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Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

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  • Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

    Has anyone used them? Recommendations on the quality of their work, please? [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img] ...Not just for refins, I mean. How about PU routing? Floyd routing and install?

    I'm looking for a good shop to possibly do some or all of the above. Must be a top-quality pro job, and would be willing to pay a little extra for quality work and attention to detail.

    Please tell me about your experiences with Big Head. Or recommend alternatives.

    Thanks. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

    Well, I had a recent refin done by Paul at Big Head. I would just say that I was COMPLETELY satisfied. My refin included stripping several coats of paint, then filling in a bad (and extensive) Floyd route. He did a great job. You can just barely make out the seam where the route was done, but the only way to eliminate that was to re-top it. That would have been too expensive. Anyway, Paul was great with in-progress picture updates. My only complaint is that it took a bit longer than initially promised. Instead of 2-3 months, it took about 4. Not too bad, considering his workload at the time. I've posted these recently, but just for the sake of continuity, here are some pics of the project:

    Before Big Head:

    After Big Head:

    I think I have some in progress pics on my PC at work. Let me know if you'd like to see them. Also, let me know if you have any specific questions about my dealings w/ Paul. FYI...I know that there are a few more JCF'ers that have used him. Hopefully, they will post. Good Luck!!



    • #3
      Re: Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

      Mine came out killer. I was 110% satisfied.


      • #4
        Re: Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

        Cool. Any others?


        • #5
          Re: Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

          I'll let you know later this week when mine gets here. I had a Floyd install, complete re-fin. I sent a bunch of parts in and will be getting a complete guitar.


          • #6
            Re: Big Head Guitars - Recommendations?

            Awesome, Shawn. Thanks bro.

