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My landlord is crazy.

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  • My landlord is crazy.

    This is the short version of a very, very long story.

    Basically, I live in a rental home with 3 other roommates. The two upstairs roommates moved out earlier this month, and the landlord wanted to have someone come in and repaint / work on the upstairs bed rooms / bathrooms so she could prepare to rent the entire house out to a family. We said that would be okay and we scheduled a time to pass them a key. The people coming to pick up the key missed the first scheduled time, but ended up showing up about 3 days later and taking the key. They then came back Monday and began to patch up the walls in the two rooms that they were going to work on as well as lay down some base primer. The next day they fully primed the walls and then started patching holes throughout the entire upstairs, which wasn't what we agreed to. Then yesterday, I come home from work to find that they packed up everything in the kitchen (about 25% of it was our stuff, 75% of it was the landlords) without any notice. Additionally they went through the fridge and threw out EVERYTHING (including about $20-$30 worth of groceries that I had purchased on Tuesday night). Then I find out that they also packed up my George Foreman Grill, my eating utensils, my plates and most importantly, my water pitcher in the fridge. On top of that we find out that they were using my cleaning supplies to clean out the bathrooms and also they were using my garbage bags to haul trash / garbage from the house. We call the landlord and she doesn't answer (typical for her, she ignores our calls) and I leave a message expressing my concerns, informing her how my groceries were thrown out, how my utensils, plates, pitcher, and George Foreman grill were taken without my consent, and asked her how are we supposed to eat at the house if we have nothing to eat off of? We had a long talk and decided that we didn't want to run the risk of any more of our stuff disappearing or being loaded into boxes and disappearing. So we deadbolted the front door when we went to work this morning just because we didn't want the people working on the house taking any more of our stuff and loading it in with their stuff. Now the landlord is pissed at us and threatening to change the locks on us. Mind you, we're moving out in 3 days. The irony of the whole situation is that she never gave us notice about the kitchen, so we had no chance to pack up our own stuff. Even if she did give us notice, we would've said that they needed to wait until monday since we have no way to prepare food, no plates to eat on, no utensils to use and no food to prepare! She never gave us notice that the walls in the rest of the upstairs were going to be patched, so now we're probably going to have to get one of the couches cleaned after we move.

    Oh yes, the other ironic bit was that one of the people working on the house randomly barged into my room yesterday morning, which they had no right to be in or access as it wasn't part of the agreement, at like 10am while I was still asleep... What the hell? On top of that I go outside to figure out what was going on and I find the woman outside snooping through my things in the garage and taking boxes! I inform her politely that those are my boxes and we're using the garage as a launchpad for our move out. She asks if she can have 3 boxes... I say sure, but now looking back, I realize that these boxes are what she loaded the plates / utensils / etc into!

    My landlord is crazy. Discuss.

  • #2
    Re: My landlord is crazy.

    Take her to court. You've got yourself an easy lawsuit right there my friend.


    • #3
      Re: My landlord is crazy.

      [ QUOTE ]
      Take her to court. You've got yourself an easy lawsuit right there my friend.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      +1 Sound like a slam dunk to me. While she owns the house, the landlord/tenet relationship is spelled out really well by the law, establishing that it is YOUR domain until you relinquish it, or are legally evicted. Anything they did that does not have your express written consent is illegal.

      Honestly, if I woke up to find my kitchen empty and a unresponsive landlord, I would have called the police. If you know who is moving in, I'd give them the entire story. Let them know what kind of person they're going to have to deal with.


      • #4
        Re: My landlord is crazy.

        I've been in similar situations.
        I fought a bunch with a landlord who did similar things, then tried to screw me out of my deposit for "cleaning" charges.
        How could I clean the kitchen when it was in the middle of being painted.

        I need to buy a house soon, getting the down payment together has been rough.


        • #5
          Re: My landlord is crazy.

          Well, the issue is that I don't really have the time (pulling full time hours) or the money to dedicate to going after her. Especially considering that I'm moving out of the house with the only other remaining roommate. I figure, I go after her and spend a couple hundred if not a couple grand and then I get my utensils, dishes, and other stuff back; it isn't worth it. Even more so, its just an extra case that doesn't need to be in courts, people have real problems that amount to more than just some dishes and a bunch of forks and knives. I posted it here more to show everyone how insane my landlord is. I've got a whole bunch of funny stories about her (she lives in California so I've never met her in person).

          I'm only 22 and this is actually the first "official" rental place I have lived in (though I use the word official loosely I could go on and on about it). I'm glad that I was approved for the second one prior to all of this crazy stuff going down.

          I will post some pictures of my awesome room that I'm living in after I move out.


          • #6
            Re: My landlord is crazy.

            That's what small claims courts are for. Just a small filing fee. You can get paid for all the shit that got stolen or damaged, the rent you paid for those days you were inconvenienced, and for damages for having you privacy violated. That can add up to a decent amount.


            • #7
              Re: My landlord is crazy.

