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Anybody's kids have ADD? -
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My brother and I went through the same crap as kids - being smarter than the teachers, much less the other kids around us.
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Jesus, WTF happened between then and now [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
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You know how you take one good apple and put it in a basket full of rotted ones?
That's what happened.
I used to be such a sweet sweet thing til they got ahold of me.
And here's something you folks might want to know about Doctors and prescriptions: Yes, they DO get kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies for prescribing certain brands and models. My mother was prescribed iron pills of some sort when she was pregnant with either me or my brother (can't recall which one she said) but they made her sick, so she didn't refill the second prescription. A few weeks later the Doctor calls and asks is she had it filled, because he was waiting on a check from the manufacturer for that prescription and wondered why it hadn't arrived yet. [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]
See kids, it's not about helping people, it's about getting paid to pimp the highest bidder's wares. Johnny Carson holds up a bottle of Pepto-Bismol and they send him a check. CNN breaks for a commercial for Tampons and they get a check. Doctors write a note saying Lipitor or Digitec or Viagra or Luminol or Numbitall or ADD-Away or Prozac or Xanax or Valium or even the latest herpies treatment, and those companies send them checks when the prescription is filled.
The Hypocratic Oath is a living document open to expansion and interpretation - like adding the line "....for the right price".
Whenever a Doctor prescribes some sort of medication, go find a licensed herbalist or nutritionist and find out what the all-natural alternatives are. It might be eggplant and tofu paste, but at least you wont end up in a clock tower with a deer rifle or masturbating in public.
I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
Show me were the difference is. Feel free to refrence pharmacutical websites. It has the same active ingrediantes as meth and the same side effects. Notice they are both habit forming and I think it says something about may cause dementia and to discontinue use if symptoms occur. I think thats the funniest part I wish tweakers would discontinue use when symptoms of dementia occur.
It would be safer to put your kids on viacodin.
One last thing, West Point, VMI, Air Force Academy will not take any new students that were on ADD medication or certain anti depresants when they were kids.
That tells you something right there the goverment dont want them if they were hooked. You dont want a junkie pilot flying an F18 right?
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I don't need to reference websites when I HAVE ACTUALLY EXPERIENCED THIS MYSELF! I took Ritalin for at least 8 years, I never had any ill effects aside from a slightly decreased appetite. I had no problems coming off the medication. It was not habit forming. You know why? Because I have ADD and its a medication used to treat ADD. If you don't believe me thats your right but I think someone who actually knows what they are talking about is more likely to be right then some website.
And don't ever imply that I am a junkie again, I don't appreciate it.
Whenever a Doctor prescribes some sort of medication, go find a licensed herbalist or nutritionist and find out what the all-natural alternatives are. It might be eggplant and tofu paste, but at least you wont end up in a clock tower with a deer rifle or masturbating in public.
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[img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
Newc, will you come do PR for me?
It's cool, bro. No one thinks you're a junkie. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
Folks are just trying to help me see all sides to the story, no one is better than the other.
I know this issue is a debatable one, everyone responds differently or not at all to whatever medication or herb or remedy or lifestyle change they try. It's the reason why we have so many opinions.
It's all cool. I appreciate everyone's responses so much!
You're so awesome and have helped put our minds at ease, everyone! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]
Please let's not turn this into a heated issue, I'm just trying to find answers for my daughter. You have all helped so much. Cheers!
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I don't need to reference websites when I HAVE ACTUALLY EXPERIENCED THIS MYSELF! I took Ritalin for at least 8 years, I never had any ill effects aside from a slightly decreased appetite. I had no problems coming off the medication. It was not habit forming. You know why? Because I have ADD and its a medication used to treat ADD. If you don't believe me thats your right but I think someone who actually knows what they are talking about is more likely to be right then some website.
And don't ever imply that I am a junkie again, I don't appreciate it.
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Dont worry I was not implying. By the way I am a junkie or was. But you know what they say once a junkie always a junkie.
Em here is a website you should check out just for future refrence. It's more about SSRI's but its good to know because they may recommend some to your kid in the future. It's just the facts no BS.
