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Ever need a break?

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  • #16
    Re: Ever need a break?


    i need a break from here.
    i need a break from guitars.
    i need a break from my job.
    i need a break from my kid.
    i need a break from me.

    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • #17
      Re: Ever need a break?

      You know what it is's his divorce dudes!!!!

      That is EXACTLY what this is ..and yeah it will suck and will squeeze your nads by the shorties until they wanna pop [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img]...but we are he for you..

      Seem there is alot of bad ones...some OK ones and some cool ones...These friends I knew just seperated their shit kissed , and said "later" ..kissed each other and parted ways like nuthin'...I saw that!! [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

      She's gone..New girl moves in just after a couple a months...and that goes south fast and then you start thinking of fuggin' your X...and you do...because you're a dick!
      Then you and knock her up fucking around with that it's a $500 a moth child support.but he's a cute kid wit ADD and he's gettin' C's in shool and hears nothing but crap from mom all venting to her kids all day that your a dick.... why does he always be a dick...while you can't defend yourself because your working 69+ hrs a week at work...and when you get home ...they are all against you...yeah they formed a fuggin' possie..

      I see some awesome, killer divorces dude...where the sparks fly for years while you must reside in a 3 thousand dollar's go a toilet and a small sink...

      I hope you us OK and goes as smoohh as it could ...avoid the insults , the last jabs , epecially in the the groinal area , ...try to get on the same page if posssible and split and work it out yourselves w/ the least amount of outside influence as posssible including family members....and friend blowing smoke up their ass..with their "hey take that ....or take this"..all those petty bastids that never seem to have enough drama of their own.

      Keep us posted dude..and

      Take Care man

      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        Re: Ever need a break?

        I don't really need a break from this forum, i just this a break from this f*cking country.

        I'm having to start paying Tax now, so i get a huge lump of money taken from my paycheck and i've realised what a pile of shit this government and it's members really are. All the money taken from tax doesn't go to help anything in this country, it mostly feeds the pockets of government members and wasting it on pointless shit.

        any one remember the millenium dome in London? they could of built a few hospitals with that kind of money, not build a f*cking Billion Pound+ rain shelter.

        I'm also pretty f*cked off with my friends, they are becoming very boring and annoying, spending all their money on getting drunk and not doing something a bit more worth while, so i end up spending my nights off sitting in my room on my own. Occasionally i get to play with my band, but even then the singer is starting to annoy me.

        I needed to vent [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
        93 USA Soloist EDS
        USA HT6 Juggernaut
        Charvel DK24FR


        • #19
          Re: Ever need a break?

          But Steve, Uncle Tony only wants what's best for us! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


          • #20
            Re: Ever need a break?

            [ QUOTE ]
            I'm also pretty f*cked off with my friends, they are becoming very boring and annoying, spending all their money on getting drunk and not doing something a bit more worth while, so i end up spending my nights off sitting in my room on my own. Occasionally i get to play with my band, but even then the singer is starting to annoy me.

            [/ QUOTE ]

            Sounds like me when I was with my previous band! I needed a place to live and ended up moving in with the rhythm which point I discovered that my bandmates were all a bunch of drunks who really only wanted to be in a band as an excuse to party. It was like living in a bar, but without live music! [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]

            As far as the Internet goes, it's a nice place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there!


            • #21
              Re: Ever need a break?

              I like visiting forums, though the bickering can get on your tits after a while - As someone great once said: " Shut-up and play yer guitar"

              Having said that, forums can become addictive cos you don't want to feel like you're missing out on news, classifieds or whatever....
              Popular is not the same as good
              Rare is not the same as valuable
              Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


              • #22
                Re: Ever need a break?

                I know exactly how you feel. I went through a spout where I lost my patience with all the BS on the boards and took a couple weeks off from posting. I just read the board breifly and moved on. It helped my attitude, I still get bent outta shape from a lot of BS posts but I just bite my tongue instead of throwing more fuel on the flames.

                Oh yeah...go blow off some steam at titty bars, lot of fun and good for you [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                • #23
                  Re: Ever need a break?

