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OWNED (Katrina related)

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  • #46
    Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Actually the complaint was that both you and Bill can't just voice your opinion you have to shove it up everyone ass thill they agree.. like your doing to me about locking the threads

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The part everyone needs to remember is that nobody is forcing you to read any of these posts. If it offends you, don't read it, don't look at it, don't touch it, and certainly don't eat it.

    Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone is mature enough to accept the fact that everyone has an opinion.

    IMHO, actual mileage may vary [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    hey..that's what I do. I ignore about 75 percent of the political blabbering that goes on here. Sometimes its hard to avoid..and you dolts piss me off! but ..oh well. I'm sure I piss you off just as much! HAHAHAHA [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


    • #47
      Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

      Exactly... No one pisses me off that much. I enjoy the debate. if you all agreed with me, it would suck.


      • #48
        Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

        [ QUOTE ]
        My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
        busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water. The people that couldnt leave due to no way to leave. were not offered the public transit system in order to evacuate. New Orleans is the 15th largest city in this country. that means there is a large population that cant afford to get out on there own...
        No help was given to them. Hell the Amtrac train "city of New Orleans" holds 500 people and could have made a couple of trips

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Thanks for pointing out something that people have routinely chosen to ignore [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


        • #49
          Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

          [ QUOTE ]
          The part everyone needs to remember is that nobody is forcing you to read any of these posts. If it offends you, don't read it, don't look at it, don't touch it, and certainly don't eat it.

          Everyone has an opinion, but not everyone is mature enough to accept the fact that everyone has an opinion.

          IMHO, actual mileage may vary [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

          [/ QUOTE ]

          My nominee for "Post Of The Year Award". [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]
          My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!


          • #50
            Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

            [ QUOTE ]
            My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
            busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water. The people that couldnt leave due to no way to leave. were not offered the public transit system in order to evacuate. New Orleans is the 15th largest city in this country. that means there is a large population that cant afford to get out on there own...
            No help was given to them. Hell the Amtrac train "city of New Orleans" holds 500 people and could have made a couple of trips

            [/ QUOTE ]

            this is probably the biggest problem that should be addressed,
            I say the boy ain't right!


            • #51
              Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

              Anybody see Hanity and Colmes tonight? There was a Historian on there who studied the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. He said the mayor of that town formed an army in about 2 hrs. and was kicking ass, told his army regarding looters "shoot to kill". No messing around and no political correctness to deal with. He told his officials we'll deal with that stuff later. They had wagons heading there in a couple of weeks. Something to be said about "grabbing the bull by the horns", no TV, cell phones or modern communication. Heck, he said the Telegraph was out. He voiced his opinion on New Orleans. He thought it was pretty responsive and quick once the Federal Goverment was notified.
              Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


              • #52
                Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                [ QUOTE ]
                My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
                busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water. The people that couldnt leave due to no way to leave. were not offered the public transit system in order to evacuate. New Orleans is the 15th largest city in this country. that means there is a large population that cant afford to get out on there own...
                No help was given to them. Hell the Amtrac train "city of New Orleans" holds 500 people and could have made a couple of trips

                [/ QUOTE ]


                It is not the Federal government's obligation to ensure that local and state municipalities are prepared for disaster. It is only their obligation to ensure that relief is sent after the fact. In this case the Federal government has done a fair job in what will probably be known as the worst natural disaster in US history.

                Could things have been done differently, you bet. Will things be done differently in the future? Sure. This isn't about politics, it's about everyone's lack of preparedness or unwillingness to heed advice and this administration is no more responsible for this than any preceeding.
                The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                • #53
                  Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Anybody see Hanity and Colmes tonight? There was a Historian on there who studied the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco. He said the mayor of that town formed an army in about 2 hrs. and was kicking ass, told his army regarding looters "shoot to kill". No messing around and no political correctness to deal with. He told his officials we'll deal with that stuff later. They had wagons heading there in a couple of weeks. Something to be said about "grabbing the bull by the horns", no TV, cell phones or modern communication. Heck, he said the Telegraph was out. He voiced his opinion on New Orleans. He thought it was pretty responsive and quick once the Federal Goverment was notified.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  sorry Hannity makes me projectile vomit uncontrollably




                  • #54
                    Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
                    busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water.

