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Watch this guy get owned

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  • #61
    Re: Watch this guy get owned

    MAXIMUM ownage indeed! Damn! They tore him several new ones!

    The dude's a total tard. Our fucking troops ROCK! And I, for one, am thankful as all hell for them. Thank YOU Rick. Any man or woman who has the courage to get out there and fight for the rights of our people, our country, Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines, city cops, etc., has my respect (except for the few screwballs who are there to abuse the system).

    This dude got what he deserved... and on national television! Ahahahaha! What a sad little man.


    • #62
      Re: Watch this guy get owned

      You are more than welcome. It was an honor to serve. I tried going back in after 911 but with a family now it wasn't possible. My dad told me "You had your war and came back in one piece. It's someone elses trun now." I see a lot of national guard soldiers at one of my accounts every week and usually get to buy a couple of them lunch. they are amazing people and i'm so lucky to be able to say i was among them during my life.


      • #63
        Re: Watch this guy get owned

        I will be one of the first to tell you that I do not agree with the war in Iraq, that I think it is nothing but a bunch of rich, powerful people sending our boys off to die to make them money, while lying about the whole thing to the American people. It really disgusts me. I also find nothing about Fox News fair and balanced, because they constantly ass kiss the Republican party the same way NBC ass kisses the Democrats.

        Now, having said that, I find this degenerate lowlife's comments absolutely disgusting. How misguided can you be? Why anyone would blame our troops for the sins of our government is absolutely beyond me. What a total toolbag piece of shit, he desrved every bit of the tongue lashing he got. I'm sure a large chunk of the troops over there don't agree with the war, didn't choose to go over, and would have avoided it if they could. Don't blame the guy in the field for the war, because he is just doing his job. You can't just quit the military like a job at the grocery store, and if he was ever in the military, he'd know that (He'd also appreciate his freedom of speach a bit more with people shooting at him). Blame the rich guys in suits who only care about their money, their party, and how much power they can amass, because those are the true people responsible for wars. Say Bin Laden all you want, but he's just another rich suit, so my point stands.

        I've never seen the troops, of any country or time, start a war. How many wars were started by the poor? Every single war comes down to the same thing in the end--people in power want more power, and people with money want more money. Blame those that use all of us as pawns on their global chess set, not the poor bastards on the lines who were sent to do a job.


        • #64
          Re: Watch this guy get owned

          [ QUOTE ]
          I also find nothing about Fox News fair and balanced, because they constantly ass kiss the Republican party the same way NBC ass kisses the Democrats.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          You should watch it more. They are as close to middle of the road as you can get. With the exception of O'Reilly, who himself is just slightly right of middle, they will always have balanced debated with each side being represented with equal time. Hannity and Colmes, for example, will always have equal time to ask questions. Unlike a lot of shows which will gang 3-4 Democrats against 1 poor Conservative. Belive me, if Fox News was not fair and balanced, it would be a lot different.



          • #65
            Re: Watch this guy get owned

            [ QUOTE ]
            ... I also find nothing about Fox News fair and balanced, because they constantly ass kiss the Republican party the same way NBC ass kisses the Democrats.

            [/ QUOTE ]

            I think you meant to say CBS. Run by Liberals and broadcast is done by Liberals. *cough* Dan Rather *cough* [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
            My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


            • #66
              Re: Watch this guy get owned

              [ QUOTE ]
              [ QUOTE ]
              I also find nothing about Fox News fair and balanced, because they constantly ass kiss the Republican party the same way NBC ass kisses the Democrats.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              You should watch it more. They are as close to middle of the road as you can get. With the exception of O'Reilly, who himself is just slightly right of middle, they will always have balanced debated with each side being represented with equal time. Hannity and Colmes, for example, will always have equal time to ask questions. Unlike a lot of shows which will gang 3-4 Democrats against 1 poor Conservative. Belive me, if Fox News was not fair and balanced, it would be a lot different.


              [/ QUOTE ]

              Without getting too political, I'll say this. Just because you're too the left or the right, doesn't mean you can't agree with views on the other side.

