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Something I Need to Clear Up.

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  • #16
    Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

    Needing help is one thing, but asking people for the help you can manage yourself is another. Don't get me wrong here guys, I sympathize with Chuck and the situation he's in, always have. I've known him for a few years as a lot of you have... BUT going and asking for monetary help from a forum basically filled with strangers and then going and buying some gear a couple of days later? Had I helped him out ( and would have had I seen the post ) I'd be rippin pissed. I'd feel betrayed, ripped off, taken advantage of, etc etc etc etc. I'd certainly think twice about helping the next guy out.

    Chuck's probably a lot better off "financially" than a lot of others here, and the guys that are worse off would jump in and help in a heartbeat, this I know for fact. But what does that say to the guy that can hardly pay rent or keep the lights on each month and they help a guy out that states he needs it and then the same guy turns around and buys some gear that perhaps the guy that just sent some money to him can't even afford?

    I think it was wrong, period. Yes, Chuck's been around here a long time and is very respected, but come on guys, by his own admission he could've easily handled it himself. There's a dozen ways to get a cash advance on a credit card and it takes about 15 minutes at just about any bank or many other places. Call it what you want, but it's a bogus deal.....



    • #17
      Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

      You guys are all missing the fukkin point here... OF COURSE we want Chuck around and alive and no, it's not fun or pretty what he has to go through, but this deal is this deal, read it again aye?

      We've all got our problems, some worse than others. But collecting funds to buy necessary, life threatening meds, or procedure one day and turning around and spending $$$ for gear a couple days later is Like it or not!



      • #18
        Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

        [ QUOTE ]
        Chuck's probably a lot better off "financially" than a lot of others here...

        [/ QUOTE ]

        This is the only part I feel a need to respond to.
        I'm on disability and live on $900 a month. My monthly spend-down is $325. Just FYI.


        • #19
          Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

          [ QUOTE ]
          Needing help is one thing, but asking people for the help you can manage yourself is another. Don't get me wrong here guys, I sympathize with Chuck and the situation he's in, always have. I've known him for a few years as a lot of you have... BUT going and asking for monetary help from a forum basically filled with strangers and then going and buying some gear a couple of days later? Had I helped him out ( and would have had I seen the post ) I'd be rippin pissed. I'd feel betrayed, ripped off, taken advantage of, etc etc etc etc. I'd certainly think twice about helping the next guy out.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          he didn't ask. i saw the classified ad he put up, and i decided to start the thread.
          Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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          • #20
            Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

            I read this entire thread and here is my opinion.
            The only thing I am sad about is that I missed the original thread and didn't get a chance to send Chuck some money.
            Pat, you have very valid points that would apply to some members. Not Chuck. Chuck is special.


            • #21
              Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

              Chuck knows the amount I sent, and I won't post it here (he can if he wants) and not once did I question his integrity when I saw that he bought the Intellifex. Heck, I called dibbs on it for him.

              From what I've seen, Chuck is a financially responsible guy, not one to blow all his money today without thinking about what he'll need tomorrow then beg for a handout when he "wakes up".

              If he wants to pay $$ back to the people that donated, that's his call, but I gave what I could afford to give and am not asking for it back over this "situation", even if he hits the Powerball.

              But that's just me.
              I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

              The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

              My Blog:


              • #22
                Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                If he hits the power ball, I'm his boyfriend.


                • #23
                  Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                  Guitar playing is theurapeutic. He invested in a different kind of therapy. Should everyone file papers and get approval from other members before they buy something? Grow up................


                  • #24
                    Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I read this entire thread and here is my opinion.
                    The only thing I am sad about is that I missed the original thread and didn't get a chance to send Chuck some money.
                    Pat, you have very valid points that would apply to some members. Not Chuck. Chuck is special.

                    [/ QUOTE ]
                    +1. I feel bad I didn't get to help out Chuck either. I was away pretty much the whole day when Sully started that thread, saw it later on that night, thought it was very cool. I did Paypal Chuck money a couple weeks before to help out Rich, though.
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #25
                      Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                      Yeah, I was taking a short breather from the board at that time the thread was posted. By the time I came here, Chuck was telling us he was squared away..

                      I didn't pay no mind when I saw he purchased the intellifex..He's got his priorities together and is a generous

                      I'd help in a second if he needed it.

                      That's what friends are for..If I consider you a "friend" , it's not a issue.. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]


                      BTW.. like Accept2 said..Playing your guitar is great therapy..Hell, I can certainly vouch for that!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #26
                        Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                        I personally have nothing against him at all. He didn't think of what I was saying, and he even mentioned selling his guitar for the money. Nothing wrong with him, he needed help, and good hearted people, helped him.

                        Everyone has valid points, but here's the thing, are the people angry at him? Is he getting his treatment? I personally have no animosity towards him. I was going to contribute, but I had to help out my pap, who needed some help.

                        Hope you're okay Chuck.


                        • #27
                          Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                          My only true hope is that when somebody else needs help, that someone will spot it and post up so I can do my part and help just like so many of you did. That's what it's all about to me.

                          I'm doing fine, thanks! Dialysis is a crappy way to spend 12 hours a week...but I just get on with it. It's my reality. It took a while to get "used" to it, but now I try to make the best of it. It's not like I can choose NOT to go!

                          Thanks again, everybody, for taking the time to let me know how you feel, both pro and con. It was constructive and I understand - and respect - both sides of the coin. Only I know the details of my situation and the decisions I made, and I know I didn't do anything wrong. I did what I had to do, and I'll sleep fine tonight.


                          • #28
                            Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                            Guess that's all that matters aye? As long as you can sleep with your actions... How's the bike and the snowmobile(s)? Ready for some snow up there? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Everyone else got a snowjob, why not aye? Send me your address Chuck, perhaps you can use a new Plasma, or maybe a new strathead.........

                            How the fuck can you honestly sit there and say you did nothing wrong dude?!?!?!? Are you kidding me? It's no different than some dude on disability blowing his check on bullshit and then getting in line at the welfare office for some fukkin cheese, all the while driving his Caddy or Benz to the Welfare office...... Give me a break Chuck! As I stated earlier, with the exceptions of the health probs, you've got it a lot better than a lot of people here, yet you accept these donations, only to turn around and buy some fukkin gear?

                            And all you fuckin sheds don't get it? This shit's OK with you? Have you lost your fucking minds? Or are you that blind?!?!?!?

                            I'm done here, remove my shit, clock me the fuck out! And I mean it, remove it!

                            If my membership isn't removed in 24hrs, I'll shut the mother fucker down.



                            • #29
                              Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                              Like I said, only I know the details of my situation and the decisions I made, and I know I didn't do anything wrong.

                              Yours, however, seems to be the only real dissenting opinion.

                              Well, whatever. You have the power to "shut the mother fucker down", so if you choose to do so because of me, might better ban me and keep the JCF up, Aye?


                              • #30
                                Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

                                Dude, how can you say you're ok with this?!?!? You accepted donations for a cause, which had I seen it, would have been right in line, but then turn around and buy gear???? What the Fuck? This is OK?????? I don't care how it was paid for, you have the means to pay for it, yet you accept A LOT of money in donations and buy gear?

                                And no, don't fool yourself about me being the only one, nobody else has got the balls!

                                And no, I'm not shutting it down, only if MY membership isn't removed, period.

                                Have a safe trip.... Too bad it wasn't different, I'd have hooked you up in St Louis, you fucked up man.... Should have just bought it on eBay or GC, nobody would have known....


