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My landlord is crazy.

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  • #16
    Re: My landlord is crazy.

    Dude.. give me your landlords address and that Flaming bag of fresh droppings from my dog are on their way bro [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


    • #17
      Re: My landlord is crazy.

      Well, I guess the good news is that when I move in she never asked me for a deposit. She's just being generally insane. She threatened to have us forcibly removed from the house by the police on Sunday.

      The whole reason why this makes me laugh is that we were the only tenants in the span of 3 years that paid our full rent every month and never missed a payment. We never created problems and we actually went out and FOUND other people to move in despite the fact that we recieved no perks or bonuses for this. All she's done over the last month is threaten legal action on us yet we've done nothing wrong until Thursday (when we deadbolted the house to protect our belongings which were being dumped into her belongings without our consent). We allowed her representatives to enter our place to work on the bedrooms and assorted walls throughout the house (paint them). She never said to us that they would be boxing everything in the kitchen up or emptying the fridge (which is insane in itself, how the hell are we supposed to eat anything if all the food in the fridge is dumped and all the plates / utensils / cooking supplies are removed?)

      I'm not interested in pursuing legal action at this point, I just want to get the hell out of here! [img]/images/graemlins/sick.gif[/img] Anyways... I'm gonna unplug my computer and go to sleep so I can wake up in a couple hours and start moving.


      • #18
        Re: My landlord is crazy.

        The flaming bag of poop idea is the ticket here.
        I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

        - Newc


        • #19
          Re: My landlord is crazy.

          Last landlord also charged me 150.00 for 'storage' because I had a bike rope locked to a railing which I could not find the key for the lock, so it and a few plants stayed in the hallway for like an extra week. I was a tenant there for 6 years.

          Anyways, sounds like the deadbolt solved a problem of intrusion.


          • #20
            Re: My landlord is crazy.

            Ugh. I hate renting and I hate hearing this kind of story.

            Last year at this time the owners of the small apt. building I live in were doing a bunch of upgrades to the wiring. These friggin' idiot "maintenance" guys came in my place while I was at work, moved ALL my shit around to get to the outlets, left bits and pieces of wire trimmings and insulation cut-offs ALL OVER the floors. AND THIS IS THE BEST PART: they had the audacity to eat 7 of my nine home-made chocolate chip cookies AND use one of my glasses and leave it in the fucking sink!!! Yes, I know how many cookies they ate because I had suspicions. Not only that, but they peed in my toilet, didn't flush, didn't wipe off the rim and didn't put the fucking seat back down! TWICE!!

            So I set up my web cam and monitored my place from work. Unfortunately, it was too late because they were done in my place and had moved on to their next victim.

            I hate renting and I LOATHE these idiots who call themselves apartment "managers". They can't manage shit! I could use several Burning Bags o' Excrement! Hahaha!


            • #21
              Re: My landlord is crazy.

              Annah, how about I send you some cat turds from my little box. We put cat pee clumps and cat poop in an open bag in my friends car when we had 106 degree weather here...did not smell good at all.

              That said, the landlord is being crazy! Have her call the cops, the cops WILL NOT remove you. If you REALLY wanted to, you could push it, and get yourself evicted...which can take months.


              • #22
                Re: My landlord is crazy.

                In regards to the landlord being out of state this is where the JCF network would come in handy. One of your fellow brethren could do the bag o flamin fecal matter for ya. I would but I am in TX.


                • #23
                  Re: My landlord is crazy.

                  I can top everyone--when I lived in L.A., my apartment complex hired some sleazebag and his mob-connected wife to be the resident managers. They managed to rip off stuff from a whole bunch of the tenants. I came back from a Christmas vacation to find my place basically cleaned out of the good stuff, including a San Dimas Soloist. The idiot left me my TV and Carvin halfstack, though, since he was too fucking lazy to carry them, I guess. They did catch him, supposedly, but I never got anything returned. Good thing I had renter's insurance--ALWAYS a necessity!

                  Here's the kicker: this douchebag had done this same thing before and been caught, and the idiots who owned my apartment didn't know about it! And he apparently even got hired at another complex after he ripped us off.

