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Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

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  • #31
    Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

    As you all know, I have only been playing about 5 years, but I tell you what, I will bet I play 3 hours a nite, 6 days a week. I have a 4 year old and a 2 year old, a wife, a dog, and a goldfish, and they are all in bed by 9:00. I end up playing until 12:00 or so every nite. It has become my addiction, and to be honest, it makes me a calmer, easier person. I honestly get so relaxed, I occasionally catch myself falling asleep sitting up. A nice clean Les Paul in the middle position with some delay and chorus, and I am out like a baby.

    It is so mentally healthy, I hope I never burn out the way I did with the drums after 25 years.

    Spin the black circle.

    [email protected]


    • #32
      Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

      I work 14 hours a day here lately.i get to play on my days off and once in a while during the week


      • #33
        Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

        When I used to run construction jobs out in L.A. in the 80s, I had a couple carpenters who were in working bands, these guys were out until 3 almost every night and had to be at work at 7 the next day, I don't know how they did it, if I hadn't been a wanna be rockstar I am sure I would have had to let em go. plus they always brought killer chicks to the parties am my house, [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
        I say the boy ain't right!


        • #34
          Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

          I'll make you laugh...

          My friend is a guitarist that plays just about every weekend and mentioned to me last night that the drummer in one of the bands was complaining that more than 1 gig a month was a lot of stress for him.

          Now keep in mind that this drummer only plays in a Guns n' Roses cover band and the set list has yet to change in over two years!

          Add to that the fact that he is 41 years old and still lives with his parents. Mind you he is quick to point out how he "moved" from his childhood bedroom down to the basement!

          This dude has never in all the years had a girlfriend and for that matter never even went for his drivers permit!

          But the all time kicker is the fact that he brings a bottle of Nestle Quick to the gig and then mixes his own chocolate milk in the dressing room!

          I swear this is not one bit bullshit by the way! When my friend mentioned this to me last night I nearly pissed my pants with laughter!

          But hey! At least he has time to practice and play huh?

          And look at some of the fine places that they get to play as well huh?


          • #35
            Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

            Damn you, Ninja!

            You've just reminded me that I left the greatest city in the world to live in the city that thinks its the greatest.



            • #36
              Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

              Ahhhhhhh St Catherines.
              many good college memories. the supersex! [img]/images/graemlins/drool2.gif[/img]
              If this is our perdition, will you walk with me?


              • #37
                Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                [ QUOTE ]
                I usually end up practicing from 10:00-12:00 midnight, if I'm not too beat from work.
                Parenting kills practice time

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Story of my life too. I'm waiting for school to start, early evenings to set in, and no outdoors chores to do. Hopefully that's when I can get back in the groove.


                • #38
                  Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                  Too tired? Definitely yes. Especially at times like this when we're preppin' for deployments. Add the fact that my wife works nights so I'm playing Mr. Mom almost every night. It's usually 10 PM by the time I can play and a lot of nights I just say fuck it. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
                  My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


                  • #39
                    Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    ... I still do play, once in a while, but not with the same intensity or drive I had. I posted on this subject back in March, I think. I think what got to me was the amount of time I had put into learning and practicing, and how I felt I wasn't as accomplished as I should be. It's was a big let down not to practice and unfortunately, I'm still affected by it. Hopefully that'll change. Seeing other people not playing because of being tired, being burnt out or a variety of reasons, is good, in a sense that, I'm not the only one in the boat alone. I really want the drive to come back, but I have to wait for it. I'm not ready yet.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    This is how I feel lately. For all my practice, it seems like I'm not even close to where I think I should be. One thing I try to do to keep me playing is I take lessons. That way I feel some positive pressure to practice. My guitar teacher can also help get me out of my "I'm no good" moods. On the nights I don't feel like playing, I don't force it since I'm in it for fun, and forcing it isn't fun. Still, a tough problem to have for people who love guitar.


                    • #40
                      Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                      Even when I still had a Job I never had this problem... I think next week is the first break I´ll have had from guitars in years, and it´s only to heal the studio-blisters [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]


                      • #41
                        Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                        i work from 9am till 7pm in summer and 9 till 5 in the rest of the year. my playing isnt as good as it should be. i might get to play 1 hour before i go to bed. i used to play alot more but i have 2 kids now and i like to see them. if i would rather play guitar than watch tv at night.


                        • #42
                          Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                          It can be a problem for me playing after I get home from work. Some nights I am kind of worn out and may only do some exercises rather playing along with CDs or learning something new. I try to get in at least an hour evening.

                          I was unemployed for the last half of last year and it was great for guitar practicing. I would do all my job hunting stuff in the morning and then spend several hours in the afternoon playing everyday. I found one can improve fairly quickly if you play for 3 to 4 hours everyday. It is a bummer loosing a job, but I have something to look forward to if it happens again! [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                          When I get to the point of wondering how come I don't seem to be improving much, I think about a particulate exercise or song that I had a real hard time with in the past that I can breeze through now. The I know I have accomplished something!
                          Jackson: DK1
                          Charvel: CS (CSB), SD (RGF), SD (Bullseye), SD '83 (HRF)


                          • #43
                            Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                            Get home from work play, cook, eat, then I just want to relax. Pisses my wife off to no end, because I put off the chores (my teenagers are lazy). Even if I want to play my, youngest (22 months), decides shes need to play the guitar as well. Couple this w/ playing in the evening (after 9p), plugging into the Rack doesnt go over well w/ my wife who is trying to go to bed. I think I need to get a POD Live or something similar that I can plug headphones into, that way I would be more motivated... or build a sound proof practice room.
                            KV DM PRO, SLSXMG, RRXMG, DXMG, LP P90 Goldtop_GSP1101_RM4: JF SL-OD100_Randall RT2/50_Peavey 4x12 cab
                            I'm loving the Jaded Faith mods. Going Egnater Dual mod route: Voxless, SL-OD100, Brahma #39, QuickMod GT


                            • #44
                              Re: Anyone else ever too tired to play after work?

                              This is why I switched from playing drums for 18 years to the guitar, I can just sit and relax playing the guitar, The drums just take all the energy from me if I play after work
                              I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue

