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Watch this guy get owned

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  • #76
    Re: Watch this guy get owned

    [ QUOTE ]
    i lost 3 friends during 9-11, and it could have been alot worse as all my friends and family are brokers , firemen, and cops. it is about 9-11. it's about not taking it in the ass anymore in our own country, and if it just so happens that we get some control over a little oil, tough shit, we help every other country in the world when they are in trouble, i think we deserve it. go ahead and flame me now, but i'm sick of people who have no regard for their own lives much less ours or others and who blow up buildings and buses and trains carrying innocent people in all countries. i say go dooor to door, and toss out every person who should not be in this country. do not let anybody back in either that is not a true citizen.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    +100 [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


    • #77
      Re: Watch this guy get owned

      [ QUOTE ]
      Iraq was housing known terrorists, and not complying with UN sanctions, and the consequence of disobeying UN sanctions is America invades your piss ass country and takes it away from you.
      Play by the rules or you don't get to play.
      Freedom Of Speech is a gift, not a right, and you better remember who bought it for you.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Again, +100 [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


      • #78
        Re: Watch this guy get owned

        My favorite debate show is Crossfire, it is truly the only fair and balanced one out there with reasonable debates. Mainly because each of guys on the show are very passionate about their political standings. Some of the best arguments and debates are on that show. The guys on that show go right for the throat with their guests.

        Alan Colmes cracks me up because he's Sean Hannity's bitch. Hannity a dude that puts a lot of pressure on guests, but Colmes just sort of rolls over and periodically asks questions. He rarely carries the liberal issues with a third of the zeal that Hannity does.


        • #79
          Re: Watch this guy get owned

          [ QUOTE ]
          I will be one of the first to tell you that I do not agree with the war in Iraq, that I think it is nothing but a bunch of rich, powerful people sending our boys off to die to make them money, while lying about the whole thing to the American people. It really disgusts me. I also find nothing about Fox News fair and balanced, because they constantly ass kiss the Republican party the same way NBC ass kisses the Democrats.

          Now, having said that, I find this degenerate lowlife's comments absolutely disgusting. How misguided can you be? Why anyone would blame our troops for the sins of our government is absolutely beyond me. What a total toolbag piece of shit, he desrved every bit of the tongue lashing he got. I'm sure a large chunk of the troops over there don't agree with the war, didn't choose to go over, and would have avoided it if they could. Don't blame the guy in the field for the war, because he is just doing his job. You can't just quit the military like a job at the grocery store, and if he was ever in the military, he'd know that (He'd also appreciate his freedom of speach a bit more with people shooting at him). Blame the rich guys in suits who only care about their money, their party, and how much power they can amass, because those are the true people responsible for wars. Say Bin Laden all you want, but he's just another rich suit, so my point stands.

          I've never seen the troops, of any country or time, start a war. How many wars were started by the poor? Every single war comes down to the same thing in the end--people in power want more power, and people with money want more money. Blame those that use all of us as pawns on their global chess set, not the poor bastards on the lines who

          +1 [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