                    [/ QUOTE ]


                    Ray Nagin: School Buses Not Good Enough

                    New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin garnered a ton of publicity with a profanity-laced interview he gave to WWL radio last Thursday, where he blasted President Bush and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco for not coming to rescue his city in time.

                    However, Nagin's most newsworthy comments - where he explained why he didn't use hundreds of city school buses to evacuate his city's flood victims - went almost unnoticed.

                    Story Continues Below

                    Turns out, Nagin turned his nose up at the yellow buses, demanding more comfortable Greyhound coaches instead.
                    "I need 500 buses, man," he told WWL. "One of the briefings we had they were talking about getting, you know, public school bus drivers to come down here and bus people out of here."

                    Nagin described his response:

                    "I'm like - you've got to be kidding me. This is a natural disaster. Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country and get their asses moving to New Orleans."

                    While Nagin was waiting for his Greyhound fleet, Katrina's floodwaters swamped his school buses, rendering them unusable.


                    • #55
                      Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      [ QUOTE ]
                      My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
                      busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water. The people that couldnt leave due to no way to leave. were not offered the public transit system in order to evacuate. New Orleans is the 15th largest city in this country. that means there is a large population that cant afford to get out on there own...
                      No help was given to them. Hell the Amtrac train "city of New Orleans" holds 500 people and could have made a couple of trips

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Thanks for pointing out something that people have routinely chosen to ignore [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      According to Nagin, and you can take this any way you would like, this buses were placed on what was percieved as high ground and he intended to utilize them to evacuate people from the dome after the storm. However, they were flooded and they could not access them post levee breaks. Now, I was under the impression that the initial evacuation plan, one that was never actually organized to be more than a "plan", was to use them to evacuate people that had no transportation BEFORE the storm.

                      Any way you slice it. Lousiana politics is Louisiana politics. They are inept, they have always been inept. Perhaps they won't be so inept in the future.

                      NOLA is the 35th largest city in the nation.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • #56
                        Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        [ QUOTE ]
                        My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
                        busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water.

                        [/ QUOTE ]


                        Ray Nagin: School Buses Not Good Enough

                        New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin garnered a ton of publicity with a profanity-laced interview he gave to WWL radio last Thursday, where he blasted President Bush and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco for not coming to rescue his city in time.

                        However, Nagin's most newsworthy comments - where he explained why he didn't use hundreds of city school buses to evacuate his city's flood victims - went almost unnoticed.

                        Story Continues Below

                        Turns out, Nagin turned his nose up at the yellow buses, demanding more comfortable Greyhound coaches instead.
                        "I need 500 buses, man," he told WWL. "One of the briefings we had they were talking about getting, you know, public school bus drivers to come down here and bus people out of here."

                        Nagin described his response:

                        "I'm like - you've got to be kidding me. This is a natural disaster. Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country and get their asses moving to New Orleans."

                        While Nagin was waiting for his Greyhound fleet, Katrina's floodwaters swamped his school buses, rendering them unusable.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        This is spin and propaganda at its finest.

                        I think what Nagin was trying to relate was that it would be harder to get School Buses down to New Orleans from other school districts than it would be to get Greyhound buses in. He already knew HIS buses were flooded.

                        Of course, your source is Newsmax. Which is nothing more than a right wing propaganda rag, so I wouldn't expect any less than this type of "interpretation".

                        No, I have nothing but respect for Nagin. He made mistakes, he owned up to them, and he never left. While Bush was hugging survivors and praising Jesus, Nagin was with the people of New Orleans.

                        Blanco is the real moron in this case. If we would have still had Foster, it would have been much different.

                        Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                        • #57
                          Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                          Ahh, I think Bush should have flown himself in.. landing an F-16 on that bridge in with his custom made flight suit...just to show everyone his capacity as a leader.
                          Let's put Bush on the cover of Time once again shall we?

                          yaaa..Mr.Cheney, "the other guy might let you die"
                          there's a reason why I strongly dislike Dick Cheney and an even greater reason why the slander of the last campaign really hits home now. It comes to light in situations just like this. I wonder whatever happened to those lawsuits Kerry filed.

