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Fan Compliments.... chime in fella's

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  • #46
    Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

    Ok, here's my lame take on this. If someone takes the time to compliment you at all, you made an impression. Even if they took the time to tell you that you suck, you still made an impression. You took your instrument and AFFECTED them in some way...that's a big part of what music is all about. Not everything by no means..but part of.
    Here's my scenario..
    I am a good rythym (sp?) player, can't play a lead to save my ass. I am 37 years old in my first band, yep FIRST! Will we ever make it big...doubtful. Is it out of the question. NOPE, nothing ever never know from day to day what this world will toss in your lap. I belive in my band with all of my heart and soul, and I believe we can make it. We are playing a show tomorrow night (our 2nd show ever) and hope we can start to gain a bit of a following. But the reason I started playing is because I LOVE making music. That's what makes me happy, picking up my guitar and playing something that I like..hell with the rest of ya.. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
    Ok sorry I've rambled long enough..take the compliments, and look forward to tomorrow, don't worry about yesterday. [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


    • #47
      Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

      Dear John,
      There is so much I would like to tell you, and I know it will all come out "disjointed", But here goes !

      I have read all the postings, and am always amazed at how insightful people can be. They are all telling you the truth and you need to pull your head out of your (you know what) and take heed !

      How many years was Creedance Clearwater a "bar band" before they had their "over nite success" ? And what is this about "missed chances for success"? You really are a lucky MotherF---er! Guess what, IT WASN'T YOUR TIME ! or your turn!
      Your 44 and not made it? Made what? I am 53. I have made and lost three fortunes...and I am working on my 4th! I will give up on my dreams, only when I am dead!

      The music biz is like that movie...."...If you build it, they will come ! John, you have to really build it. You have to plow down your corn field and build that baseball diamond in the middle of "nowhere" have to be willing to hear everyone, including those closest to you, make jokes about you, call you a loser, say you are nuts and always tell you to "forget it, grow up and most of all "give it up" ! !!
      Believer me, I know, I have over 40+ years in it! People seem to think that you have to be in "Hollywood" or NY, in order to make it! That is a load of Crap! You have a better chance of developing lasting success, by not being in either place ! If you want to be successful in music, you need to study what it takes - what are the actual elements that make up that success? Oh, and take the major record label out of the quasion - because that "major record label" has noting to do with creating success - only spreading it! Now analyze it....really disconnect your emotions, use only logic and analyize what ingrediants it takes to make "a success" in music. How do you creat "fame"? Analyize it. What is it...really? How do you creat it?...(you will be surprised how easy it is)!

      Once you have the ingrediants, now, unemotionally write out the steps it will take to put all those ingrediants into place.....! Now determine "goals" - things that - Once you accomplish them - they will represent "forward movement" towards the completion of your goal (you need to have goals to know if you are winning or loosing - right !).
      Now, start - get off your ass and do it ! As you go forward, you will find some things work and some do not. You will have to make "fine-tuning" adjustments in your plan, but continue, and continue and continue and improve your plan as you go along....I guarentee you that if you don't Bullshit yourself, stay focused and really stick with your plan, within six months you will see that you are now making "headway" toward really achieving that success that has - so far - elluded you. And yes, it is that easy ! But you will see how hard doing those "simple tasks" really is ! You will realize what dedication and lonelyness truly is.
      Over the next two years I will (god willing and my clients willing (they can always self-destruct - because if they aren't willing to do the work, it will never happen)...I will break two acts from the point that I am at now (which is a total stand still ) ! The acts are not my favorite type of music, but, like I said, you have to be unemotional and analyical about this whole thing. They are ALT (a rap/hip-hop/rock artist like Limp Bizket) and Los Petrolaros (a latin speaking/singing rap/hip-hop artist). If they continue to do their part, we will creat successful, income producing careers, we will all work very hard, and have a lot of fun....and absolutely live life to its fullest! Being successful in the music biz is not brain is very simple, but takes a tremendous amount of hard work and tennasity (giving up is not an option)!
      My best friend is a guy named Rick Marcelli (google him and ck his site out)...He once told me that his uncle (a famous painter, b-film director, and great guy), once gave him this advise....."....Never have a "back-up" plan, because, you will always fall back on it and never accomplish or witness your dreams coming true ! You have to be brave and take that option out! Now you can move forward, and you will find that you will only achieve success ! Unfortunately it takes very brave people with undying faith, and you may find that the people who share your success with you are not the same people who origionally started that journey with you...but that is also part of life!

