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Something I Need to Clear Up.

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  • Something I Need to Clear Up.

    Recently, the great members of this board bailed me out of a monetary jam concerning my Dialysis medications. Just days later, I bought an Intellifex and foot controller from this board causing some concern from some members. I understand, and I need to explain:

    The bill I needed to pay was for a "Spend Down" through Lewis County, NY. I am on a program to help with the cost of my meds. I pay a certain amount every month (sort of a co-pay), and they pay the rest.

    I didn't have the money to pay two months worth of spend-down. They would only accept cash or a check . I have credit cards out the wazoo, but no cash. I suppose I could have taken a cash advance off a card, but at 20-something percent interest rate, that's just gonna kill me in the long run. So you Guys and Gals came to my rescue, thanks to Sully, and I was able to write an admittedly rubber check that will be good when they deposit it, and get my meds re-filled.

    I bought the Intellifex with a credit card through Paypal. Again, if I could have used the card to pay my spend-down, I would have.

    That looked pretty bad, I know. and I was aware of how it looked and thought about it before I agreed to the sale, but fact is I need it. I'm about to re-join the world of the working guitarist, so it's not like I just wanted it to wank in my bedroom. I'm needing to gear up, and at a really bad time.

    Sorry for the rambling diatribe, but this has been bothering me, and I felt as if I needed to explain my actions.

    Thanks for your time! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

    Sounds logical and understandable to me Chuck. I was so broke when that came about, I was struggling to keep lights and gas on here. Had I been involved however, I think I would understand that reasoning.


    • #3
      Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

      I sure hope it makes sense. Feel free to question me on anything if that whole thing was bothering anybody.


      • #4
        Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

        "Just days later, I bought an Intellifex and foot controller from this board causing some concern from some members. I understand, and I need to explain. --- I bought the Intellifex with a credit card through Paypal. Again, if I could have used the card to pay my spend-down, I would have."

        With all due respect Chuck, you could have... I don't know the situation you're referring to, I don't read the board like I used to, not near enough time, but just from what you state above, had I been one of the guys that donated or helped you out, and would have been one had I known about it, ( you know this I think ) I'd feel like I got kicked in the teeth for donating (add $$$ amount here ) and you turn around and buy some gear...

        Just a thought is all, go ahead and fire away, I know it's coming....



        • #5
          Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

          I can see why some folks that had given up some $ for a specific use for you would feel kind of funny about your purchases with what must have seemed like their money, so your explanation was definately in order. I know that I would have questioned your use of the cash if I had been involved as well. After reading all the in's and out's of the situation, it is understandable how there would have been some eyebrow raising from the participants. I think that you explained yourself and your situation quite well and if I HAD been involved, then there would be no more wondering WTF was going on.
          I live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.


          • #6
            Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

            Chuck you're golden.. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]

            if you're ever in a jam again pleas let us know..

            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #7
              Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

              Well, I contributed to the Rich fund and felt like that was the right thing to do. Heck, I contributed thru work for Katrina funds, donated at my kids schools (money and items)... When I saw the thread for your situation, I felt like you were doing what you needed to do by selling your guitar. Heck, we all sell down when we need the coin. I want and need a lot of things but the need takes precedence and I do what I have to to make ends meet. Maybe you should consider paying those back that helped you out??? Like you stated, you had the means but didn't want to incur the extra fees. I didn't contribute so you can feel free to disregard this commentary but there you go...and lastly, I am not speaking for those that did contribute. There are people here that know you and would gladly help out in pinch...


              • #8
                Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                Well, if I recall you tried doing the right thing by selling a guitar to pay your bill. Some jackass came along and ruined your classified ad. The next thing I knew there was the thread about donations for you. If anyone wants to kick Chuck's teeth in go for the one that spoiled his ad first.


                • #9
                  Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Some jackass came along and ruined your classified ad.

                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  Without getting too deep that person you are referring to has been a respected member of this community for a long long time. Please do not go where you are.

                  I'm the one that saw where that thread was headed and to extinguish what could have been a very nasty brawl I moved the thread. My reasoning was because these 2 guys are long standing members of the JCF and I didn't want to see an argument between them ...

                  Please note the part "Between them" because thats what it was/is
                  Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                  • #10
                    Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                    I was ready and willing to help a jcfer out, I can see it from both sides.

                    I do have an idea for you though...I've done it before.

                    You want to know a way to screw your card company on those bitch ass cash advance fees? I don't know about you, but I've come across deals in my day, where it was CASH only, no cards, none of that shit, and it was right before a payday.

                    What to do...Well a lot of my cards send me these "if you shop between this and this date" Your interest will be 4.9 or whatever, instead of 8.9 or whatever.

                    I send my girlfriend a paypal payment, of the amount needed, plus 6% and 60 cents, then have her paypal me, what I need back. I can then withdrawl it, or send it to my account.

                    Sure sounds like a lot of work, but making a purchase at 5.9% and paying a paypal fee, OR cash advancing at whatever percent asshole cards charge... See what I'm saying?

                    I've come across MANY a deals where it was like, so and so is selling this, TODAY, and he wants CASH, no card, no paypal, no bullshit. If it happens before a payday, it's something I've done before.

                    Chuck, I could care less, what you buy with your credit cards, I'm just happy you were able to get your meds.


                    • #11
                      Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                      You're alive because of dialysis, right? And you needed this assistance to pay for that treatment? Who gives a shit what happened a few days LATER. If my understanding of kidney disease is correct, without dialysis there is no later...yes?
                      I would have much rather seen you put a whore on your credit card, but I was never a fan of the Intellifex.
                      Tarbaby Fraser.


                      • #12
                        Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                        Deneb, that's a good idea. I could have Paypaled my Father, and had him Paypal me, then withdrew it. I never thought of that.

                        That's why I put the guitar up, one of only two instruments I own. The Department of Social Services wouldn't take a credit or check only. That's where I ran into the wall. I don't have a PIN number for my cards (this is on purpose), so a cash advance would have been slow in action. I had about one day to get this done.

                        And yes, this also affected having Dialysis paid for, was a pretty big deal. I doubt they would have cut me off, but...Thank God I didn't need to be put into that position.

                        Thanks for your input, both pro and con. I guess from where I'm sitting, it's easier to see what went down and why I did what I had to do in both cases. Explaining it is a whole 'nother matter.

                        BTW, Yoga and I are fine. He hadn't checked his email before he saw my post. I contacted him first explaining what was happening. I don't blame him at all.


                        • #13
                          Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                          I have a friend that is on dialysis. If any of you guys here realize what a painful horrible thing it is to have to go and sit at a machine for hours many times a week and have your blood cleaned you would back off a little. I don't know all the ins an outs but I know the meds help with things kidneys can't do like for eating.

                          Anybody that has to endure this needs help and support from friends. Regardless if there was a better way to do this when in the situation chuck is you don't always think about everything, your focus is to try and stay alive-


                          • #14
                            Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                            Chuck is fine by me. I know what he is going through. My mother was on dialysis 3 times a week for a few years before she passed away last January. I hated seeing her go through all that pain.
                            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                            • #15
                              Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.


                              Doesn't look fun.

                              We want Chuck alive. Nuff said.
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

