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OWNED (Katrina related)

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  • OWNED (Katrina related)

    [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/fart.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: OWNED (Katrina related)



    • #3
      Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

      [ QUOTE ]

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #4
        Re: OWNED (Katrina related)



        • #5
          Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

          [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/confused.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/stupid.gif[/img]
          Hear the universe scream
          Bleeding from black holes
          Whom horns careless
          And whom God mourns


          • #6
            Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

            Looks like the dude made an obvious ass out of himself by basing a "commentary" on someones slip of the tongue,especially someone who is obviously under so much scrutiny and pressure from the media.

            To turn that into a political rant piece the likes of which I'm sure would make Michael Moore proud is in pure bad taste. If you want to go off and lay blame fine,both sides are doing it,but it's sad to see him say that "if ever a slip of the tongue defined a goverments response to a crisis" and that slip of the tongue "made this neccesary" pffft lame can you possibly get?

            Not blaming OR defending anyone,just making an observation,to condone and applaud this right now is weak,it's taking the focus off of the immediate problems at hand.


            • #7
              Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

              I believe the point of it was not that the FEMA guy had a slip of the tongue, but rather, that all gov'ts....state, local, federal...have fudged up pretty bad on this one. But once again it is a just a commentary, and need not be based on anything really, as is how commentaries work. But I thought it was awesome.


              • #8
                Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                I understand the point,maybe re-read what I wrote? Oh,and all commentary is based on something,that's what makes it commentary,however in this case it's asinine to believe that a slip of the tongue could cause a hate rant at a time when this really serves no purpose.

                If you're gonna rant,just fuckin rant [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                • #9
                  Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                  Is that Eugene Levy's brother from SCTV fame? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                    Everybody has 20/20 hindsight vision right now...I hate the media and especially windbags like KO...who the F is he??? I am sure that he had plenty of time to polish his little commentary and to rag on and on...maybe MSNBC should have taken the 5 minutes that they gave KO to send out some positive information to the people actually doing something to help and the people affected! I have ranted!


                    • #11
                      Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                      While I understand being upset about how this has been handled, this type of "non-biased news" is flat out silly. Jumping on a guy for a slip up is moronic. I wonder if the news will ever actually be the news and not a political soap box. It is always interesting to see how quickly people turn any event into an opportunity to support thier political party and bash the other. The sad truth is that neither party has a monopoly on truth, honesty, or the best way to handle a disaster.


                      • #12
                        Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                        That was perfectly stated man, I couldn't agree more. Now is NOT the time to scrutinize anyone for what they did or did not do. It is the time to finish the job at hand. What really fires me up is the fact that all of these reporters being negative about what is being done ......have you seen THEM out there trying to help......THEM out there rescuing folks off rooftops...keeping the looters from stealing everything in sight.....handing a bottle of water to an evacuee....the omly answer that I can come up with is a resounding is NO....All they have on their mind is "hmmm how can I pick apart this guy's (and this means anyone out there that is being watched by the media/public on a constant basis....the president....the mayor....the govenor) attempt at HELPING these people and improve my ratings" Because it's all about the $ with these guys...The other thing that is getting me steamed is the reaction to how the president is handling this...I won't continue to rant on this because it would be a three page essay before I got through with it and I'm sure you guys don't want to read that long of an opinion LOL........Later
                        I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


                        • #13
                          Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Now is NOT the time to scrutinize anyone for what they did or did not do.

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          You are VERY wrong about that. You do realize that we are VERY much still in the middle of hurricane season right? Scrutinizing is EXACTLY what should be happening right now. The system(s) failed. I think there are many reasons for that. Getting to the root causes of the breakdowns is EXTREMELY important and should be down ASAP.

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          It is the time to finish the job at hand.

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          Yes. Part of that job involves preparing a plan for how we will handle the next hurricane that we will undoubtedly get by the end of this month.

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          What really fires me up is the fact that all of these reporters being negative about what is being done ......have you seen THEM out there trying to help

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          yes, there are many reports of reporters throwing down and helping out.

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          ......THEM out there rescuing folks off rooftops

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          I suspect that most reporters would do more harm than good

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          ...keeping the looters from stealing everything in sight.....

                          [/ QUOTE ]
                          I think a reporter getting involved in trying to stop armed bandits is a ridiculous thought.

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Because it's all about the $ with these guys...The other thing that is getting me steamed is the reaction to how the president is handling this...

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          ...and people say I'm cynical. It's pretty funny that you say it's all about the money with the reporters and the very next statement is about our oil rich president...nice touch.
                          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                          - Newc


                          • #14
                            Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                            Tim is 100% right. It may not help the folks in the city (heh) of La. right now but it is still the worst time of hurricane season. There will be other hurricanes, in fact there is one right now sitting off the Florida coast, pretty damn close to where my brother is living. So I am pretty damn concerned about the governments response.

                            Normally it doesn't help to throw around blame after a disaster like this, but in this situation we need to find out what went wrong and fix it. If Bush stood up and took some real responsibility then I might be happier. Though KO does look a little stupid for slamming the VP when last night he was riding through New Orleans looking at the levee.

                            I don't really want platitudes or a declaration of blame, what I really want is to know this won't happen again or that the government is putting everything they have into making sure this isn't LIKELY to happen again. I want to know that we will accept aid from other countries if they offer it. That if another place does get leveled by a Hurricane we don't sit around for a day and say "they dodged the bullet" then the next day sit around and say "oh shit". They should have NEVER taken it for granted that N.O. was safe just because the day after it wasn't that bad.


                            • #15
                              Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                              If you don't want to see it happen again then the answer is quite simple- EVACUATE the area when you told to do so ..

                              You still to date have people who refuse to leave an area that is largely uninhabitible and on the verge of bearing diseases through the air and mosquito populous .. over what?

                              I think there were mistakes at every level with this disater but people fail to remember the size of the area impacted and make it sound like it's a few city blocks and an easy thing to manage..

                              People also need to remember we havent seen a natural disaster of this magnatude at least within most of our own lifetimes therefore it's tough to easly react ..

                              It's time to stop pointing fingers and laying blame and start learning from the mistakes.. It easy to say Bush failed... How about finding ways to make this better instead of taking the negative path ...

                              people suck............
                              Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~

