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I give up

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  • I give up

    After spending the last few days pondering Ninja's too tired post and seeing/hearing much of the mp3/video here,I have come to the conclusion that it is time to throw in the towel.I in now way contribute to the advancement of my insturment and can no longer justify the investment.

    I have been playing for over 23 years,I am self taught and have only relied on my ears.I played for over 15 years before I was even able to take a lesson,but that lasted a mere three weeks(two of which were spent having the instructor say play that again,how did you do that,can you slow that down a little and do it one more time) before my (now ex) wife lost her job and I had to quit due to economics.My playing has not progressed any in over a decade,and with a 40+ hour work week and 4 kids,there is no opportunity to commit to it again.I have not played in a band situation since before my daughter was born in 1991.

    I have concluded that the only one to truely benefit from all this is the electric company,and I find little comfort in that.

    I thank all of you for tollerating me,for within this community lies the seed of truth that there is hope for humanity after all.A fabulous collection of people,you are a bright spot in a pit of stagnations..

    May life's spotlights shine upon you all,and you bask in that moment of glory..
    Bon Jovi is like a frozen Coca Cola.. It's cool, it's crunchy, but when all is said and done it is still pop....

  • #2
    Re: I give up

    How about playing for fun? Great stress reducer.

    I haven't been in any band for years and years - I don't want to play in bands anymore, nor be part of the music business either for that matter. I just sit around in my basement jamming every now and then. At this point in my life I can't imagine being without that - I love it.

    I keep my guitar "collection" small though. I only need a few good guitars to keep me satisfied.


    • #3
      Re: I give up

      I don't know that I will be able to say anything that changes your mind, but before you start flogging yourself too much, ask yourself this most important of questions. Do you still love to play? If that answer is yes than to me thats enough. I'm in a similar situation to you (no kids or e-wife, but I work long hours and I don't play in a band), yet I would never give up my playing because alot of times it keeps me sane. If your boss is a moron to you at work, or your girlfriend is bitching at you, I can just pick up the guitar and suddenly it all flies away. Thats enough justification for me. I'd have a harder time justifying if I had 10 or 20 guitars but I'm not even close to that yet. I don't think (and I am sure alot of people here will agree) that you need to contribute to the advancement of guitar as a whole to justifying loving guitars. Play them when you can and love the instrument, and to me thats enough. Whatever you end up doing, wish you luck. I hope you keep rocking [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: I give up

        Agreed. There's no law that says "Publish Or Perish" when it comes to being a musician - that's only if you're a writer [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

        Seriously, it's a fun hobby for most, and only a select few really get to "make it", but that shouldn't change an interest in the hobby.
        Who knows, maybe your kids will benefit from it as they get older?
        You could teach them what you know already and let them move ahead from there.

        It's a possibility.
        I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

        The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

        My Blog:


        • #5
          Re: I give up

          I played professionally, I now play for fun. It makes me happy. It's my hobby. If I suck, oh well. If I don't suck, Oh well again.

          Do whatever makes you happy. If playing makes you happy, do it and who cares where you are at with your talent or progress. It's all about whether you get some feeling that makes you pleased when you are doing it.

          I mean, geez, look at Neil Young. He sucks and hasn't improved in 30 or so years, and look at him! He seems happy. Have at it. Play, screw everyone and enjoy yourself, it's job #1.

