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What's your career?

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  • #91
    Re: What\'s your career?

    Yes yes. I've seen that too. I was poking fun at the class action lawyers who are stereotyped (at least where I am) as being the biggest of the money grubbers. Note the qualifier biggest [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .


    • #92
      Re: What\'s your career?

      [ QUOTE ]

      any openeings? i'll take no coffee breaks, lunch hours, or smoke breaks.

      [/ QUOTE ] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] What would keep you going? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


      • #93
        Re: What\'s your career?

        [ QUOTE ]
        [ QUOTE ]

        any openeings? i'll take no coffee breaks, lunch hours, or smoke breaks.

        [/ QUOTE ] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] What would keep you going? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]

        [/ QUOTE ] Dust Off. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


        • #94
          Re: What\'s your career?

          [ QUOTE ]
          Yes yes. I've seen that too. I was poking fun at the class action lawyers who are stereotyped (at least where I am) as being the biggest of the money grubbers. Note the qualifier biggest [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .

          [/ QUOTE ]

          I went to Loyola in New Orleans. I graduated in 1996. I have been an attorney for almost 10 years. I have done many different things....but I have done more complex litigation than anything else. I am telling you, it was the biggest mistake of my life...well, maybe not THE biggest..but it was up there. But hell, if it is something you really want to do, welcome to the way of the Sith. I started saying I was going to be an attorney when I was about 14. What a fucking idiot.

          Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


          • #95
            Re: What\'s your career?

            [ QUOTE ]
            [ QUOTE ]
            Yes yes. I've seen that too. I was poking fun at the class action lawyers who are stereotyped (at least where I am) as being the biggest of the money grubbers. Note the qualifier biggest [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .

            [/ QUOTE ]

            I went to Loyola in New Orleans. I graduated in 1996. I have been an attorney for almost 10 years. I have done many different things....but I have done more complex litigation than anything else. I am telling you, it was the biggest mistake of my life...well, maybe not THE biggest..but it was up there. But hell, if it is something you really want to do, welcome to the way of the Sith. I started saying I was going to be an attorney when I was about 14. What a fucking idiot.


            [/ QUOTE ]

            I heard on the radio that they will be some big class-action lawsuit for the levees breaking down in New Orleans. They are going to sue everyone and everything. The state will probably have to declare bankruptcy.


            • #96
              Re: What\'s your career?

              [ QUOTE ]
              [ QUOTE ]
              [ QUOTE ]
              Yes yes. I've seen that too. I was poking fun at the class action lawyers who are stereotyped (at least where I am) as being the biggest of the money grubbers. Note the qualifier biggest [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] .

              [/ QUOTE ]

              I went to Loyola in New Orleans. I graduated in 1996. I have been an attorney for almost 10 years. I have done many different things....but I have done more complex litigation than anything else. I am telling you, it was the biggest mistake of my life...well, maybe not THE biggest..but it was up there. But hell, if it is something you really want to do, welcome to the way of the Sith. I started saying I was going to be an attorney when I was about 14. What a fucking idiot.


              [/ QUOTE ]

              I heard on the radio that they will be some big class-action lawsuit for the levees breaking down in New Orleans. They are going to sue everyone and everything. The state will probably have to declare bankruptcy.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Yeah, my firm is one of those that is leading the charge. However, it is not the City of New Orleans as the primary defendant. You have the Army Engineers as well as Boh Brothers construction first and foremost. The designers and builders of the failed seawalls. It was the new and improved levees that breached. Faulty construction.

              If New Orleans enters bankruptcy it is because of the lack of revenue. Right now there is not even enough money to pay city employees. There is little infrastructure as well. Truly a mess.


              Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


              • #97
                Re: What\'s your career?

                What the fuck is suing going to do for those people? What will they get , 25 bucks each? Also, isnt the Army core of engineers a gov agency? So I will have to pay in taxes for this suit? I truly don't believe cloggin up the courts will do shit for these people. The money would be better spent improving the area, not paying large amounts of money to be distributed amoungst millions of people, at the cost of a large lawyer fee. [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]


                • #98
                  Re: What\'s your career?

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Scooter which chip manufacturer, bet you use our products

                  [/ QUOTE ]


                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  i've soold more cpu's and memory modules than samsung and micron put together. just kidding, but i have moved millions upon millions of product, sometimes at a loss though, very volatile market. you have big balls to stock cpu's. what do you think intel still has market share wise over AMD, Cyrix, etc.? still probably in 75-80 % of the market i would bet.
                  Not helping the situation since 1965!


                  • #99
                    Re: What\'s your career?

