I live in Sacramento, the capital of California. So you'd think there would be some great music stores here. Wrong. There are three guitar stores in town. The first one is Guitar Center. That speaks for itself. The second one, Skips Music, sells everything GC sells only for more money. To buy something you have to drop your pants, bend over, and walk into the store backwards screaming "I'm here for my butt raping please!" The third store isn't much better, Fender, Gibson and a whole line of crappy $150 guitar brands. They may have one American Fender or Gibson, with the rest Squire and Epiphone.
This is so disappointing. San Francisco is 2 hours away, but traffic can make is a 3-4 hour commute. What a shitty town for guitar buying.
Rant complete.
This is so disappointing. San Francisco is 2 hours away, but traffic can make is a 3-4 hour commute. What a shitty town for guitar buying.
Rant complete.