Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London
Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.
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Oh, please!!!
Let's not get into a comparison of Presidents here. I am not a Liberal, but I also ddin't vote for Bush and voted for Clinton twice. This shit started to go down hard in the '70s...and went down under the watch of both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It is no more Clinton's fault than it is W's, his father's, Ronnie's or Carter's.
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Well said mike, i was talking about seventh sons attacking of Bush.I agree this shit has been going on since the 70's.BTW, i voted for clinton the first time,please dont hold that against me though, i was young.We started letting terrorism get the best of us when Jimmy "peanut" Carter was president and our iranian embassy was taken over.Him beng a pansy for 444 days gave those terrorist the idea that we could be walked all over.I dont remember Reagan putting up with this shit, but i could be wrong.
Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.
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Oh, please!!!
Let's not get into a comparison of Presidents here. I am not a Liberal, but I also ddin't vote for Bush and voted for Clinton twice. This shit started to go down hard in the '70s...and went down under the watch of both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It is no more Clinton's fault than it is W's, his father's, Ronnie's or Carter's.
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Well said mike, i was talking about seventh sons attacking of Bush.I agree this shit has been going on since the 70's.BTW, i voted for clinton the first time,please dont hold that against me though, i was young.We started letting terrorism get the best of us when Jimmy "peanut" Carter was president and our iranian embassy was taken over.Him beng a pansy for 444 days gave those terrorist the idea that we could be walked all over.I dont remember Reagan putting up with this shit, but i could be wrong.