      Oh, if you really want to talk about failure...just recently on this site I saw where a famous "scorpion" guitarist had to declair bankruptcy...can you imagine what a failure it would be to at age 60, lose everything! Where is the success in that! What is the success you are seeking? You had better define it before you begin....other wise, you may not recognize it when you reach it !
      Now get to it and stop the "bitching" - it is so boring and unattractive.


      • #48
        Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s


        From the dealings weve had in the past here and from seeing how you handle yourself on the board I have alot of respect for you.

        I felt that way long before I ever heard you play.

        I have to say that I am more impressed with your recording ability than your playing, dont get me wrong I think your a great guitarist.

        But after reading your post I am a bit dissappointed in ya bro.

        Music is not a race nor should it be a competition.

        Music is an expression of emotions that should move people.

        When someone comes up to you and tells you your great, what they really are saying is that you moved them with your playing.

        How can you be upset about that.


        • #49
          Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

          I'm always told that I am a "god" on bass...

          I always thank them..but I already knew this.

          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • #50
            Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

            I've never been in a band and probably never will be yet I get up every morning at 5 to practice before work.Why do I do this? Because playing the guitar or any instrument is one of the most enjoyable things you can do and I will never take that forgranted


            • #51
              Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

              The nicest compliment I ever had was a chick putting her panties on my head. That seemed to set the tone for the the end of the night I was "Panty Man"..I felt like freakin' Tom Jones..

              my wife was there and yes she thought it was very "amusing"..

              funny thing is that it was one of the few shows she went to..I was telling her on the way there..girls never bother me..well I didn't didn't bother me at all.

              I have the whole thing on video..

              I must post it someday.. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #52
                Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

                [ QUOTE ]
                I'm always told that I am a "god" on bass...

                I always thank them..but I already knew this.


                [/ QUOTE ]

                ah...thats a compliment? 4 strings, thumpity, thumpity??

                now if they said a "god" on guitar then we're on to something [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                • #53
                  Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s



                  • #54
                    Welcome to my Hell!!!!!!!

                    You guys only have to read John's posts here. All of us in the band have to live it!!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                    John is a great player. He's not the easiest person to be in a band with, but it's worth it due to his talent. I don't mean that as a cut on him. He's a great guy, but he's fucking crazy! [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

                    I feel I'm an "ok" player and when I get a compliment (and they don't come that often) I love it. It makes it worth all the work I put into playing and practicing. It ends there. To me thats all it's worth and thats worth a lot to me.

                    I will say this, John had a ball lastnight. It was the best gig we've had so far and not musically. We had our share of rasberrys. It was just because we all set out to have a good time and we did.

                    I did however want to kill John when he broke out into a shredfest and then dragged me along with him. Needless to say, he smoked me. Thanks buddy! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                    Here's a few pics from lastnight.

                    I hope you had as much fun as it looked like you were having John!
                    "My G-Major can blow me!" - Bill


                    • #55
                      Re: Welcome to my Hell!!!!!!!

                      Sooo, I see the SP77/EQ/Carvin rig sitting there...

                      How did that go?

                      Cool Jackson with the Ebony Sharks on Maple... Nice.


                      • #56
                        Re: Welcome to my Hell!!!!!!!

                        I always get a bunch of compliments on my playing, and I can't understand them. Often from players that should know better. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                        I have a lot of fun being an awful guitarist, though, I guess that has a lot to do with it. A friend of mine also called me a guitar god, but she has no idea what she's talking about and does that on purpose to embarass me. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • #57
                          Re: Welcome to my Hell!!!!!!!

                          I've always gotten lots of compliments... On my playing, on my bands etc.

