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Hilarious or just plain sad?

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  • #31
    Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Is it a choice? Well yes it is but not so much as in is it a choice of coke or pepsi. Homosexuals are born with a sex drive that is different than heterosexuals. Just like Heterosexuals they have the choice to act upon their sex drive. Trust me most gay men are already mocked as kids etc and they are not looking to choose something that would make them an outcast and object of ridicule even more.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Being GLB or T is NOT a choice. What to DO about being that way is. You can live your life hiding who you are from the world, or you can LIVE YOUR LIFE.

    I chose to live. And believe me, my choice was not to be transsexual, but to SURVIVE. It was either be true to who I am or die. I came very close on a few occassions but then I realized that even though I was different, I was of far more value to my son alive than dead. Thankfully, he has proven to me time and again that I made the right decisions. You could as anyone in my family, or any of my friends or acquaintances about this and they would tell you the same thing. I have no regrets and I am sure that the vast majority of GLBT parents are doing just as well.

    The choice is whether or not you want to live YOUR life, or live someone else's concept of what your life should be.

    Simple as that.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That is what I was trying to say

    [/ QUOTE ]



    • #32
      Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

      [ QUOTE ]
      [ QUOTE ]
      Well, it does seam to me that Homosexuality has been around in some amout for hundreds of years at least. As long as it is behind closed doors and not in public, I could care less. The only good thing I can say is it seams Bi-Sexuality has become very popular among women, we can all be very happy for that [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Jack.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Homosexuality is referred to as 'Greek love' for a reason.

      In ancient greece, about 75 to 80% of the population was homosexual and also homophile. They did not think of it as a disgrace.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      And what happend to ancient greece?



      • #33
        Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

        I am not going to beat this dead horse but it is societies view that skews things I guess I don't have the answer but in our DNA we are predisposed to certain things. I have heard a number of times people who will say they are Predisposed to Alcoholism it is in their genetics then they will be the same peole who say I hate them fags... seems like a double standard to me but I am done on this subject.
        I keep the bible in a pool of blood
        So that none of its lies can affect me


        • #34
          Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

          I hate getting involved in these types of threads because it's usually pointless. But here goes. My piece of shit father left my mother when I was 4 or 5, I barely knew him. I lived with the drunk, drugged out low life scum for 9 months when I was 14. As much as it pains me to admit it my mother raised me.

          He had no part in raising me. Did that stop me from becoming a man? Hell no. Besides, I know many adult males that had fathers and wouldn't neccessarily say they are a man.

          Bills GayCamp sounds like fun. Looking at titties all day and fondling women at every opportunity? Sign me up! Oh hell, that was the '80s. Up until a few years ago when I got married I was still doing that! No I just fondle my wifes!


          • #35
            Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

            Just don't use ancient grease ! HAHA! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


            • #36
              Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

              Hmm I just noticed this thread ..

              Let's start here ... Please keep this respectful and not turn it into a shit fest and I'll let it stay. If it goes astray or I get a complaint it is gone ...

              Do I have beliefs on this issue.. Yep..

              Homosexuality,Transgendered issues cannot be a choice. Why would someone choose a path of being an outcast knowing the way society treats them. Annah's been lucky in being accepted here but all to often in life there are more people than not that get lost and decide that life isn't worth living ..again how could that possibly be a choice..

              All these issues hit close to home for me. I have them in my own family.

              My dad (I never knew until a few yrs ago) was a pedophile and raped my 1/2 sisters when they were young. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that. He commited suicide in 1995

              I have cousins who are homosexual and to be honest.. I treat them no different now than I did when I didn't know they are still my family..

              If my daughter decided tomorrow that she was, I'd love her no less and make sure she knew the most important thing to me was that she were happy with herself and life ..

              Does everything in life always need to be black and white?

              I don't think so ..
              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


              • #37
                Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                [ QUOTE ]
                [ QUOTE ]
                [ QUOTE ]
                Well, it does seam to me that Homosexuality has been around in some amout for hundreds of years at least. As long as it is behind closed doors and not in public, I could care less. The only good thing I can say is it seams Bi-Sexuality has become very popular among women, we can all be very happy for that [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Jack.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Homosexuality is referred to as 'Greek love' for a reason.

                In ancient greece, about 75 to 80% of the population was homosexual and also homophile. They did not think of it as a disgrace.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                And what happend to ancient greece?


                [/ QUOTE ]

                Well let's see, they're hailed as one of the greatest cultures ever to grace this earth, brought forth some of the greatest artistic and philisophical masterminds, helped build a foundation for modern science and theology and influenced the ENTIRE Western World.

                Were it not for the Greeks, Michael, you'd not be here today. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
                You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


                • #38
                  Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Hmm I just noticed this thread ..

                  Let's start here ... Please keep this respectful and not turn it into a shit fest and I'll let it stay. If it goes astray or I get a complaint it is gone ...

                  Do I have beliefs on this issue.. Yep..

                  Homosexuality,Transgendered issues cannot be a choice. Why would someone choose a path of being an outcast knowing the way society treats them. Annah's been lucky in being accepted here but all to often in life there are more people than not that get lost and decide that life isn't worth living ..again how could that possibly be a choice..

                  All these issues hit close to home for me. I have them in my own family.