                          I guess the Navy asked Halliburton to repair the naval facilities in LA & MS...
                          (this is from the Halliburton watch website)
                          the former director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is tasked with responding to hurricane disasters, became a lobbyist for KBR (a subsidiary of Halliburton)

                          Joe Allbaugh was director of FEMA during the first two years of the Bush administration.

                          Today, FEMA is widely criticized for its slow response to the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

                          Allbaugh managed Bush's campaign for Texas governor in 1994, served as Gov. Bush's chief of staff and was the national campaign manager for the Bush campaign in 2000. Along with Karen Hughes and Karl Rove, Allbaugh was one of Bush's closest advisers.
                          ..never hurts to have friends in high places when you need a job.

                          I don't know, I think we should put everyone of those sheriffs, police officers who turned people away w/o aiding or helping, politicians, government officials and thier families into the superdome under the same conditions for 5 them false hope every once in awhile that help was on its way.

                          Ok, I'm done bashing everybody. (for today at least)
                          What's done will be put under a microscope and reviewed or, it may just get swept up by new events and for the most part...swept up under the rug.

                          Either way.. I am once again putting my faith in where my money goes to do the right thing from now on.


                          • #58
                            Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                            politics aside they should have let people flee on foot. If I was unable to evacuate and how the conditions were in the dome and cc I'd be heading out of town of foot. Shoot me motherfucker if you have to but I'm not going to be held prisoner in that hell hole of a situation...I'm walking outta here


                            • #59
                              Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              [ QUOTE ]
                              [ QUOTE ]
                              My biggest beef with the evacuation, and remember I live in the city of Louisiana, is that there are 965843745823958349
                              busses sitting in 10+ feet of fucking water.

                              [/ QUOTE ]


                              Ray Nagin: School Buses Not Good Enough

                              New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin garnered a ton of publicity with a profanity-laced interview he gave to WWL radio last Thursday, where he blasted President Bush and Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Blanco for not coming to rescue his city in time.

                              However, Nagin's most newsworthy comments - where he explained why he didn't use hundreds of city school buses to evacuate his city's flood victims - went almost unnoticed.

                              Story Continues Below

                              Turns out, Nagin turned his nose up at the yellow buses, demanding more comfortable Greyhound coaches instead.
                              "I need 500 buses, man," he told WWL. "One of the briefings we had they were talking about getting, you know, public school bus drivers to come down here and bus people out of here."

                              Nagin described his response:

                              "I'm like - you've got to be kidding me. This is a natural disaster. Get every doggone Greyhound bus line in the country and get their asses moving to New Orleans."

                              While Nagin was waiting for his Greyhound fleet, Katrina's floodwaters swamped his school buses, rendering them unusable.

                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              This is spin and propaganda at its finest.

                              I think what Nagin was trying to relate was that it would be harder to get School Buses down to New Orleans from other school districts than it would be to get Greyhound buses in. He already knew HIS buses were flooded.

                              Of course, your source is Newsmax. Which is nothing more than a right wing propaganda rag, so I wouldn't expect any less than this type of "interpretation".

                              No, I have nothing but respect for Nagin. He made mistakes, he owned up to them, and he never left. While Bush was hugging survivors and praising Jesus, Nagin was with the people of New Orleans.

                              Blanco is the real moron in this case. If we would have still had Foster, it would have been much different.


                              [/ QUOTE ]



                              • #60
                                Re: OWNED (Katrina related)

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                I think what Nagin was trying to relate was that it would be harder to get School Buses down to New Orleans from other school districts than it would be to get Greyhound buses in. He already knew HIS buses were flooded.

                                Of course, your source is Newsmax. Which is nothing more than a right wing propaganda rag, so I wouldn't expect any less than this type of "interpretation".

                                No, I have nothing but respect for Nagin. He made mistakes, he owned up to them, and he never left. While Bush was hugging survivors and praising Jesus, Nagin was with the people of New Orleans.

                                Blanco is the real moron in this case. If we would have still had Foster, it would have been much different.


                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img] Why is everyone so afraid to point the finger at a black man. He is human just like you, me and President Bush. Nagin screwed up, so did a lot of other people. The fact of the matter is NO was not prepared for this scale of disaster, end of debate.

                                A lot of simple choices could have been made early on and they weren't (like having provisions inside the Superdome or using the city school buses). All we can do is make sure this doesn't happen again.