              It's up to you to decide if it is worth it to sue her. Time wise it doesn't take that much(small claims), you go to the court file against her her. The thing is, since she doesn't live where you do, you may have to pay to get her served, then it takes time. Think of it this way, how much will it cost to purchase the items that were taken? Is it worth it to pay filing fees, service fees(possibly lawyer), and wait to get back the monetary value of what was taken. I am a landlord of a 10 unit complex. For the 1st time in 8 years(of owning the property) I just recently had to evict someone. The rent due was $450 a month(studio apt), they had been late several times, then missed 1 month completly. I served them with a 3 day 30 notice ( pay in 3 days or you are out, and if you pay your lease is still terminated at the end of the 30 days). Of course they did not pay. I talked to the guy several times and offered to forgive all past debts, but he still had to be out in 30 days( basically gave him a month and a half free rent). I did this because the eviction process would cost me around $500, but it also gives him the ability to stay in the apt. for almost an extra month and a half, while the process goes through the courts. Only as a last resort did I file an unlawfull detainer against him. It just is not cost effective.
              Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


              • #8
                Re: My landlord is crazy.

                Did she require a deposit when you moved in? If so demand that she give back the amount in full or you will take her to court. If she calls your bluff a flaming bag of poop on the porch would be option number 2 no pun intended.


                • #9
                  Re: My landlord is crazy.

                  Well, I just got home and my roommate said that a locksmith came out and was told to change the locks, after that he told him that we were still living here and the guys eyes got all wide and he said "Oh, then I can't change the locks" and he left...



                  • #10
                    Re: My landlord is crazy.

                    Deposits can be a squirrelly thing, especially when her workers will likely be her witnesses in small claims court. Also since he lives in Washington state and she's in California and he's never met her, the flaming dog poo thing may be hard to pull off.

                    That sucks, man. If you're the tenant of record you could definitely have some recourse
                    but I notice you used the term "loosely" with regard to this being your first official place. If you're not the name on the lease you could be considered a squatter, depending on your state laws. Ironically, in your landlady's home state of California, squatters can have tenants' rights anyway, but I don't know if Washington state is more conservative.
                    I used to live in Santa Monica, CA and my boss's family had a small apartment complex which I had to help manage. As 3333 said, it can be a bitch going through the eviction process there; Santa Monica Rent Control Board
                    could string it out for months. Here in Mississippi, though, it's 30 days max, and the landlord can basically strongarm evict you in the sheriff's prescence. Here, best pay that rent promptly!
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #11
                      Re: My landlord is crazy.

                      It is against the law for the landlord to change your locks while you are still living there, like I posted above, right now I am evicting a tenant. I wouldn't do it because I know they law, but it is completely illegal to enter a tenant premise without prior notification, or in the event of of an emergency(fire, water damage), also illegal to threaten to change locks(considered harrasment, you can sue) cut off utilities anything, even if they haven't paid in months. I can't even go into an apartment that I considered abandoned without 1st posting a notice on the door 24 hours prior to entering it. Believe it or not, most states laws are really, really geared towards the tenant rights. You should give your landlord a nice call and tell her that what she is doing is highly questionable pracitces and that is she continues, she may be in for some legal trouble. If you want call your local court, or go to their website, and they will give you info on how to receive help from the local fair housing, or legal help centers in your area concerning tenants rights.
                      Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                      • #12
                        Re: My landlord is crazy.

                        hey dude...I 'll read this in depth later..

                        I got family shit now...

                        I'll come back..

                        I'm good at this kinda shit.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        it's what I live for.. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #13
                          Re: My landlord is crazy.

                          "I know they law, but it is completely illegal to enter a tenant premise without prior notification"

                          typically your landlord has to give 24hrs, but it could stipulate different in the lease you signed.

                          There should be a renters union or a tenants union you can call for more advice. Also, I wouldn't count on getting much of your deposit back, which I would wait to receive before any kind of lawsuit thinking comes into play here. Take pictures, document things missing and anything amiss like people coming into your place, using your things, tossing out the food...all this should not be done with out your prior consent for each event as long as you are still living there.

                          I've had issues with homeowners renting and they think "oh,it's my place..I can do samn well whatever I want"
                          No, check your contract over and see what it says about these things. If there are items missing or stolen..demand them back or replaced. I highly recommend taking pics of this crap.


                          • #14
                            Re: My landlord is crazy.

                            Just an extra note here concerning security deposits. Unless you have done some "real damage" to the place there is no reason for them to not return your deposit. Things like nail hole patch work, carpet cleaning, and painting are standard items that are to be done between every tenant. So unless you did some big damage and did not report it when it happened there is no reason to not get your money back. I will go back to it again, but even in the eviction process, a landlord still must return the deposit, unless they unit was damaged. So that means that even though the guys now owes me $900 plus I then had to hire an atty. and go through the process which has added another month to his free rent. When the Sheriff finally comes to drag his ass out, I will still have to refund his deposit. And get this if he isn't there or splits before, I have to pay to store his junk(literally) till he comes and gets it, and if he doesn't, after like 20 days, I have to go through the court to have his stuff declared abandoned, then I get to throw it away. Out of this he get a lean on his credit report for 10 years, plus gets harrased by debt collectors. Basically for the next decade his credit is killed, no loans, no renting a place(that does checks), no credit cards.
                            Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                            • #15
                              Re: My landlord is crazy.

                              I was charged over a 100.00 to remove oil stains in the garage. How much of price and what is fair is up to them.