                    Manufacturing Engineer, no degree, just experience


                    • Re: What\'s your career?

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      What the fuck is suing going to do for those people? What will they get , 25 bucks each? Also, isnt the Army core of engineers a gov agency? So I will have to pay in taxes for this suit? I truly don't believe cloggin up the courts will do shit for these people. The money would be better spent improving the area, not paying large amounts of money to be distributed amoungst millions of people, at the cost of a large lawyer fee. [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Yes, the Army Corps is a government agency. Which means that the federal government will actually have to allow the suit....fat chance.

                      No, people will not get $25 checks...the homes that were destroyed range in value from around 100k to 3-4 million. What people don't know is that the Lakeview area of New Orleans has been completely 100% destroyed by the collapse of the 17th street canal sea wall. This was a new construction and was constructed poorly and not up to contract or specs. This was one of the wealthiest areas in New Orleans and it will be completely bulldozed. The storm did not cause this breach, poor construction did. These people deserve to be compensated, it is as simple as that. When a 4 million home is lost to a flood, where do you go? 250k cap on federally managed flood insurance, so you hold yur dick for the rest?

                      I love it when people bash lawsuits on "principles" and they don't know jack shit about what they are talking about. All they see is lawyers making money and they see red.

                      Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                      • Re: What\'s your career?

                        Airplane mechanic for 16+ years.

                        I wouldn't recomend it.


                        • Re: What\'s your career?

                          I love it when people bash lawsuits on "principles" and they don't know jack shit about what they are talking about. All they see is lawyers making money and they see red.

                          True, but i've spen the last 2 1/2 years in court fighting over "prinicple" and i have dick to show for it.How much do the lawyers get out of it? 1/3, 1/2? Its a ton of money whatever the amount or percentage is.
                          I'm am not against people getting what they deserve, far from it. I figured you would chime in with the facts, thanks for the info.

                          Dont those homeowners have flood insurance? I have a hard time believing, working in the mortgage biz, that a lender would do a loan for those homes WITHOUT flood insurance. No way would we do a loan for a home next to a levy without it. Ive seen loans for houses along the mississippi that had to have it in order for us to do the loan.Flood ins has to cover the cost of the house to replace it.This is on top of Home Owners Insurance wich is also required.You dont do loans with out a way to recoup your loss if the loan defaults or the home is damaged beyond repair(fire, flood, ect...) If i am wrong please let me know, i have been curious if it was required living in N.O. or the lake.
                          I do know that we wouldnt be able to sell our loans without these requirements.


                          • Re: What\'s your career?

                            Pre-sales systems engineer (technical salesperson) for the world's largest software company. It pays pretty well and I get access to lots of cool products and other geek bait.

                            Now if I could just get those damn managers/customers to stop bugging me, it would be perfect.


                            • Re: What\'s your career?

                              There is a cap on flood insurance. It is a federal program, administered by private insurance companies. It is 250k. What do you do when your property is worth 10x that? The insurance industry has been absurd in the wake of this event. An attorney that I work with was denied loss of use for her Lakeview condo because it is on the second floor. However, it is in an area deemed uninhabitable by officials, and there is no access to her condo, no power, no water. It is behavior like this that spurs litigation forward.

                              As far as the area requirng flood insurance, I am not certain if it was zoned a flood risk. Only if you are zoned in a flood risk area must you carry the insurance.

                              The insurance companies are NOT kicking in homeowners to cover the expenses beyond flood insurance due to the fact that the water entered through the foundation. So, there are many homeowners that are absolutely screwed.

                              Then there are the suits such as those against Murphy Oil in Chalmette. Their oil storage tanks leaked as a result of the flood.

                              These cases have the potential to be EPIC. I am not personally involved with these, I am working exclusively on Vioxx at the moment.

                              Sleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.


                              • Re: What\'s your career?

                                Good info Mike, thanks.

                                Heres where i'm coming from on class action

                                a FEW years ago, i get a letter asking me to put my name on a suit against providian credit , i do, and awhile later i get a check for $7 .....Why did i lend my name for 7 bucks? It wasnt worth the paper it was printed on.Thousands of people got simular checks.The lawyers made hunderds of thousands from what i read, all so i can have a big mac tonight? that is why i tend to think the way i do with class actions. Some are good, most are a waste for everyone invloved except the lawyers.

                                Please dont think i hold anything against you, i think your cool. My lawyer and i go fishing ect...He's become a friend and he has a personal interest in the outcome of my custody case.

                                The system on the otehr hand, is fucked beyond repair if you ask me.