                  Every time I try to take a break I come right back. I am hopeless. The JCF is my Dust Off.
                  Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                  • #24
                    Re: Ever need a break?

                    This is my first post in a week and a half. Just flew in from SF last night. I brought my Charvel with me on travel, but it didn't come out of the case once while I was out there. I can see a divorce taking the wind out of your sail though. When it's complete, I'm sure you'll over-compensate with the guitar playing. I did. It becomes your closest buddy. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
                    Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department


                    • #25
                      Re: Ever need a break?

                      hey TETS,
                      i haven't talked to my wife since the day before thanks giving, i'm out six figures, my wife and her family dropped me like a hot potato once the dollars stopped rolling in, so fuck 'em all short and tall. come out here to southern cal, pick up young hot box with me and we'll do xananx and dustoff every 5 minutes. there's alot of other stuff to have fun doing to. whatta ya say, come to the land of plenty and i promise you'll leave with a sore dick and no brain cells, it will be a blast, i have nothing left to
                      offer as i am probably going to be living on the beach soon. i'm looking forward to it. call me Atomic Crusoe, but i somehow haul in really hot looking girls still, so i think you need a tour of huntington and newport beach. i've got nothing else to live for, come on out and talk me out of driving 115 m.p.h. down P.C.H. at night as that's not good for your health either. you have my number, and i'm waiting for you. let's go out with a bang, well, i'll go out with a bang and you stay around and enjoy yourself. DEAL? let me know.
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #26
                        Re: Ever need a break?


                        we think your the goods...I know this..

                        you are one of the good ones here man..

                        I would miss your presence as well..

                        I was rablin' about that whole divorce deal and that always a major stick in the eye...some are worse than others like I explained earlier or tried too in my intoxicated stupor last night..

                        do what you must...take care of YOU...that's what we care "bout..

                        That's what matters most even if you never come here again...take care of you...well , someone has to.. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

                        well, good luck my bro , I'm your bro too , alot of us'll still be the assholes we always were...

                        and you can always count on me....being an asshole that is..

                        Kick ass and keep kickin''s a game , play it well as could get one or two shots at it maybe...make it count..

                        I love you ya dick....not in a gay way...well because I'm not gay...too bad for you... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        do I need a break...yes sometimes ...not because oif the "bickering"...hell I caus most of that....just because there are more important thing in life to deal with....sooner or later...but you cross those bridges and learn from them...that is how "wisdom" is achieved...

                        beat your pud matter how BAD things always got your pud.

                        OK tonight I will be taking a break cuz I don't some new killer metal and I must shop for that and that takes hours...

                        TYeys you are a silly bastid...stay the same...never lose your sense of humor man....never!

                        Or John and I will com,e down with tyhe cobra and stuff you in the trunk...just like spidel and chim chim.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        speed racer ...ya know.... [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
                        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                        • #27
                          Re: Ever need a break?

                          I understand totally. I did this a few months ago.
                          Stopped playing for a few months, stopped coming was the best thing for my playing! Now I'm on fire with ideas was the right thing to do.

                          Take a break from the mundane...when you come back, you'll love it again, and that's the point.

                          Life can't be all light...sometimes you have to walk through some darkness...


                          • #28
                            Re: Ever need a break?

                            Yep, and now Chuckles the Gear Whore is all back to being the coolest dude around. Another person I'd hate to see gone and am truly glad came back.

                            If ya gotta go Tets, make sure ya come back soon, cuz we love yas!.

                            Got yer cellphone number, I'll be sure to call when I'm drunk at 4am one night! thanks!


                            • #29
                              Re: Ever need a break?

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              I understand totally. I did this a few months ago.
                              Stopped playing for a few months, stopped coming was the best thing for my playing! Now I'm on fire with ideas was the right thing to do.

                              Take a break from the mundane...when you come back, you'll love it again, and that's the point.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              Hope you right Chuck. It's several months now, and I still prefer to walk away from the guitar and do something else rather than pick it up. Not what I want though/.
                              Occupation: Department Director for the Department of Redundancy Department