              Example, I really enjoy Bill's show. OSG mentioned he was to the right (he meaning Bill O.) I have to say, I read his article every week, and I try and catch him on TV every chance I can at work.

              To answer the question above ("maybe deneb goes both ways") I wouldn't call it that. I explain it like this,


              If that graph makes sense, I'm just slightly left. You could almost call me a middle man. I don't jump ships, I've got very pointed views, but my views are from BOTH SIDES of the fence.

              Osg, them ganging up on people of either political party, has been going on, with multiple news networks, and it happens both ways. Right now, the left is the minority in Washington, and even if they bash everyone they can on TV, one fact remains...they're still the minority :P

              I really don't want to see this thread shut down, because I started off on some political views. I didn't put them out, to offend, or suggest any way of thinking into anyone's head. I only offered them out, as an example of the fine freedoms we experience DAILY for the blood that was spilled by the soldiers who protect those rights. Love me or hate me, I'm proud to be an American, and every other American should be too.

              You may not like a lot of things in America, or with the people who run, or don't run America, but one fact remains, the reason you have those freedoms, is because men and women, have fought, and died for them.

              No one can deny that fact, not a single solitary person.

              That person on H/C was a total fool. His arguement made no sense. His thought process probably started when a bunch of his friends, and him were at an eatery or something, and they started bashing someone, and well, who do they blame? Sure their fucked up logic sounded good over coffee and pop tarts...then somehow this moron gets on TV. At which point, his retarded logic, moronic ways of thinking, and stupid idealogy come to bite him in the ass.

              What better way to be showed the fuck up on a politcal program...on public both sides of the fence? The more I think of that clip, the more I think of loving America even more.


              • #67
                Re: Watch this guy get owned

                ooo, hot seat. The news obviously set him up on that. Also obvious is this guy knows he's creating controversial websites. Musicians have been doin this for years...anything that creates controversy is oftentimes good free publicity-look where it got ozzy.
                I'm surpised they did not bring 9/11 into that 'conversation'

                If there had been a high voltage wire linked to that chair, there could have been a live televised execution..."another poor choice." ahh well, live n learn or not, at least he wore a tie to his funeral. Welcome to the web, land of almost infinite free publicity. Then its just a matter of "is anyobody listening"?


                • #68
                  Re: Watch this guy get owned

                  [ QUOTE ]

                  I've never seen the troops, of any country or time, start a war. How many wars were started by the poor? Every single war comes down to the same thing in the end--people in power want more power, and people with money want more money. Blame those that use all of us as pawns on their global chess set, not the poor bastards on the lines who were sent to do a job.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Well, you know what they say...

                  *ahem, ahem*

                  {in Ozzy's voice}

                  Politicians hide themselves away.
                  They only started the war.
                  Why should they go out to fight?
                  They leave that role to the poor, yeah.

                  Time will tell on their power minds,
                  making war just for fun.
                  Treating people just like pawns in chess,
                  wait till their judgement day comes, yeah.
                  [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


                  • #69
                    Re: Watch this guy get owned

                    i lost 3 friends during 9-11, and it could have been alot worse as all my friends and family are brokers , firemen, and cops. it is about 9-11. it's about not taking it in the ass anymore in our own country, and if it just so happens that we get some control over a little oil, tough shit, we help every other country in the world when they are in trouble, i think we deserve it. go ahead and flame me now, but i'm sick of people who have no regard for their own lives much less ours or others and who blow up buildings and buses and trains carrying innocent people in all countries. i say go dooor to door, and toss out every person who should not be in this country. do not let anybody back in either that is not a true citizen.
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #70
                      Re: Watch this guy get owned

                      can i get an amen tommy!

                      I love Fox news, watch it every day.

                      Hannity and colmes frustrates me becasue colmes a sissy communist.Is it me, or does he look like a giant ant? His face reminds me of something from "A Bugs Life", hahaha

                      As for this fucktard, he is a typical uneducated moron who needs top spend time away from his mommies house , grow up and learn that he doesnt deserve anything just because he is alive.