                  My dad (I never knew until a few yrs ago) was a pedophile and raped my 1/2 sisters when they were young. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that. He commited suicide in 1995

                  I have cousins who are homosexual and to be honest.. I treat them no different now than I did when I didn't know they are still my family..

                  If my daughter decided tomorrow that she was, I'd love her no less and make sure she knew the most important thing to me was that she were happy with herself and life ..

                  Does everything in life always need to be black and white?

                  I don't think so ..

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Nicely stated!


                  • #39
                    Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Hmm I just noticed this thread ..

                    Let's start here ... Please keep this respectful and not turn it into a shit fest and I'll let it stay. If it goes astray or I get a complaint it is gone ...

                    Do I have beliefs on this issue.. Yep..

                    Homosexuality,Transgendered issues cannot be a choice. Why would someone choose a path of being an outcast knowing the way society treats them. Annah's been lucky in being accepted here but all to often in life there are more people than not that get lost and decide that life isn't worth living ..again how could that possibly be a choice..

                    All these issues hit close to home for me. I have them in my own family.

                    My dad (I never knew until a few yrs ago) was a pedophile and raped my 1/2 sisters when they were young. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that. He commited suicide in 1995

                    I have cousins who are homosexual and to be honest.. I treat them no different now than I did when I didn't know they are still my family..

                    If my daughter decided tomorrow that she was, I'd love her no less and make sure she knew the most important thing to me was that she were happy with herself and life ..

                    Does everything in life always need to be black and white?

                    I don't think so ..

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Nicely stated!

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    Occupy JCF


                    • #40
                      Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      Hmm I just noticed this thread ..

                      Let's start here ... Please keep this respectful and not turn it into a shit fest and I'll let it stay. If it goes astray or I get a complaint it is gone ...

                      Do I have beliefs on this issue.. Yep..

                      Homosexuality,Transgendered issues cannot be a choice. Why would someone choose a path of being an outcast knowing the way society treats them. Annah's been lucky in being accepted here but all to often in life there are more people than not that get lost and decide that life isn't worth living ..again how could that possibly be a choice..

                      All these issues hit close to home for me. I have them in my own family.

                      My dad (I never knew until a few yrs ago) was a pedophile and raped my 1/2 sisters when they were young. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that. He commited suicide in 1995

                      I have cousins who are homosexual and to be honest.. I treat them no different now than I did when I didn't know they are still my family..

                      If my daughter decided tomorrow that she was, I'd love her no less and make sure she knew the most important thing to me was that she were happy with herself and life ..

                      Does everything in life always need to be black and white?

                      I don't think so ..

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Again - very nicely said. I have to say that after some of the things I've experienced, that I have to agree with Kevin. I have known a lot of GLBT people. They really aren't different from the heterosexual people I know, except for their sexual preferences. After talking to them, it wasn't something that they chose. They started realizing it when they were children. Many tried to hide it and finally realized it was destroying them. I love them as dearly as any of my friends. I have to say though - some of the gay men I know we much better actors than the straight guys! (I did a lot of theatre in my day.)

                      As for comparing rapists and pedophiles to homosexuals. There is no reason to "rehabilitate" homosexuals. That would be like rehabilitating you for being straight. There is nothing wrong with either person. And for the record - most rapists and pedophiles are never rehabilitated and can't be. They learn from their mistakes and from being imprisioned. They don't get caught again because of this - it's not that they aren't doing it. The man who stalked and raped me learned from his mistakes and from being in prison. Unfortunately, he's not been caught because he learned how to cover his tracks. Not because he was rehabilitated. Many rapists and pedophiles will tell you themselves that they will do it again, but will be more careful. But they are still let go, because they served their time.

                      GLBT are no where near comparable to rapists and pedophiles. They are enjoying a mature, consentual relationship just like the rest of us. Never compare them to the monsters that are rapists and pedophiles.


                      • #41
                        Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                        Well written Mrs T ...
                        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                        • #42
                          Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                          heh. todd is now mr. t! that's awesome! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                          • #43
                            Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                            Recognize Fool!

                            Occupy JCF


                            • #44
                              Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                              I pity the fool who ignores Mr T's posts
                              I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                              So that none of its lies can affect me


                              • #45
                                Re: Hilarious or just plain sad?

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                As for comparing rapists and pedophiles to homosexuals. There is no reason to "rehabilitate" homosexuals. That would be like rehabilitating you for being straight. There is nothing wrong with either person. And for the record - most rapists and pedophiles are never rehabilitated and can't be.

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                OK For the record, I did not compare gays to pedophiles or rapists. I asked a question. I did not say gays need to be rehabilitated. I asked a question. The rehabilitation comment was about rapists and pedophiles only and I was merely asking if the belief is that they are born that way as well and if they are, then why even try to rehabilitate? Beleifs are a funny thing and they're like opinions: everybody has them [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]. Again, I have nothing against gays, lesbians, transsexuals or anyone else who is just living thier life. Do I choose to see things so black and white that it has to be one way or the other? No. Like I said I believe some are born that way and some aren't. Annah is proof, but I don't think everyone is like her.

                                I wasn't going to say anymore, but I wanted to clear up the misconception of what I said. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