My ex-wife son had add-very bright and very smart-but he went from being a straight A student to straight F's
We tried Ritalin and it did help him focus some what but it also made him very emotional-He would start crying and I would ask him whats wrong? his answer was I don't know-my ex tried the ritalin to see what it does and all it did was jack her up...We took him off of ritalin and I took him off the playstation-he played that thing allday and night-if he can play those games and concentrate and play that then he can concentrate on school work...His mom would let him do what ever he wanted-its weird he was not my son but it seemed I cared more...Actually I had to set him down and help with his school work after he completed his work he was free to play and do what he wanted and his grades did improve...If his grades started falling then I would cut back on his privileges...This is just an example I had...I hated what ritalin did to him-he was a wreck emotionally... I believe taking him off of it was the best thing to do-there were a few other meds but same results-only thing was to work one on one with him..Just my experience...
Nice link, AK. That will be good to have just to have. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
Tony... good to know, bro.
Yeah, last summer Khosi really got into Nintendo. She actually got REALLY good, I mean, REALLY good. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
She also likes to spend time on the computer, even though we don't allow games on the computer at all. Just educational tools.
We cut out ALL Nintendo and computer priveleges period, we did that a month ago.
We don't allow any kind of computer interaction at all, she is not at the age where she would need internet for research (which we have good ol' Encyclopedias in hard bound for that anyway).
But she doesn't give a flying flip about priveleges.
If she wants to improve on her schoolwork (which means doing it, when she does it she aces everything, and not giving her teacher a hard time about how unacceptable she finds the curriculum) then she will have to adjust her attitude for that. We're working on that.
I think having her complete her homework as SOON as she comes home might be a good idea. We're going to do that, that's what I had to do when I was in school.
And yes, the whole "emotional" aspect is something that worries me. Khosi is not used to conventional medicine, she has never had it, ever. Not even antibiotics. No over-the-counter anything. Everything we do is holistic.
She came down with laryngitis and a cough recently and I took her to her doctor to make sure she didn't have strep.
She didn't, but he did prescribe a cough medicine (which I thought was ridiculous). Khosi wanted to try the medicine to see if it would help, so I gave her the prescribed dose (1 tsp. that was it).
It made her sick as a dog. No surprise to me. It made her nauseated, she lost her appetite for the rest of the day, and it gave her a headache. She said it tasted terrible too.
I react the same way to prescribed meds, whatever the side-effects are I will get them.
Michael used to kill me his twin sister would be doing math (algebra) she would be screaming he would come in and go jeez its easy do this do that theres your answer??? Simple
I noticed his additude change when he started hanging around the wrong crowd-then he gets suspended from school so I had to change that as well-It was a constant battle to keep him on his studies but rewarding him with things he wanted to do helped his focus some what!!
I'm not saying she hanging around the wrong people-that again was with Michael-Yeah keep her away from the internet Mikes sister was doing a paper on the whitehouse-well she asked to use the computer to look up info-I said yes-next thing I know she lets out a scream amd www.whitehouse.com was a porn site [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
You know Em, Khosi's a smart girl, perhaps a stark readout of the consequences of her actions, or inactions, would motivate her.
"You're afraid of the TAKS test? Well, just realize that there's no getting around it. Tackle it, deal with it and then it'll be over with until next year."
"You think you're bored with class NOW? How bored do you think you'll be when you repeat tghe same grade next year and have to sit through it for ANOTHER year?"
Certainly saying it just like that may be too harsh, but maybe bringing the realities to her attention - and making the point that you, her parents, can't get her out of it - will convince her that the thing to do is to get her schoolwork under belt ASAP so she can then do things that interest her. You've probably already tried this, but you never know. Maybe she thinks you CAN get her out of these things if she stays on strike, so to speak. Realizing that won't, can't happen might make a difference.
Rich.."You think you're bored with class NOW? How bored do you think you'll be when you repeat tghe same grade next year and have to sit through it for ANOTHER year?"
Very True..."reality" is good sometimes.
Besides , she has three more quarters to go..she may get in gear.
"Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!
"Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.
I don't think that is harsh at all, not in the slightest.
We give it to our kids straight and honest. That's how my parents are with me and I always have appreciated that.
I have sat down with her and tried to "scare" her, perhaps I haven't pushed it enough. She's already freaked out about this stupid skills test. But I haven't tried the "boredom" angle... great idea! That will definitely get under her skin if she understands that something she already thinks is a waste of her time, she has to do AGAIN. Yuck.
Rich makes a great point, ADD or not if she doesn't seem to care then showing her why she should at least attempt to care will probably help. I had a similar thing when I was in like 7th or 8th grade and that was around the time I was put on medication but I think by that point I was so frustrated with the class that I didn't care anymore. My parents definitely scared me with the whole "if you think its bad now wait till you have to do it again next year, and think of what the other kids will say." Cold perhaps, but it works.