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I need eBay help ------- Bidding on similar items!

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  • I need eBay help ------- Bidding on similar items!

    I just spent the last half hour cruising eBay's help section for something I thought I remembered reading about before. Unfortunately, I cannot find it, and I've given up looking for it because I am not exactly sure what the specific name for the process is called.

    I remember reading that there was a way you could bid on similar items, and that once you have won one of them, it cancels all the bids you have on the other items. Let's take an example. I want a certain CD and there are multiple sellers selling copies of this album that end at various times. As soon as I am the highest final bidder on one, all my bids on the others are automatically cancelled to ensure that I only pay for the one copy I won and wanted. However, I don't know what this feature/technique is called... [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

    Does this apply to items that end within SECONDS of each other? There is a seller who is selling three identical items in three separate auctions but all three of them end at the exact same time, give or take a FEW SECONDS. I obviously only want ONE of them. The auction ends Sunday afternoon at 2pm EST so I need assistance, pronto. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    Thanks! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: I need eBay help ------- Bidding on similar it

    I could maybe see something like that for multiple items for one seller, but not for different sellers. That kind of hoses the other sellers in a way. Does this feature work for any item, like guitars for example? Doesn't seem like something Ebay would allow. I'd be pretty pissed if Ebay cancelled someones bid on my item because they won a different item. I'd figure they shouldn't have bid on more than one if they didn't intend to pay for all auctions won. I understand what you're getting at, but from the sellers point of view, it just doesn't seem right IMO. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

