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Possible Terrorist Attack in London

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  • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, please!!!

    Let's not get into a comparison of Presidents here. I am not a Liberal, but I also ddin't vote for Bush and voted for Clinton twice. This shit started to go down hard in the '70s...and went down under the watch of both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It is no more Clinton's fault than it is W's, his father's, Ronnie's or Carter's.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well said mike, i was talking about seventh sons attacking of Bush.I agree this shit has been going on since the 70's.BTW, i voted for clinton the first time,please dont hold that against me though, i was young.We started letting terrorism get the best of us when Jimmy "peanut" Carter was president and our iranian embassy was taken over.Him beng a pansy for 444 days gave those terrorist the idea that we could be walked all over.I dont remember Reagan putting up with this shit, but i could be wrong.


    • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

      I believe the hostages were released withing days of Reagan's victory. They knew he would do something if they didn't.

      Then again, Reagan didn't threaten to invade Iran... [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


      • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

        [ QUOTE ]
        Why don't they just bomb France and save us ALL some trouble...

        [/ QUOTE ]
        I'm not even patriotic but I'm sick of all this bullshit. You're stupid.
        I spent the past year in Scotland and I'll be there the next 3 years too, Scotland is home more than France or Amsterdam right now and even though I'm used to terrorists attacks (there were loads in Paris in the 90s when I lived there, and not small ones either, though of course there wasn't such a fuss made about it... terror for who...) it always affects me. Good luck to our friends in the UK.
        People who put it all on all Muslims are just as extremists as the terrorists. Some people really sicken me, and they're not all terrorists. People, there were big terrorists attack before 911 too. No need to bring it all back to the US all the time. They weren't as big and spectacular I give you that, but they've always happened. There are ALWAYS stupid assholes in all religions who misinterpret (or chose to) the holy texts. I personally believe that in this particular context religion should not even be a concern. Remember the guy who tried to bomb a tower long before 911 happened? (Mc Vey wasn't it? ) Was he Muslim? Was he from a Muslim country? Compatriots have always fought compatriots and it won't stop.
        To whoever mentioned the war in Iraq and why you're there: if I recall correctly George Bush himself said that you were there because Iraq posed a direct threat to the US with their weapons of mass destructions, as well as their links with the terorrists. It's obvious now that both of these threats have not yet been accounted for as eliminated.


        • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

          Yeah, so that would make 430 days of carter being a pansy, my bad.


          • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

            [ QUOTE ]
            Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

            [/ QUOTE ]

            No, you're mistaken about me. I hate the Clintons too. Anyone in politics is there to line their pockets behind a facade of mom, apple pie, and chevrolet. Bush is no worse than Clinton. If you don't believe that both parties are simply lapdogs to corporate power/greed, then you are truly naive. I think it's funny (in a sad way) how Bush approved the Wal-mart trade deal that allows more red state manufacturing jobs to go to China.

            What really irks me is when Bush signs off on nearly 2000 of our troops to die in Iraq when it's just a smokescreen to get people to NOT think about the administration's profitable relationship with the Saudis. Spread democracy? Is that *now* why we went into Iraq (the administration has downplayed WMDs). Shit, then why aren't we spreading democracy in Saudi Arabia? Or half the countries in Africa? Or Cuba?

            And it is really funny how everyone says that it was good to go into Iraq because Saddam was a mass murderer. Hell, most of you want all Arabs dead anyway, so as long as Saddam didn't have WMDs, then keeping him in power would have been a good thing (in your warped world view).

            So, again, why did nearly 2000 of our troops have to die in Iraq? If you say "9/11", we have some lovely parting gifts for you.


            • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

              [ QUOTE ]

              Well said mike, i was talking about seventh sons attacking of Bush.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              dude, i don't think any worse of bush than i do of clinton or anyone else in politics. with the rare exception, they are all scum to me.


              • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                Obviously i woulndt know that by your pushing the SA/bush connection in three of your threads


                • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Obviously i woulndt know that by your pushing the SA/bush connection in three of your threads

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  and u don't think those connections are worth considering?


                  • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    No, you're mistaken about me. I hate the Clintons too. Anyone in politics is there to line their pockets behind a facade of mom, apple pie, and chevrolet. Bush is no worse than Clinton. If you don't believe that both parties are simply lapdogs to corporate power/greed, then you are truly naive. I think it's funny (in a sad way) how Bush approved the Wal-mart trade deal that allows more red state manufacturing jobs to go to China.

                    What really irks me is when Bush signs off on nearly 2000 of our troops to die in Iraq when it's just a smokescreen to get people to NOT think about the administration's profitable relationship with the Saudis. Spread democracy? Is that *now* why we went into Iraq (the administration has downplayed WMDs). Shit, then why aren't we spreading democracy in Saudi Arabia? Or half the countries in Africa? Or Cuba?

                    And it is really funny how everyone says that it was good to go into Iraq because Saddam was a mass murderer. Hell, most of you want all Arabs dead anyway, so as long as Saddam didn't have WMDs, then keeping him in power would have been a good thing (in your warped world view).

                    So, again, why did nearly 2000 of our troops have to die in Iraq? If you say "9/11", we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Do you want some cheese to go with this?

                    Same old argument, I'm bored [img]/images/graemlins/sleep.gif[/img]


                    • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                      Annah has some new mp3s posted in the music section.


                      • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        Someone has been watching michael moore videos too much.Liberals(that is what you are called) dont want to talk about the bombings in africa, the first world trade center attacks, the bombing of the Cole,...ect all that happened during the 8 clinton years.Its all Bush's fault, bla bla bla.Of course we had plenty of time then to deal with them, but clinton was too busy bangin fat interns to concern himself with real problems.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        No, you're mistaken about me. I hate the Clintons too. Anyone in politics is there to line their pockets behind a facade of mom, apple pie, and chevrolet. Bush is no worse than Clinton. If you don't believe that both parties are simply lapdogs to corporate power/greed, then you are truly naive. I think it's funny (in a sad way) how Bush approved the Wal-mart trade deal that allows more red state manufacturing jobs to go to China.

                        What really irks me is when Bush signs off on nearly 2000 of our troops to die in Iraq when it's just a smokescreen to get people to NOT think about the administration's profitable relationship with the Saudis. Spread democracy? Is that *now* why we went into Iraq (the administration has downplayed WMDs). Shit, then why aren't we spreading democracy in Saudi Arabia? Or half the countries in Africa? Or Cuba?

                        And it is really funny how everyone says that it was good to go into Iraq because Saddam was a mass murderer. Hell, most of you want all Arabs dead anyway, so as long as Saddam didn't have WMDs, then keeping him in power would have been a good thing (in your warped world view).

                        So, again, why did nearly 2000 of our troops have to die in Iraq? If you say "9/11", we have some lovely parting gifts for you.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        Do you want some cheese to go with this?

                        Same old argument, I'm bored [img]/images/graemlins/sleep.gif[/img]

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I think you meant Koolaid Txcharvel, yep Koolaid.


                        • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Anyone in politics is there to line their pockets behind a facade of mom, apple pie, and chevrolet.

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          What's with apple pie anyhow? It's a British creation. Do we take credit for it just because we figured out that it needed sugar?
                          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                            Just me give me my apple strüdel, a taco & and eggroll on the side and w/ a large American Dew ...I'll be happy.


                            • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                              hey do my deleted posts here still count toward my post count?


                              • Re: Possible Terrorist Attack in London

                                Do you really care? post count is about as valueable as pocket link.

