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Something I Need to Clear Up.

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  • #46

    I wouldnt in a million years think about buying something, on this board of all places, a mere few days after I received monies from people here, no matter whether or not I could rationalize in my mind that it's ok since I am paying by credit card, need it for a band, etc...

    Everything in my character would scream at me to not do it if for no other reason than it looks wrong, and there are plenty of reasons not to do it... I recently gave money to a friend who is going through a hard financial time as his daughter is very sick and he needs the money to travel with her. If saw him in the mall buying new sneakers and polo shirts a couple of days later, you are damn right I would be pissed. Who wouldnt?

    I gave money to Rich, but didnt come across the Chuck-a-thon thread until after he had reached his goal, so as I did not donate to you Chuck, I dont have a problem from a personal standpoint. However, I have to admit, after I saw your thread buying in the classifieds,I was fairly disappointed...

    You would be better served to simply apologize(which you did), and not make rationales for why you did it(which you also tried to do), because they just dont hold water. Hell, if you had room on your credit card, but needed cash, you could have simply paid for something one of us was buying via your credit card, and had that person send you cash.

    I dont know what Pat typed to you, and in what manner, but I hope that MY thoughts were presented in a manner that leaves no doubt that I think you were (are) in the wrong.

    Hopefully it's ok to be honest about a situation, typed in a non-tirade manner, without losing your JCF priveleges.

    Spin the black circle.

    [email protected]


    • #47

      This sucks. I personally agree with what Pat and Shawn have said. But that doesn't mean I wanna see Chuck grovel and Pat deleted and Kevin quit.

      WTF folks?
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #48
        Re: Something I Need to Clear Up.

        Chuck, I missed your thread as there has been alot going on here in my household, but I never would have doubted your intentions. You've been nothing but a stand up guy.
        Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


        • #49

          [ QUOTE ]
          WTF folks?

          [/ QUOTE ]

          There's only one person here who totally went off, and that was Pat. He asked, no, demanded to have his membership removed or he would "shut the motherfucker down". And he can.
          It too bad all of Pat's comments are gone really missed a shit-slinging display the likes of which the JCF hasn't seen in years.
          It's also too bad Kevin is fed up with this crap. he dosen't need this from anybody.

          I'll repeat my offer: If anybody who has donated to me has a problem with me, email me at [email protected]
          and I will refund your donation as soon as I can. It will be our seceret, so don't worry about social reprecussions.

          As for me, I'm all done feeling sick to my stomach and, as Tim sad, groveling. Done. Fuck This Shit. I'm outta here.


          • #50

            Can't ya just feel the love? [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img]

            Sorry to see what this thread has produced (re: Pat and Maynard)
            I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

            The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

            My Blog:


            • #51

              Well, I hope you aren't truly "out of here".

              This whole this has been somewhat comlicated, and misunderstood by people. Now there are several long term people who are top notch in my book leaving the board. And even Maynard might leave...

              This whole thing sucks... And shouldn't be playing out this way.

              I don't wanna see Chuck leave, and I don't wanna see Pat leave either. This is just all fucked.


              • #52

                Well, I love you all but I think I need to start my breakfast of a dozen budweisers and a healthbar. Specially since I blew a tire doing 75 on a curve in my wife's newly fixed Mustang yesterday. Scary moment but I saved it but hurt my back changing the tire. Yeah, I'm a wimp.
                Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                • #53

                  Naw...I'm too addicted to this place...I'm just venting. I ain't goin anywhere.
                  I really hope Kevin doesn't, either, cause if I was a part of his leaving...well, I'd much rather be banned if he would stay, if that would help. I don't think he has a problem with me OR Pat specifically, I think he has a problem with the negative drama that erupted. Can't blame him for that.

                  I guess I should have kept my mouth shut. This sure didn't fix anything.


                  • #54

                    Go, don't go - you're a grown man and can figure out what you want to do. Just spare us the "I'd much rather be banned if he would stay" stuff - that's just weak.
                    I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                    - Newc


                    • #55

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      [ QUOTE ]
                      WTF folks?

                      [/ QUOTE ]
                      I'll repeat my offer: If anybody who has donated to me has a problem with me, email me at [email protected]

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      I don't understand the whole controversy, but I feel I could have done even better Chuck, and you know, I can relate from where you're comin' and heading for!

