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So my employer found my guitar at work

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  • So my employer found my guitar at work

    Ok, my turn for drama. I got a little phone call on my work cell Thurs at 6:11pm.

    I work nights as a super. My normal schedule is 6pm to 6am, Sun, Mon Tues. This would be great for playing weekend gigs but I have not used to my advantage as I'm still too busy with covering shifts/working OT, etc. Sometimes I have some time to take during my break and I had a guitar stashed behind a file cabinet in a little room postal clerks use for weighing and figuring postal statements. It is about the size of a bathroom Its just off the dock area and the production floor where I work. I have carried one in my car on occassion to work out inspirations if I should get them and have time to do it. I sometimes use it when I wait in the line at the drive thru at the bank etc..
    The main reason why I took it out of my car that night was that it was getting cold here overnight. I also thought I may have time to play it on my breaks to work on the ideas but I never got the chance as I was to just to busy.

    However,when I was in high school...a guitar was pretty much attached to me. I had one in my locker at school and I used a practice room in the band area for personal use. So when everyone else was eating lunch...I was saving calories and practicing guitar. I sometimes had an hour free in the morning or time off for study, and I usually played guitar. I sometimes skipped class or gym,... you get the idea.

    Well I never got the time to play any at work save for maybe three chords. I weighed judgement on whether I should leave the guitar there on my days off and it had gone a couple days w/o notice before, so I left it there for a few days.

    Well now I have a note from my bosses boss saying he has it in his office.. safe of course. My boss and I had a few phone minutes over this. I had signed up to work OT outside of my normal work week/shift. The day this was found I called early in the AM to cancel my volunteered OT on my bosses company voicemail after working 10 hours OT the previous day. It seems they were going to confront me about this when I came in to work that evening. Turns out the boss "missed that one" on my message I left on his system (we've had previous problems over this and his lack of checking voicemail-he doesn't even have his cell voicemail setup after a little problem we had with that)

    The thing that irked me was he accused me of a bunch of footprints and mud splatters on the wall...I know it was baseless and told him as such and said I noticed it too, which I had.
    I just said, "I would hope you know me better than that."

    My boss was kind of a dick about it. The funny thing is...people grill hotdogs just off the dock during the summer on major extended breaks-(like an hour). The press operators play chess when the press is not needing attention my crime? A guitar stashed boy. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

    If I didn't know better, I'd think you and I actually worked at the same company. Printing? Direct mailing?


    • #3
      Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

      Nothing like working for asshats...

      That sucks...


      • #4
        Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

        yes..both. I run a shift in the lettershop. I've worked at a few, a couple in your part of town actually. Challenge printing, (which is now Imagine!) and presently Maxiumum Graphic. I've worked at Zipsort and Prime Net before those as well as spending a couple years at NAOG (Now NAMG who is a large client)

        I'm hoping nothing will become of this. I called and left a message for the head of production, my bosses boss...he seems a pretty reasonable guy, moreso than my direct boss.
        I just know the guy I work for is of habit in making an example of things that piss him off (within reason).
        I don't live for my job or his for that matter. I doubt I would get fired or even written up...there's nothing there except a personal item I brought in from the cold and stashed away.
        Rather not have the incedent be problematic but it'll likely leave an impression [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

          [ QUOTE ]
          ...there's nothing there except a personal item I brought in from the cold and stashed away.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          Exactly... How could any reasonable person have issue with that? I guess reasonable is the variable ehh?


          • #6
            Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

            At my job, I sometimes bring a guitar in on Fridays, because the boss cuts out early. Then I go out to our maintenence garage with one of the guitar players in the shop, and we trade playing back and forth. The boss came in once, and sat down and played for a few hours [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

            When I used to work 2nd shift, I would take a guitar and play it for a nice long lunch break [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

              Most employers think that if you have a spare moment to indulge in your personal activities at work, that you should be doing some sort of work-related activity.
              Since your boss wasn't there to see you NOT playing it, he assumes you WERE playing it, regardless of whether or not your assigned tasks for which you are paid were completed.

              If the press is running and doesn't need attention, the press operator's job is done, however the boss still sees it as time to do something work-related.
              My employer had a sign posted once that said "If you have time to lean, you have time to clean". The sign was cleaned - right out the back door [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #8
                Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                When I was doing Video Production and Duplicating in Arizona, I was in a couple bands with my boss. We both had Squire Strat's stashed in his office and I had a Rockman patched into the Audio system in the rack. We would often jam during breaks. Great therapy!


                • #9
                  Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                  Wow, I must be lucky. My manager was asking me the other day when I was going to bring a guitar into work again.
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #10
                    Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                    Matt has hit my bosses mentality on this on the head of course. The thing has been dragged out between the other shift managers, they were interrorgated or pumped for now the entire company is likely gonna know this...and I tend to be a little grievous about that.
                    It should be between HR, my boss and myself but even then would likely be a verbal. It's embarrasing 'cause I left it there and, in that respect, yeah, "I'm caught"

                    but to draw the next extended conclusion and be asked to "can ya see where were coming from?", I didn't kick back in a chair, put my feet up on the walls and play the guitar. I wanted to have time to work out some licks, but I did not.

                    Nice to know he probably went through my gig bag...hope the guy I bought it from didn't leave anything but air in it.


                    • #11
                      Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                      Yes i would be fired if i didn't have a guitar in my office. I have an off the wall hanger. everyone comes by to see what i might have on the wall.


                      • #12
                        Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                        well, we will have to see how reasonable they are. They almost shut down internet access for us as well. I'm sure that use is now being monitored rather closely.

                        I post on the JCF sometimes while there or check eBay, but I try to be careful of not doing alot of activity.

                        The production floor is usually blaring loud with boomboxes playing mexi fiesta or rap.. I have to endure that too, this little room sometimes was my sanity escape. Now they'll likely want to take it away.


                        • #13
                          Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                          I'm lucky too, the owner where I work has asked me (he's come to our shows even) why I don't bring the guitar in and play for them! I never do, as I'd never get anything done if I had it here.


                          • #14
                            Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                            It's your break time !!! Unless you have a company policy about guitar playing you did no wrong. By calling in and him f**king up he needs to deflect some attenton. The old Cliton trick, get a hummer and get caught, go bomb someone.

                            I got the same sh*t over using the company gym at lunch. My ex-boss thought that I should use that time to make up for his total incompetence. It went thuru HR and I decided not to back down, I instead showed his stupidity. He now no longer works here [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

                            This subject always pisses me off. Crap, we have smokers that take 4,5 or 6 10-15 minute smoke breaks a day.

                            I'm done now.....


                            • #15
                              Re: So my employer found my guitar at work

                              shit, i used to have a marshall in my office. i used to play for customers and they give me purchase orders. i was the boss thoguh, and it didn't matter-lol, and maybe that's why i am going out of business-lol, cuz i'm the boss.
                              I'M A FREE MAN!!!!!!!!! broke but free.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

