          [ QUOTE ]
          If you've not been keeping score King Fahd will be dead very soon (probably on ice now while the infighting takes place) and I'll be more than a little surprised if they don't erupt into full scale civil war over there.

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          I've got my [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img] ready!
          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

            Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.


            • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

              Hey Bad Seed, if you are such an anti terrorist tough guy, I've got a solution for you. Go down to your nearist recruiter and enlist. Request infantry and they'll gladly set you up.


              • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                [ QUOTE ]
                Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

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                Oh, please!!!

                Let's not get into a comparison of Presidents here. I am not a Liberal, but I also ddin't vote for Bush and voted for Clinton twice. This shit started to go down hard in the '70s...and went down under the watch of both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It is no more Clinton's fault than it is W's, his father's, Ronnie's or Carter's.

                Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

                  [/ QUOTE ]
                  Fat chicks need lovin' too!
                  I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                  • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    [ QUOTE ]
                    clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Fat chicks need lovin' too!

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Leave it to toejam to keep his finger on pulse of the real issues of the world. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    Occupy JCF


                    • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      Hey Bad Seed, if you are such an anti terrorist tough guy, I've got a solution for you. Go down to your nearist recruiter and enlist. Request infantry and they'll gladly set you up.

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      oh, how clever, tell an old guy to enlist, my oxygen tank would give away our posisiton,lol.


                      • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                        I just spent nearly 1/2 hour reading this thread. Sadly, time I will never get back. I am a former Marine who did my time in Beirut '83-84, and I have my beliefs that I will keep to myself now.

                        However, I DO wish to express my sympathies for todays tragedy to all my UK JCF brothers and all of the people in England. How tragic and utterly dispicable. I am sick over this. Peace all.
                        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                        • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                          BTW, this isn't a conservative/liberal issue. It's a "Bush and his cronies are retards" issue.

                          Man, our world is going to hell... It's a shame that people with the ability to do the right thing don't.

                          Besides, this isn't as cut and dry as killing a terrorist. Kill one, and there will be another right behind him. Somehow, we must change their way of thinking. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to make that happen.


                          • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            [ QUOTE ]
                            [ QUOTE ]
                            clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

                            [/ QUOTE ]
                            Fat chicks need lovin' too!

                            [/ QUOTE ]
                            Leave it to toejam to keep his finger on pulse of the real issues of the world. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                            [/ QUOTE ]
                            Hey, somebody's gotta do it! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Now, where's my cigar? [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                            • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Hey Bad Seed, if you are such an anti terrorist tough guy, I've got a solution for you. Go down to your nearist recruiter and enlist. Request infantry and they'll gladly set you up.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              oh, how clever, tell an old guy to enlist, my oxygen tank would give away our posisiton,lol.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Don't know about that.... The kidney-dialisis machine hasn't deterred Bin Laden...
                              Occupy JCF


                              • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                                I know alot of you don't want to discuss politics, religion, etc... on this forum, but how can you bring up something as sensitive as this that involves both topics without talking about it?

                                Of course, personal attacks and insults should be kept to a minimum... (I guess I'm guilty of that myself). [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