                      If people want to donate, that's their friggin' right, and what happens with the money afterwards is the the receiver's responsability.

                      I've seen some insights in how money sometimes gets (partially) 'misspended' after large relief actions over here.. and I must say, i feel much better with helpin' out here in a smaller community.. and besides, the individual amounts will not be that high -at least that's the feeling I have with my contrib- but the total can make some difference.

                      Rock on Chuck !


                      • #56
                        To set my record straight

                        Chuck issue~

                        When I saw Chucks ad for the strat and saw the Yogadork was pissed off I got worried that 2 decent members of the board were going to end up in an all out war. I can certainly understand someone selling a piece of gear to pay for a medical procedure and having to get as much money to pay for it as possible.

                        On Yogadorks side I also understood the feeling of being taken when givng a "bro" deal and then seeing it for sale shortly after at profit. There are all different schools of thought on it being a sellers own business what he buys and sells for. When people buy low and sell high quickly it leaves a sour taste in the mouths of the members who treat others well (IE:bro deals) This is why you rarely see anyone give smoking deals on gear in this forum anymore.

                        When this went down I saw the nightmare that could ensue and contacted Sully right away. I moved the post to our holding area and asked Sully if he felt given what Chuck had done for Rich it was a nice gesture to do the same AND prevent a nuclear war from happening between 2 really good guys...

                        After it was all said and done the members of the JCF came trough in stellar fashion. The administrations back up plan if the fund had failed were to pick up Chucks fees with our ad monies, this was going to get done one way or another as far as we were concerned.

                        After Chuck picked up the intelliflex I received some pms from some members who were not happy about the purchase. I imeadiatly pointed these out to Sull and we talked about it. While I wasn't ripping mad over the purchase I can say I felta bit embarassed being called on the carpet by the membership for what we felt was doing the right thing. In fact in a stressful moment of forum software troubles I posted a nasty reply to one of Chuck's posts about the forum simply because I was stressed out over the "Intelligate" issue.

                        Once this escalated I spoke to Sully and it was decided that it would handled privately and Chuck got a pm from Sully. I have to assume this is what prompted Chuck to try and correct what could be perceived as a less than ideal situation .. .This is how we apprently got to this thread


                        Pat has been nothing short of a good friend to me and a great friend to this forum. He has always done his best through chicagowebs to take care of us. Several years ago when we first went onto CW we were not paying for an account. This made certain members feel that Pat had control over the JCF and to avoid any conflict we decided to become paying customers of C.W.

                        I fully understand where Pat was coming from out of frustration in this thread. There's always a division between whats right and wrong and in some instances it becomes blurry enough to not see where that line is. I really think that was the matter in this issue. There were no full rights or wrongs and only indivual beliefs on what side of the line should be the right one here.

                        For whatever reason it angered Pat enough to put demands on the JCF that should never be compromised in the manner they were. Whenever we have a member that demands to have their membership deleted we usually answer with, "If you don't like it here then all you have to do is just not come back there is no reason for a deleted account"

                        In the case of our internet/webspace provider I don't feel it was fair to us to put us in the position we were put in last night. I was told by pm last night to pull the plug on his account or he pulls the plug on the JCF which imo is an unnecessary use of power. I deleted his membership as requested to avoid the termination of the JCF.

                        I am sad to see Pat leave in this manner and will always cherish my friendship with him but personal feelings and business are 2 seperate entities.In this school of thought I will do what I need to do to ensure the future of this forum and its membership are not compromised.

                        KMaynard IE Kev, me~

                        Most of the people who know me personally know i've had a lot of ups and downs personally over the last 2 years starting with my first trip to NAMM in 2004. Between personal family issues, work issues and JCF issues at times things can get pretty stressful especially when they are all at once. I'm not in anyway looking for sympathy and i understand everyone has their crosses to bear. The things that have gone on in my life over the last mainly year have been rough on me and my wife. This caused me to withdraw for a period of months and not become accessible to some of my online friends.

                        After starting to feel better about life 2 months ago I started to increase my online presence again both here and Charvel Central. While it may not be noticed as much within my posting activities on the JCF my decrease in attention came more from behind the scenes activities.

                        About 2 wweks ago there was a major falling out regarding Charvel Central and the decision was made that it was times to turn the lights off. I had every intention at the time of letting the last 30 days on the server run and closing her down but the direction the board had turned too was to much for me to bear any longer.

