Flamenco + Metal = Flametal
The thread about Whitesnake in the Artists section brought me to this... http://www.flametal.com/ Name is cheezy, but the music is good.
I love the flamenco music of Strunz and Farah, and obviously I love metal guitar. I think it has promise. Of the two MP-3s on the site, I liked the pure instrumental one the best. The cookie-monsterish vocals kind of turned me off.
The thread about Whitesnake in the Artists section brought me to this... http://www.flametal.com/ Name is cheezy, but the music is good.
I love the flamenco music of Strunz and Farah, and obviously I love metal guitar. I think it has promise. Of the two MP-3s on the site, I liked the pure instrumental one the best. The cookie-monsterish vocals kind of turned me off.