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Emo sucks, good for a chuckle ;)

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  • Emo sucks, good for a chuckle ;)

    Not mine, someone sent this to me.

    Throughout the age of music, many genres and fazes have passed before the average consumers eye, though in later years a power hungry new sect has made their stand upon the music industry of the world. The age of music has dawned upon a sad era the day “EMO” dragged its depressed carcass into our midst. I hate a lot of things in today’s world, but I also love a lot of things, for example I love world domination, I love my mother and I love my music. But emo is destroying my love of music. Emo is an abbreviation of emotional driven punk or just emotional music. The term addresses Emo music’s tendency to deal more with topics of personal and relationship politics than with the standard themes of rock music. The entire culture of emo is built upon a contradiction of itself, Emo is based around being a minority and the trials and tribulations of such, but what these Emo kids don’t realize is not only are they a majority, they are a seething mass. I found across my research a fashion tip on how to dress and act Emo, how ironic that these emo kids are rebelling against a culture that determines what they wear and what they do and turning to another sub culture, that is now fast becoming the latest “cool” thing to do, to be told the same. Ladies and gentlemen through your ears and mine I hope you can hear the truth, and stand up against the traversty that is emo.

    Emo derives its roots to the early punk scene where politics and rage was expressed through the purest forms of music. The early punk pioneers disappeared as a new form of music moved in to access the audience of the early 1990’s. This music is stereotypically seen as being suicidal, angst-ridden, wrist sliting, label-defying crap. The mentaility that arrives with the decision to be emo is to be broken hearted with broken dreams and a depression bout to boot. The only thing depressing is the stupidity and anti-intellectualism within the emo scene. Emo kids surround themselves with the ideals of depression. The common idea that infects emo is unrequited, or lost love. Emo kids like to think that their girlfriend isn’t picking up the phone, that they are hated and despised, that they as people are different from everyone else. And what an attractive idea this is, to be special in the face of a society losing. How comforting to know that you as an individual, are not like the others.

    Emo music as a form is dominating music now days. One cannot turn on a radio without being on slaughtered by the lack of originality and blandness of these songs. No matter what song I listen to from the emo music genre, it’s all the same trivial bullshit. Crap about a girl that won’t look at you and the teacher that just won’t leave you alone. What a bunch of idiotic clichés. And what I find astounding is the amount of kids in my generation believing that they can “relate” to this music. Parent’s broken up, mum won’t shut up, girlfriend left you for the other guy, get the hell over it. Not only are millions of other people going through the exact same situation as you, they somehow find the decency to shut the hell up about it. You’re depressive bouts of bullshit just support my claim what a juvenile and idiotic group of individuals you are.

    Another thing I find hilarious about emo is their well-known ideal that they as a group are a minority. This is a blatant lie and as an idea a crime against everything you know. Not only is emo fast becoming one of the newest fads of the 20th century, its fashion has leapt upon the world and now one cannot look sideways without seeing a striped stocking or a guy with eyeliner on. For god’s sake this subculture has its own subcultures, Screamo, Hardcore Emo, and Straight Edge all part of the emo world. How ridiculous to claim that this group of adolescents are a minority. These emo kids seek out each other to express their views on a society that they hate. How ironic that these kids are so isolated that they have formed massive communities throughout the world. The Internet has helped emo spread its web, allowing kids to access bands, ideas, ideology and emo culture. How are we supposed to protect our selves and the next generation from emo? The simple answer is that we can’t, there is always going to be the alternative individual who is going to be rude, who dresses differently and writes terrible poetry at the back of the class.

    But I think the most disturbing point that I have to make, is that emo is breeding an entire sub culture of youth who self mutilate. Not only do the lyrics and ideas of this culture promote depression, isolation and self-mutilation they inform a fragile audience that this is a way of life. Cutting, or wrist slitting is one of the most common forms of practices done by emo kids. This is not just a stereotype; millions of emo kids everyday are scarring themselves. Somewhere along the way these teenagers realized that life isn’t worth living and took to cutting themselves. Whether this is to get attention or to end their lives depends on the cutter, but these actions clearly go beyond reason. To an emo kid, as the name states, emotions play an important part in their lifestyles and the emotions that breed out of emo music and culture are depression and teenage angst. No doubt their culture and lifestyle must promote the idea that life is just one big dark room, the lyrics say it all, but when does music stop being music and start being propaganda.

    But to be fair, emo clearly is a popular genre with a lot of attractive elements to it. Not only does this culture makes a person feel as though they are unique it also could help a person find friends where they aren’t accepted elsewhere This emo culture is such an attractive way of life, to be an individual, to be an alternative, to be not like the rest. But I have a dilemma; I even enjoy emo music, the very man who is telling you to rebel against it. And so what am I? A hypocrite who is clearly locked into a state of self-loathing? Or am I just another yuppie that has been sucked into the emo vacuum. No, I am the messenger, I am the seeker, my soul purpose is to inform you today that emo is bad, the price I have to pay for this deed, is enjoying the very thing I despise.

    So, emo is slowly taking over the world. This depressive mix of bad lyrics, bad attitudes, bad haircuts and bad fashion are upon us. This emo culture is breeding and promoting self-mutilation and harm. How can we live side by side with these teenagers caught up in their own angst and self hate. How are we as a world supposed to survive this onslaught? The only thing you can do is keep your head up, you face smiling, your teeth clean and your mind happy. So please emo pull your head out of the depressed, dark, twisted room you live in and let us show you the light.
    1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk

  • #2
    Re: Emo sucks, good for a chuckle



    • #3
      Re: Emo sucks, good for a chuckle

      blah blah blah same things that have been said a million times, elaborated upon to the point of being boring.


      • #4
        Re: Emo sucks, good for a chuckle

        that's why i said chuckle guys [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img]
        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk

