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Preparing to tryout for a band

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  • Preparing to tryout for a band

    There's a band locally where I live that I'm going to try out for. One thing I have working against me is that the guys in the band are all older than me, which can work against me. They're all really good musicians, and one of them has toured with an underground US band throughout Europe. They're cool guys, but serious musicians.

    Here's what I've been doing
    - Playing along with their CD
    - Working on my lead playing in case they present a new song to me and ask me to solo over it.
    - Listening to their CD to memorize repeats, drum patterns, vocal patterns (for cues).
    - Practicing in general

    Here's a couple questions I have.
    - Should I prepare any original material that would be in the band style?
    - When I'm jamming along with the band should I go all out in terms of headbanging and stuff like that during the tryout? Usually during practice I avoid doing those things and focus in on precise playing / ironing out mistakes and save that for gigs.
    - What sort of curve balls should I expect?

    I really want to land the gig, hence why I'm asking for help preparing. I was wondering if anyone had any specific advice or words of wisdom for when I go out. Thanks in advance. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

    Sounds like you're doing pretty good to me. When I was trying out for the band I'm in now, I did all those things and here I am. Also, initially I didn't hardly move at practice...I was concentrating on getting everything right, and the other guys worried that I wouldn't have a good stage presence, but when we played our first show together they realized that I go crazier than they do. Good luck!


    • #3
      Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

      It looks to me like you're already covering all your bases. I wouldn't offer any of your own material except perhaps to give them an idea of your style, unless they have indicated that they're looking for a songwriter. There's always time for that later. As far as headbanging or "getting into it" in general, just make it obvious that you are able to move around or do more than just stare at your guitar.


      • #4
        Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

        i'd say focus on the music when trying out. if they are serious musicians they will know it if you're able to play their stuff well, and thats what a tryout is all about. most of the time they are also willing to give you some time until you get into it live, so i wouldn't worry about my presence.
        and don't be turned off by the fact that they are older than you. i'm 18, our bass player is 23, our lead guitar player 25, drummer and singer both 31. no problems other than hangovers [img]/images/graemlins/band.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

        but i wonder if they sent you a cd and told you to figure it out by yourself, or if they told you how to play their stuff? this could be interesting. my experience is that if they tell you to figure it our by using your ears, they want a real musician in the band, who can use his ears, can actually play more than just tabbed out stuff, and in general has some experience, in contrast to the band that teaches you their music. i found those bands tend to look for an entertainer (having a good stage presence) instead of a musician. just my .2$ tho


        • #5
          Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

          Cool dude..what band?

          Souns like you really down in what their doing and want to make a good impression and be a part of it..I think that's most imortant!

          Sounds like you got a gameplan...

          Just be yourself..relax and do what you do.

          if it's meant to be'll happen.

          Good luck,

          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #6
            Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

            [ QUOTE ]
            Cool dude..what band?

            Souns like you really down in what their doing and want to make a good impression and be a part of it..I think that's most imortant!

            Sounds like you got a gameplan...

            Just be yourself..relax and do what you do.

            if it's meant to be'll happen.

            Good luck,


            [/ QUOTE ]
            Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

            "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

            I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

            Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


            • #7
              Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

              Thanks for the responses so far. The input helps.

              [ QUOTE ]
              but i wonder if they sent you a cd and told you to figure it out by yourself, or if they told you how to play their stuff? this could be interesting. my experience is that if they tell you to figure it our by using your ears, they want a real musician in the band, who can use his ears, can actually play more than just tabbed out stuff, and in general has some experience, in contrast to the band that teaches you their music. i found those bands tend to look for an entertainer (having a good stage presence) instead of a musician. just my .2$ tho

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Well, I had been talking to their guitar player via e-mail for a while. He heard the CD of my band (Shaded Enmity) really liked it and asked if he could buy one. I sent him one and he e-mailed me back a couple days later, told me it was excellent and he really liked it and asked a bunch of questions about the production. From there I asked him about his band (the other guitarist quit) and he said pretty much that they were looking for people and if I knew of anyone let them know. He came out to a show that I performed at and he enjoyed the performance, as well as my playing, so he asked me if I'd like to come out sometime and jam. I said that I'd think about it. So I thought about it and then started learning some songs from the CD, I e-mailed him a little after that saying that I learned a couple of songs from the CD and double checked the tuning they used and he was surprised that I was able to figure the songs as well as the tuning.

              Gotta go for now, I'll post a bit more later.


              • #8
                Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

                well, if he already saw one of your performances and told you he liked your playing, AND on top of that actually invited you to the tryout, i seriously doubt that you won't get the gig unless you get all psyched and freaked out and play like crap during the tryout.
                i'd say that all you need to do know is not to ruin the tryout [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: Preparing to tryout for a band

                  I would say see how they are in practice. If they're movin' a lot it wouldn't hurt to show em' you can too. When in Rome...
                  Hear the universe scream
                  Bleeding from black holes
                  Whom horns careless
                  And whom God mourns