                        Bret Dennis started that form out of a love for the Charvel brand name and has carried that torch for many years. Coming through the JCF and into Charvel Central he was a person I have always admired for his dedication and wisdom. When Bret offered me CC almost 1 year ago I was deeply honored so it suffices to say I was deeply embarrassed by allowing his hard to to collapse in the manner it had.

                        I have been running these internet circles for the better part of 10 years regarding the J/C brandname and I've made a lot of friennds over the years. Those that know me can tell you that up until 4/5 years ago I was a mostly quiet and private part of the community. This changed for me with the JCF and the friendships I've made here.

                        My point of view getting involved has been simple. I would do this until it no longer became fun. With the demise of CC it had become apparent that it was no longer fun for me and more stressful than anything. This was what made the decision for me .. These boards should be about friendship,sharing, and enjoyment ....

                        I'm not sure of the direction I will take in the days to come but I can promise you this. I will do what I need to do to ensure the longevity of this board whether I decide to leave today or in 1 year. I am deeply disturbed and saddened that after all this time this seems like the most logical path for me and or this forum ......

                        Sorry for the long winded post but I felt it needed to be said ..

                        Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                        • #57
                          Re: To set my record straight


                          Thanks for that bit of insight . Step back for a while and make a decision when your head is clear . No knee-jerk reactions.
                          I am in a similar position with my business . Staff problems over the last 2 years have gradually worn me down .I don't enjoy it any more and am going do step back and make a decision on whether to sell or not . It may take a few months to make up my mind .

                          Oh stick this in your fuse box ..... Bon Scott


                          • #58
                            Re: To set my record straight

                            I guess the thing to try to remember through all of this, is that it's just guitars, and it's supposed to be fun. I appreciate other factors come into 'forum life', and we love and cherish our bits of wood and metal, but that is all they are, and it's not worth getting into a position where one gets too upset about things.

                            If you cease to gain enjoyment from an activity, and if in fact it starts to bring you down, it's time to step away and reassess - good luck Kev.....
                            Popular is not the same as good
                            Rare is not the same as valuable
                            Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


                            • #59
                              Re: To set my record straight

                              Oh well I started a nice piece and couldn't enter it..I'm not typing that again.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                              I thought Pat's decision was bit hasty..too bad he's gone. I don't know why he took this so personal to be honest. He should have just stated his piece and moved on...not moved out..I attempted to reason with him to stay but he was far too irate.

                              Kev , I know you're burnt from all the bickering that goes on. I respect you , I was wrong about you before in the past. After we spoke I think you're a stand up guy...I'm not in your shoes...your descison to leave may not be as hasty as it may appear..but I hope that is not the case..

                              You guys are my friends Tim, John, Newc, Jack , even Chuck and I banged heads over silly matters in the past but made ammends since..

                              Whether you agree or disagree with Chuck . I do give him kudos to bring this to our attention and wanting to make good with those who may feel this way..instead of taking the easy way out and just avoid it.

                              If we bailed as soon as we are at odds with one another..there wouldn't be anyone here.. [img]/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]

                              I say , Let this Go..before emotions flare up unnecessarily

                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • #60
                                Re: To set my record straight

                                Chuck offered to make it right (in his mind) In mine, I don't see the problem, the people helped someone, not lose a piece of gear.

                                As for someone selling something for more than they paid for it, after a deal, I don't know what to say. It's a capitolist nation, you can sell whatever you want, for whatever you want.

                                Pat may have been a friend to you guys, but I have to say this, if he threatened to can the board, I would make sure he NEVER comes back.

                                I'm on limited access, for venting, and not threatening anything. He said he'd pull the plug, and from what I've read by you guys, he has the ability to do so.

                                Can good people do bad? Yes, maybe it can be forgiven, but what Kevin said holds true business is business, and casual is casual (in other words).

                                Maybe a vacation from the board is in order. If someone feels it's no longer fun, leave and come back later. I know it worked for me just recently. I was so pissed off awhile back, and everything in my life was adding up, the last thing I needed was any head ache from anywhere. I took some vacation from work, and just did things, away from my computer, and went out of town.

                                It felt great, I came back, with a new appreication of things. I still have a lot going on in my life (with my pap) but I feel better than I did before.

                                Sorry to rant, but the point I'm trying to convey is this, Kevin, if you're burnt out, take a vacation from it. Don't quit the board.