                          I always had an issue with the compliments as I felt that although I was a good player, I was felt that I'd screw stuff up much of the time. I was never satisfied with my playing at all, or really the bands performance for the most part. Either I was screwing something up or on the rare occassion I didn't, someone else managed to do it, haha...

                          I used to say to people, "nah, we messed or that up" etc", then I sorta realized I was somehow telling them that they were ignorant or something like that. What I was saying was sorta rude I think. Now I just thank them graciously for the props and thank them for coming out and paying to see it.

                          I have to see JGs side as well. I have invested 25 years and 10s of thousands of dollars and am really not where I want to be with all this. I mean, I was sposed to be in a national act touring years ago, haha... I was sad as I was bummed playing in local bars to drunks and wanted to do something more (to me) important. I got to where I was irritated with the drunk people kissing my arse with what felt like hollow compliments ("Yay, I impressed the drunk guy, awesome"). I had to get away from it for a while to get perspective and lose that crappy attitude.

                          I look back on it and understand how things are, and am less bitter. Although I will admit that in my life, it appears that I have climbed the wrong mountain. I should have stayed in school and not dedicated to playing in a band like I did, and I would have a nice living now. I didn't and am paying for it.

                          Nonetheless, at the end of the day, I can play guitar fairly well. Playing is an enjoyment, a nice hobby and an escape for me that many people don't have and wish they did. Wow, and some people even enjoy my playing, haha. And, if when I play a show, I can escape my sucky life, and they can escape their sucky lives as well for a few moments of non-suckyness, that is pretty nice. That, is some happiness I would NOT have otherwise, so, my work and investment has had some benefits.

                          Easy to be bitter about it, I know I get that way a lot. But, it's easy to be bitter about many other things in life as well... It's basically your choice as whether you choose the better or the worse way to look at it all.

                          JG, in a little while, you'll feel different about it all, I always do.


                          • #58
                            Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            [ QUOTE ]
                            I'm always told that I am a "god" on bass...

                            I always thank them..but I already knew this.


                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            ah...thats a compliment? 4 strings, thumpity, thumpity??

                            now if they said a "god" on guitar then we're on to something [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            Hey watch it, there are a few of us here. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
                            "told you guys that spandex, hairspray and makeup on guys was a bad idea, and now look what happened - you all turned into women." - Newc


                            • #59
                              Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

                              Enjoy your talent and don't get caught up in the success game. I was at a point in '92 where I had major management and my band was close to being signed by several labels. Internal and external problems blew the band up and nothing ever happened. The time spent leading up to "almost" success was miserable when I look back on it. In addition, had we been signed, our style of music was about to be destroyed by Nirvana and the rest of the grungers, so would that have been success?
                              I had a much better time in the years to follow by playing in various bands with varying styles in smaller local clubs. I was once again playing for fun and not worried about who was in the audience that night and whether I had my hair done right.
                              ...and appreciate every compliment you get. These people could be doing thousands different things but they chose to see your band. Having the chance to give the compliment is very important to them, and even moreso when they feel you appreciated it. Without exception I have always made myself available to talk to all of the groupies, fans, wannabes, other musicians, etc. and done so enthusiastically...they supply the high that I get from playing live.


                              • #60
                                Re: Fan Compliments.... chime in fella\'s

                                You didn't see any smiles on my face in the pictures.. did you? Nope.
                                I didn't use the Soldano although I should have. I dialed it in this morning with some tube swaps and cabinet changes and it is really smoking now. I used the Carvin and the EQ with my Boss GT-6. People said our guitar sound was excellent. I have to admit... it was.
                                Yea... I did smoke Jim on the shredfest. This time!!
                                He is a hell of a player. I am just in my element when it comes to tearing into a live guitar solo and I caught him completely off guard although a guitarist should always be ready to rip into a guitar solo. I was born ready. I did find out one thing last night at the gig. I am starting to get a following of people who are craving gutiar solo's and shredding. Another nice thing was that nobody told me that I was good. Instead they said the band sounded excellent.
                                That was very cool. We had a few "moments" that could have gone negative with me and would have in the past BUT instead turned into positives. It was a pretty fun night. I almost worked out a threesome but I got home too late and they were too drunk. Next time. Note to self... I need to work on my mojo more.