                      Tommys right, its all about 9-11 and i just dont know why so many have forgotten about the feelings they had that day, that week, and the months that followed.If the news played the footage from that day on a regular basis, it would remind people what its all about.People jumping out of 100 story buildings because it was thier only option? Planes full of humans being launched into buildings?God damn, it that doesnt wake youup, i dont know what would.


                      • #71
                        Re: Watch this guy get owned


                        [ QUOTE ]
                        i lost 3 friends during 9-11, and it could have been alot worse as all my friends and family are brokers , firemen, and cops. it is about 9-11. it's about not taking it in the ass anymore in our own country, and if it just so happens that we get some control over a little oil, tough shit, we help every other country in the world when they are in trouble, i think we deserve it. go ahead and flame me now, but i'm sick of people who have no regard for their own lives much less ours or others and who blow up buildings and buses and trains carrying innocent people in all countries. i say go dooor to door, and toss out every person who should not be in this country. do not let anybody back in either that is not a true citizen.

                        [/ QUOTE ]
                        "Now remember, things look bad and it looks like you're not gonna make it, then you gotta get mean. I mean plumb, mad-dog mean. 'Cause if you lose your head and you give up then you neither live nor win. That's just the way it is. ":JOSEY WALES


                        • #72
                          Re: Watch this guy get owned

                          I feel sorry for the loss of anyones life, at any time. The lives lost on 9-11 are no exception.

                          I do not mean to offend, and this is fact. Afghanistan is not Iraq. We're in Iraq, not where Bin-Laden was/is.

                          Saddam was a terrible man, and it's great to see he is out of power. However, to say that 9-11 is the fault of him, or to say that, we're taking him down for 9-11 is not the truth.

                          I do not mean to offend at all, and I would hope you do not see my response as this. Are we better off with him gone? Sure, he was an awful person. Was he the one that flew a plane into our buildings? No, he most certainly was not. Ties are ties, but I think that to really pay respect to our dead, it would be to go after the person who master-minded it all, not the neighbors.

                          Please, do not take offense to this, as I'm not down playing anything that happened in NY. I do not want anyone to think that, and I don't want anyone to think, I want them to think like me. I'm just asking, please do not think that our movement in Iraq, is 9-11's fault.

                          Please do not be angry with me, or think I'm trying to insult anyone, I am not. As a fellow JCFer, and a fellow American, I respect and understand your opinion, and I hope you can respect and understand mine.


                          • #73
                            Re: Watch this guy get owned

                            #1. That kid was sad. If you're going on television to voice your opinion, at least have some balls to defend it. He just stood there like a reeeeetard taking it up the pooper. I pity him. Retard.

                            #2. I found it amusing how they were showing the soldiers spreading love and peace around them. Most amusing. Propaganda at its best.


                            • #74
                              Re: Watch this guy get owned

                              i'm not saying we're in iraq because saddam was responsible for 9-11, and i'm not taking any offense. i'm just saying we are there for 9-11, wether there are other underlying plans or not.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!


                              • #75
                                Re: Watch this guy get owned

                                Iraq was housing known terrorists, and not complying with UN sanctions, and the consequence of disobeying UN sanctions is America invades your piss ass country and takes it away from you.
                                Play by the rules or you don't get to play.
                                Bin Laden is in Ashcanistan, dead. Killed in one of the bombing raids. If he was still alive, he'd be on TV. Instead we had streams of audio "sounds-like" threats, and now a video from his butt-buddy.
                                Where's Mr Big-And-Bad? Feeling like chicken shit tonight? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                                And I agree, whether you're Liberal, Conservative, Independent, Freestyle, whatever, the soldiers are not the ones to blame, they're just doing their job as they are told and trying like hell to get home safe. This Crook prick needs to go BASE jumping without a chute - today, preferably.
                                Freedom Of Speech is a gift, not a right, and you better remember who bought it for you.
                                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                                My Blog:

